Listing 3 Implementation of the range search algorithm
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # find_differences # (C) Giuseppe Maxia 2003 # # Compare two tables in two remote databases, looking for different records. # Requires a "shadow table", created by make_shadow_table # use strict; use DBI; # This script is for educational purposes only. # Parameters are embedded in the script itself. # For production, it woyld be better to use either # a config file or any Getopt::XX modules my $db1 = "xcompany"; my $db2 = "xcompany"; my $host1 = "localhost"; my $host2 =""; my ( $user1, $password1 ) = ( 'myuser', 'secret' ); my ( $user2, $password2 ) = ( 'myuser', 'secret' ); my $dbh1 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db1;host=$host1", $user1, $password1, {RaiseError => 1, PrintError =>0}) or die "can't connect to $host1 : $DBI::errstr"; my $dbh2 = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db2;host=$host2", $user2, $password2, {RaiseError => 1, PrintError =>0}) or die "can't connect to $host2 : $DBI::errstr"; $dbh1->do(qq{set SQL_LOG_OFF=1 }); # prevents writing on the general log file $dbh2->do(qq{set SQL_LOG_OFF=1 }); # which can become quite big if you <BR> # have many records my @probes =(); my $initialprobe = qq{ SELECT span, COUNT(*) AS cnt, CONCAT(SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(signature,1,8),16,10)), SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(signature,9,8),16,10)), SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(signature,17,8),16,10)), SUM(CONV(SUBSTRING(signature,25,8),16,10))) AS sig FROM shadow_table GROUP BY span }; my $probe1 = $dbh1->selectall_arrayref($initialprobe); my $probe2 = $dbh2->selectall_arrayref($initialprobe); my @totest = (); my $maxdiff = 0; for (0.. @{$probe1} -1) { if ($probe1->[$_]->[2] ne $probe2->[$_]->[2]) { push @totest, $probe1->[$_]->[0]; $maxdiff += $probe1->[$_]->[1]; } } my $get_probe_sig = qq{SELECT signature from shadow_table where span = ?}; my $sth1 = $dbh1->prepare($get_probe_sig); for (@totest) { $sth1->execute($_); my $columns = $sth1->fetchall_arrayref(); my $query = qq{SELECT PK FROM shadow_table WHERE span = $_ AND signature NOT IN (} . (join(",", map {"'$_->[0]'"} @$columns )) . ")"; my $sth2 = $dbh2->prepare($query); $sth2->execute(); while (my $different = $sth2->fetchrow_arrayref()) { print "$different->[0]\t"; } } print "\n";