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Results for: Andrew Koenig

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The Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD Order the NEW Discounted Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD 6
Purchase the fully searchable DVD for $59.95 - a 60% discount! Features 21 years of Dr. Dobb's Journal, 15 years of Sys Admin magazine, 14+ years of C/C++ Users Journal, 1 year worth of Dr. Dobb's Digest, podcasts, videos and more! Order Now.

Stepping Up To C++

Dr. Dobb's Journal
November 01, 1993

Code Capsules

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
September 01, 1993

C Programming  

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
January 01, 1990

Al continues with his text data base indexing and retrieval project, this month adding the expression interpreter. He then reflects upon OOPSLA '89, how teachers teach C, and recommends a recent book for C programmers. - C/C++

From C to C++: Interviews With Dennis Ritchie and Bjarne Stroustrup

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
January 01, 1989

In these exclusive interviews, Al Stevens talks with language pioneers Dennis Ritchie and Bjarne Stroupstrup about where C and C++ came from and more importantly, where they might be going. - C/C++

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