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Special Guide to SOA Tools: Beyond the Buzz

Service Oriented Architecture is filled with an alphabet soup of concepts such as Business Process Monitoring (BPM), Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) and the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), combined with other acronyms from the underlying amalgam of Web service technologies. While skeptics argue that this complexity results in a disproportionate amount of money spent with little return, vendors obviously have a different point of view. Some see SOA as the solution that CORBA was supposed to become, while others view it as a natural trajectory of the continued abstraction and evolution of business logic from brittle code to flexible components that can be managed by business analysts. The most progressive advocates foresee additional improvements when SOA is coupled with Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Between the skeptics and the optimists lies reality: SOA is still a relatively new approach to the old problem of effective business automation.

The Moving Parts
Although Web services are all about simplicity, the complexity that has sprouted with their use has made their management far from simple. Monitoring, reporting, provisioning, security, activation, deactivation, reliability and scalability are just a handful of the demands expected from the technology, resulting in the classification of the SOA stack.

WebMethods, for example, defines six areas that its Fabric solution fulfills: Moving up the stack from basic Web services to the user interface, it encompasses services, registry, services management, orchestration, analytics and presentation services. Other end-to-end solution vendors articulate similar associations. Because an SOA stack has so many parts, nearly every vendor featured in this guide emphasizes its product's ease of use. Even with this intent, installing and configuring a product's instrumentation takes an enormous amount of planning and brainpower. While most of the featured products effectively mask the underlying complexity of the services they manage, SOA software companies still have an uphill climb to improve both their products' interfaces and the automatic configuration of discovered Web services within a business process.

A successfully implemented SOA is all about the effective real-time consumption and management of deployed services. These services can be manifested by textbook-designed Web services, wrappers for mainframe screen-scrapes, such as those from NetManage, transacted as Message-Oriented Middleware (MOM) and other autonomic business processes that can be encapsulated inside standards-based XML messages.

To achieve this goal, the categories of components that comprise SOA must interoperate perfectly to activate, inspect and deliver on each component's respective function at an acceptable Service Level Agreement (SLA) level. According to Ian Goldsmith, SOA Software's vice president of product marketing, standards-based, loosely coupled service interoperability is why SOA will be more successful than past distributed computing attempts. And without metrics, it's nearly impossible to accurately assess SLA objectives or conduct any type of continuous improvement efforts. One hurdle facing ubiquitous interoperability is the fact that standards are evolving at different speeds. For example, some third-party Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry providers don't yet fully support the 3.0 specification. Most vendors advocate using their suites to mitigate the risks associated with the mixing of version-challenged providers—a valid assertion, given the rapid pace of standards evolution.

The SOA Core
While without a registry, services certainly can't be discovered, and without Web services, there would be no SOA, the fact remains that the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is the most characteristic element that delineates SOA from a bunch of cobbled-together services. Thinking about a bus in either hardware or software terms evokes images of bits and bytes streaming from departure to destination. David Chappell, chief technology evangelist for Sonic Software, defined ESB in his book Enterprise Service Bus (O'Reilly, 2004) as a "standards-based integration platform that combines messaging, Web services, data transformation and intelligent routing to reliably connect and coordinate the interaction of significant numbers of diverse applications across extended enterprises with transactional integrity." An ESB provider can enhance the base ESB configuration with a number of service enhancements, including security, failover, load balancing and real-time monitoring. Processes that flow through the bus can be orchestrated via Java standards-based BPEL or proprietary constructs that control the execution and trigger the activation of additional services based on predetermined conditions. Clearly, the company and/or technology that can best use and efficiently manage the bus will dominate the market.

Platform, Language Agnostic
Even though SOA is based on Web services that can be written in language-agnostic components, the majority of its products are Java based. This isn't surprising, considering the origin of Web services and the evolution of Java Messaging Service (JMS) as the precursor for the event-driven architecture.

While SOA should be able to consume any well-formed Web service, the majority of enterprise Web services are Java or .NET based. Nearly every vendor featured in this guide either natively resides in or is in the process of fully integrating into the Eclipse IDE. In addition to commercial software tools featuring Eclipse integration, an open Eclipse SOA tools project is building momentum, and several commercial vendors are contributing assets to this project, as well.

With all the attention on the Java centricity of current SOA UIs, only a few companies support an equal degree of native interoperability within Microsoft's .NET-centric Visual Studio IDE. For example, only one of the featured vendors, Portrait Software's Foundation, offers a native SOA add-in for Visual Studio .NET developers.

Open Source Alternatives
Due to SOA's relatively recent emergence and the enterprise-level code investment required to construct such solutions, open source alternatives have been slowly evolving. However, one promising effort is the Apache Synapse project—a coordinated effort by such SOA-centric companies as Blue Titan, Infravio, IONA, Sonic Software and WSO2 to create an open source service broker based on the Apache AXIS2 foundation. The project has not only jump-started open source SOA efforts, it's established a reference platform on which vendors can test and validate interoperability. Infravio has even donated its X-Broker code to the Synapse effort. By creating a reference implementation, these vendors wish to not only promote a platform to test true interoperability between products, but to prime the market with a functioning platform, much as Tomcat energized the commercial Java-based application server market.

Another open source alternative is the J2EE-based ServiceMix, from a distributed team of developers known as Codehaus. Advertised as an open source ESB solution based on the Java Business Integration standard, ServiceMix is available for download under the Apache 2.0 license at http://servicemix.codehaus.org. It'll be interesting to see if ServiceMix becomes the JBoss of the SOA open source market.

There's some speculation that registries in particular will be commoditized over time, the way other standards-based infrastructure services—such as DNS, LDAP and SMTP open source servers—have proliferated in business environments. As such, vendors will continue to improve upon the foundation laid by the standards efforts, just as existing commercial directory and mail service vendors bring their enhanced products to market.

Evaluation Criteria
The biggest challenge in compiling this guide was the rapid introduction of new or upgraded commercial solutions. The selected products represent the state of the art in 2005, but, as with any rapidly moving market, the list will look different even six months from now. In an effort to keep the guide from engulfing half of this issue, I've highlighted vendors who provide primarily comprehensive SOA suites rather than slivers of a total solution.

Features and Claims outlines a product's key features and spotlights the claims that set it apart from its competitors. Some featured companies provided further information by participating in podcasts that can be downloaded from www.sdmagazine.com. Podcast enthusiasts may also be surprised to learn that noted integration specialist and author David Linthicum has been broadcasting the SOA Expert Podcast, available at www.soaexpertpodcast.com. IBM has even joined the podcasting arena, featuring SOA sermons available for download from its developerWorks website.

Market Buzz is based on demonstrations and discussions with the provider, opinions of the editors and in some cases, peer review and/or real-world experience of the product in action. This category subjectively measures the product's "cool factor."

Cost is based on licensing interpretations and required enterprise capacity. In this guide, pricing is relative to the featured product due to packaging and the number of components or separate services the product contains. It's also dependent on the deployment size and varies by company on several factors (number of CPUs, developer versus production licenses, anticipated transaction volume, among others).

Selected SOA Tools
The Product Features and Claims The Buzz The Cost
BEA AquaLogic BEA's AquaLogic platform provides a service infrastructure consisting

of the AquaLogic Service Bus; Data Services Platform (formerly BEA Liquid Data), which offers a unified view of heterogeneous enterprise data; Enterprise Security with WS-Security support; and the UDDI version 3.0--compliant Service Registry.

BEA has aggressively adopted emerging standards, establishing a sound foundation for Web service delivery with its WebLogic application family. Combining WebLogic with AquaLogic extends the natural progression of BEA's enterprise messaging expertise. Components such as the Service Bus start at $20,000/CPU.
Cape Clear 6 Cape Clear's ESB orchestrates Web services via standards-based WS extensions, including WS-Routing, WS-Reliable Messaging and WS-Security. Graphical structure builder, mapper and a Jakarta Bean Scripting Framework (BSF)--aware script editor provide easy construction of process flows. Focusing exclusively on the ESB component of SOA, Cape Clear has used a standards-based approach to provide as much interoperability with other vendor components as possible. Its BPEL for Web Services 1.1 implementation assists complex routing, data and third-party adapters to further promote this design principle. $2,500 for developers and $10,000 for CPUs
Flashline for SOA Flashline for SOA provides full SOA lifecycle support including Web service design, single-step Web service activation, FlashTrax usage, version control and retirement. Add-ins to the Flashline Registry called FlashPacks extend the product to target Java and .NET development, enterprise architecture governance and provide support for open source applications, including JBoss and MySQL. Flashline for SOA evolved from the company's Flashline 5 product. While the product's name change and updated capabilities do represent Flashline's commitment to SOA lifecycle support, it is also partially a response to the company's competitors, who have also included SOA in their products' monikers. Starts at $50,000
IBM WebSphere SOA Server Foundation Evolving from the WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation product, the WebSphere SOA Foundation consists of the WebSphere Business Modeler for modeling business process flows, the Eclipse-based Integration Developer build and deployment tool, the Enterprise Service Bus and the Process Server for process integration, and the Business Monitor for performance metric capture and analysis. Announced days before press time, IBM has jumped headfirst into the SOA space with a bold, wide-angle vision. Those companies already wed to the WebSphere platform now have a clear product strategy from IBM for further support and expansion. The original Business Integration Server Foundation product starts at $49,000.
Infravio X-Registry Platform The Infravio X-Registry Platform is available in 3 different editions (Catalog, IT Governance and Partner) and integrates the company's UDDI 3.0-compliant Registry, Repository and Governance (design, change and runtime) products into a single, cohesive solution. Features include a JSR94 Rules Engine, JAXR API support, EBRS replication/synchronization and WS-Security support. One of the more aggressive SOA-centric companies, Infravio has contributed code to open source SOA initiatives and is actively participating in several OMG SOA initiatives. Its recent move to broaden its focused Ensemble product into the more comprehensive X-Registry suite will propel the company forward as a leading SOA vendor. Starts at $10,000; up to $150,000
NetManage OnWeb OnWeb provides a broad set of connectors and terminal emulation components that can encapsulate 5250, 3270 and VT-type mainframe output, wrap these into persistent host-connected function calls, and map the host transactions to J2EE- and .NET-coded Web services. NetManage's solution provides customers with an easy way to have workhorse legacy systems literally get on the bus with its easy-to-use development and deployment tools, allowing mainframes and midrange system transactions to interact as seamlessly as any other freshly minted Web service placed into a company's managed environment. The Developer Kit costs $2,500; the Starter Kit is priced at $15,000.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager Part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware family, BPEL Process Manager is one of various components that can plug into a service-architected environment for B2B Hub and Gateway workflows that can live within Oracle's 10g database and application server or outside of it, integrating with competitors' application servers, including BEA WebLogic and IBM WebSphere. At press time, Oracle had not yet publicly announced a major SOA strategy comparable to those of IBM and other large enterprise vendors. If it hasn't happened already, it's only a matter of time before Oracle consolidates and re-brands its individual SOA-capable solutions, such as BPEL Process Manager, to respond competitively. Processor Perpetual is $40,000; Named User Plus Perpetual is $800.
Portrait Foundation Built on the Microsoft .NET Framework, Portrait Foundation includes Configuration Suite development platform for business process design, testing and deployment, and the Process Engine runtime tools and prebuilt process templates to further auto- mate the workflow management process. Portrait is one of the only vendors in this guide specifically dedicated to the .NET platform; however, Microsoft shops know that such ISVs are easily displaced when Microsoft sets its sights on a critical market. Starts at £3,000 ($5,287 U.S.) per developer
Skyway SOA Platform 100% J2EE-compliant, the Skyway SOA Platform consists of Builder for developing business logic assets by merging existing components or constructing new ones; Governance for asset cataloging; Director for managing service deployments; and Designer for business process mapping and enablement. Although Skyway was just founded in 2001, it nevertheless employs the coauthors of the UDDI and SOAP specifications, and uses a unique virtual desktop metaphor to coordinate its tools in an intuitive application workspace environment. $500 monthly subscription for Starter Pack
SOA Software Service Manager SOA's Service Manager consists of a UDDI 3.0--compliant Registry Manager for service endpoint identification; Console for centralized SLA auditing and transaction control with events, warnings and alert notification capabilities; Management Point for policy enforcement; and Gateway for advanced security and authentication management capabilities. Service Manager is one of the more cost-effective SOA solutions available. Improvements in service virtualization and discovery continue to provide powerful SOA features via an intuitive, easy-to-use dashboard interface. Starts at $5,000/CPU
Sonic Software SOA Suite Sonic's SOA Suite features the Orchestration Server for service management and routing, XML Server for XML message processing, and the Database Server for XML translation and mapping of SQL calls to supported relational databases. These servers plug into the Sonic ESB for a fully integrated, unified SOA framework. Sonic was one of the first companies to realize the ESB's power, and its efforts have shaped the market. SonicMQ's current customers are aware of the company's leading development efforts and rapid adoption of industry standards into its products. Starts at $35,000/CPU
Systinet Blizzard Platform Blizzard consists of a UDDI 3.0--compliant Registry with full database; Active Directory and LDAP support; the Systinet Policy Manager for policy creation, reporting and validation, and compliance via the Governance Interoperability Framework; and the Systinet Server for deployment and secure operation of Web services built using Systinet Developer, a free development tool that extends the Eclipse IDE to support Web services creation. With an impressive list of customers such as Amazon.com, T-Mobile and Visa, Systinet's management team is a powerhouse of talent. (Roman Stanek-founder and former CEO of NetBeans-is the company's founder and chief software architect.) Blizzard's future looks bright as it continues to evolve with improvements in contract, lifecycle and impact management. Starts at $70,000
TIBCO BusinessWorks BusinessWorks provides ESB services such as authentication-enabled Web services, XML, SOAP and UDDI. It quickly enables process models and graphical XSLT-based transformation maps. Offers real-time monitoring of distributed systems and business processes via a Web-based console interface. BusinessWorks Designer offers an intuitive, polished interface for easy construction of BPEL-compliant business flows, and is ideal for companies already using TIBCO's Information Bus Architecture. $10,000 for the developer edition
webMethods Fabric 6.5 Enterprise Service Bus support for Event Driven Architecture (EDA), My webMethods portal for service monitoring and Smart Services deployment for diagnostic and predictive business metrics measurement. WebMethods made its name during the dot-com boom with its integration products and again with the emergence of Web services. Fabric is the culmination of that experience. The interface is more complex and granular than other SOA solutions, providing greater detail, flexibility and control with the services it's assigned to manage. $57,500 to $115,000, depending on the component

Mike Riley ([email protected]) is a Naperville, Illinois-based computing professional specializing in emerging technologies and new development trends.

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