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The Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD Order the NEW Discounted Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD 6
Purchase the fully searchable DVD for $59.95 - a 60% discount! Features 21 years of Dr. Dobb's Journal, 15 years of Sys Admin magazine, 14+ years of C/C++ Users Journal, 1 year worth of Dr. Dobb's Digest, podcasts, videos and more! Order Now.

Radios, Cell Phones, & Java  

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
June 01, 2006

Among other tricks, Java's Advanced Multimedia API lets you turn a mobile device (such as your cell phone) into an AM/FM radio. - Embedded Systems

Perl Testing

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 29, 2006

Testing is the cornerstone of robust software development, and Perl supports a flexible and powerful testing capability - Design

Podcasting: The Early Days

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 25, 2006

And you thought podcasting was something new?

Where The Jobs - And The Big Bucks - Are In IT

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 25, 2006

Want to know where the big job opportunities are, and the industries hiring tech professionals? Find out all that, plus how to best negotiate that bigger salary.

Windows Vista Beta 2: Great Search, Improved Security, Hardware Snags

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 25, 2006

Preston Gralla takes a close look at the new features in Beta 2. Mostly the news is good. - .NET

Palm Releases Updated Palm OS Treo 700p

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 15, 2006

Palm claims that, despite its aging operating system, the Treo 700p and its 3G capabilities will be attractive to both enterprises and individual users. - Mobile

Smalltalk: Requiem or Resurgence?

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 11, 2006

The grandaddy of the object-oriented world, Smalltalk has fascinated developers since it appeared on the programming scene. Is Smalltalk now in resurgence? - Parallel

Saving Settings in .NET 2.0 Applications

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 02, 2006

Many apps require the ability of saving application configuration settings and user-preference data. .NET 2.0 provides some much needed upgrades for settings saving - .NET

Putting Portable Storage in Perspective

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 11, 2006

In the portable data storage race, hard-disk drives and flash memory are currently running neck-and-neck. Look into the future with the mobile storage hierarchy and see where the storage devices will finish. - Mobile

I, Testbot  

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 11, 2006

Testbots let you move the effort of building and testing from your shoulders to that of software robots. - Tools

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