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Results for: Andrew Koenig

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The Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD Order the NEW Discounted Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD 6
Purchase the fully searchable DVD for $59.95 - a 60% discount! Features 21 years of Dr. Dobb's Journal, 15 years of Sys Admin magazine, 14+ years of C/C++ Users Journal, 1 year worth of Dr. Dobb's Digest, podcasts, videos and more! Order Now.

C/C++ in Embedded Chronographs

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 01, 2004

William examines the use of C/C++ for real-time event timing, then presents a generic system that supports Standard C/C++ on Windows and Palm platforms.

A Close Look at a Simple Problem

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
February 01, 2004

Sometimes even the smallest programs can be the biggest problem. That's why it is best to write your programs in such a way that it is difficult for them to fail.

Notes from the Construction Zone

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
December 01, 2003

Like software systems, houses involve design, components, tools—and, of course, bugs. Which makes you wonder about what software developers can learn from home builders.

Two Kinds of Performance

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
October 01, 2003

Despite all the wondrous hardware, algorithms still matter.

Four First Steps to Modern C++ Programming

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
August 01, 2003

The title says it all. Get on board, if you haven't done so already.

We Have Mail

Dr. Dobb's Journal
June 01, 2003

Simple Loops, Generalized

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
June 01, 2003

Compelling motivation for a universal loop-coding style.

Underdocumented C++  

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 01, 2003

Al goes further with C++'s typename keyword—yet another underdocumented C++ feature. - Web Development

C++ Made Easier: Handles and Exception Safety, Part 5: Review

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 01, 2003

Succint guidelines for exception-safe design.

Handles and Exception Safety, Part 4 -- Tracking References without Counters

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
February 01, 2003

Intelligent design gives you a Better Handle -- efficient, non-intrusive, and exception-safe.

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