Listing 2 Creates the auxiliary structure for remote comparison
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # make_shadow_table # (C) Giuseppe Maxia 2003 # # Creates a shadow table with a CRC signature and # the corresponding primary key. # use strict; use DBI; my $skip_timestamp = 1; my ($host, $db, $table) = @ARGV ; $table or die "syntax: make_signatures host database table\n"; my @signature_queries = ( ['drop signatures', qq{ DROP TABLE IF exists shadow_table }], ['create signatures', qq{ CREATE TABLE shadow_table ( signature CHAR(32) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, span BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, PK !PK_TYPE! NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY PK(PK), KEY span (span) )}], ['insert signatures', qq{ INSERT INTO shadow_table (signature, PK, span) SELECT MD5(CONCAT_WS('/#/',!COLUMN_NAMES!)), !PK_NAME!, !PK_NAME! / 512 FROM !TABLE_NAME! }] ); sub make_signatures { my $dbh = shift; my $table = shift; my $key_pos = 3; my $description = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(qq{describe $table}); my ($version) = @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref(qq{select version()})}; if ($version =~ /4\.1/) { $key_pos = 4; } my @pkeys = grep {$_->[$key_pos] eq "PRI"} @$description; die "can't make signatures. Table $table has no primary key.\n" unless scalar @pkeys ; my ($primary, $pk_type) =(); if (scalar @pkeys > 1) { # composite PK $primary = join "," , map {"`$_->[0]`"} @pkeys; $primary = "MD5(CONCAT_WS('/#/'," . $primary . "))"; $pk_type = "CHAR(40)"; } else { ($primary, $pk_type) = map {'`' . $_->[0] . '`', $_->[1]} @pkeys; } my $columns =''; for (@$description) { next if $skip_timestamp && ($_->[1] =~ /timestamp/i); my $column = "`$_->[0]`"; $columns .= ',' if $columns; if (($_->[2] eq 'YES') && ((not $_->[$key_pos]) || (($_->[$key_pos]) && \<BR> ($_->[$key_pos]) ne 'PRI'))) { $column = "COALESCE($column, '#NULL#')" } $columns .= $column; } for (@signature_queries) { my $query = $_->[1]; $query =~ s/!PK_TYPE!/$pk_type/; $query =~ s/!PK_NAME!/$primary/g; $query =~ s/!TABLE_NAME!/$table/; $query =~ s/!COLUMN_NAMES!/$columns/; print "#$_->[0] $query\n"; $dbh->do ($query); } } my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db;host=$host", "myuser","secret",{RaiseError=>1}); make_signatures ( $dbh, $table);