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How to enter search terms

  • Enter search terms separated by space. Ex. FCoE Ethernet 10Gb Group terms with quotes. Ex. "data center" or "virtual Lan"

  • Search headlines only use 'headline:' Ex. Headline: VLAN or headline: "virtual Lan"

  • To search the text only, use 'text:' Ex. text: VLAN or text: "virtual Lan"

  • To require a search term, use a + sign. Ex. +VLAN or +"virtual Lan"

  • To negate a search term, use a - sign. Ex. -VLAN or -"virtual lan"

Combining Terms

Search terms are combined with AND and OR. AND and OR must be all caps. You can also group terms using parentheses () for complex searches.


  • headline:"Records Management" AND text:"Records Management" => Search for 'Records Management' in both the title and text fields. The results will be displayed if the Phrase we are searching exists in both the fields.

  • headline:"Records Management" OR text:"Records Management" => Search for 'Records Management' in both the title and text fields. The results will be displayed if the Phrase we are searching exists in either of the fields.

Coming Soon: Dobbs Code Search! Stay tuned.