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Results for: "Pentium Optimizations"
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Distcc & Distributed Computing
Daniel shows how distcc and its distributed compilation capabilities can significantly reduce compilation times, while Trevor Marshall tells why Gentoo Linux is a programmer's Linux.
The New New Thing
First PC apps. Then client/server. Then the Web. Now it's wireless and voice. The "New Thing" gets tacked on each time, but it's rarely integrated. So developers construct a new application from the data out to the presentation layer. Covigo wants to change that: They'd like to sell you on a single server architecture that can adapt to multiple output channels (the Web, wireless and voice) and different levels of "real-time": right now, off-line or alerts.
DTACK Revisited
From Hal's point of view, nothing much has happened in desktop-computing architectures since 1982. With that in mind, Hal compares the PowerPC 601 to Intel's upcoming P6.
Optimizing for the PowerPC
Michael looks at some of the differences between the PowerPC and Pentium architectures and shares his techniques to optimize code for the PowerPC. - Parallel
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Pentium Optimizations and Numeric Performance
The Pentium is the first member of the Intel x86 family that requires RISC-style instruction scheduling to achieve its full potential. Steve analyzes what this means in terms of Pentium floating-point performance and how you can get full throughput from a Pentium. - Parallel
Optimizing Matrix Math on the Pentium
The Pentium processor is more than just a fast 486. Its pipeline and floating-point and integer operations require that you pay more attention to the flow of data on and off the FPU. Harlan presents and measures methods for speeding up Pentium matrix-math operations. - Parallel