Listing 1 Tells if two tables in two remote databases are different
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # compare_table_CRC # (C) Giuseppe Maxia 2003 # # Compares two tables in two remote databases # and checks for any difference, by comparing a global CRC # of all the records. # Does not return individual different records. Use the # find_differences script for such purposes use strict; use DBI; # This script is for educational purposes only. # Parameters are embedded in the script itself. # For production, it woyld be better to use either # a config file or any Getopt::XX modules my $host1 = "localhost"; my $host2 = ""; my $db1 = "xcompany"; my $db2 = "xcompany"; my $tablename = "employees"; my ($user1, $password1) = ('myuser', 'secret'); my ($user2, $password2) = ('myuser', 'secret'); my $dbh1 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db1;" . "host=$host1;port=3306", $user1, $password1, {RaiseError => 1, PrintError =>0}) or die "can't connect : $DBI::errstr"; my $dbh2 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db2;" . "host=$host2;port=3306", $user2, $password2, {RaiseError => 1, PrintError =>0}) or die "can't connect : $DBI::errstr"; unless (grep {$_ eq $tablename} $dbh1->tables()) { die "$tablename not found in $db1\n" } unless (grep {$_ eq $tablename} $dbh2->tables()) { die "$tablename not found in $db2\n" } my $fields = get_fields($dbh1, $tablename); my $check_table = qq{ SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt, CONCAT(SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(\@CRC:=MD5(CONCAT_WS('/##/',$fields)),1,8),16,10)), SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(\@CRC, 9,8),16,10)), SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(\@CRC,17,8),16,10)), SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(\@CRC,25,8),16,10)) ) AS sig FROM $tablename }; print $check_table,$/; my $probe1 = $dbh1->selectall_arrayref($check_table); my $probe2 = $dbh2->selectall_arrayref($check_table); print "$db1\t $probe1->[0]->[0]\t $probe1->[0]->[1]\n"; print "$db2\t $probe2->[0]->[0]\t $probe2->[0]->[1]\n"; my $result = (($probe2->[0][0] ne $probe1->[0][0]) or ($probe2->[0][1] ne $probe1->[0][1])) ? "DIFFERENCE FOUND" : "NO DIFFERENCE" ; print "$result\n"; # returns the list of fields, ready to insert into the CRC query sub get_fields { my ($dbh, $tablename) = @_; my $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{describe $tablename}); $sth->execute(); my @fields=(); while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) { # discards TIMESTAMP fields from the comparison next if lc $row->{Type} eq 'timestamp'; my $field ="`$row->{Field}`"; # if the field is nullable, # then a COALESCE function is used # to prevent the whole CONCAT from becoming NULL if (lc $row->{Null} eq 'yes') { $field = qq[coalesce($field,"#NULL#")]; } push @fields, $field; } return join ",", @fields; }