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Results for: "David Dossot"

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The Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD Order the NEW Discounted Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD 6
Purchase the fully searchable DVD for $59.95 - a 60% discount! Features 21 years of Dr. Dobb's Journal, 15 years of Sys Admin magazine, 14+ years of C/C++ Users Journal, 1 year worth of Dr. Dobb's Digest, podcasts, videos and more! Order Now.

Jolt Awards 2014: The Best Utilities

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
August 05, 2014

The best programming utilities of the year - Tools

Jolt Awards 2013: The Best Programmer Libraries

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
March 26, 2013

The best programmer libraries of the past year - Jolt Awards

Jolt Awards: Coding Tools

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
February 06, 2013

The best IDEs and coding tools of the past year - Jolt Awards

Jolt Awards: The Best Books

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
September 18, 2012

Six notable books that every serious programmer should read. - Jolt Awards

2012 Jolt Award Winners for Third-Party Libraries

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
February 21, 2012

2012 Jolt Award Winners for Third-Party Libraries - Jolt Awards

Jolt Awards: Coding Tools

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Binstock
January 09, 2012

Going to the very heart of the developer's toolbox, we select four outstanding tools. - Jolt Awards

Jolt Awards for Design, Architecture, and Planning Tools

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
October 26, 2011

Modeling tools, design products, and requirements management software receive their due, with this year's winners showing products of wide range and imagination - Jolt Awards

Jolt Awards: The Best Books

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Binstock
August 16, 2011

The six best books every developer should read - Jolt Awards

Jolt Awards: And the Round 2 Winners Are...

Dr. Dobb's JournalJonathan Erickson
September 01, 2010

Round 2 of the Jolt Product Excellence Awards in the App Libraries and Frameworks category is complete and the winners are.... wait a minute, we need a drum roll, please. There, that's a little better.

- Jolt Awards

Jolt Productivity Awards: App Libraries and Frameworks #2

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
September 01, 2010

JUCE -- Jules' Utility Class Extensions - Jolt Awards

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