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The Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD Order the NEW Discounted Dr. Dobb's Developer Library DVD 6
Purchase the fully searchable DVD for $59.95 - a 60% discount! Features 21 years of Dr. Dobb's Journal, 15 years of Sys Admin magazine, 14+ years of C/C++ Users Journal, 1 year worth of Dr. Dobb's Digest, podcasts, videos and more! Order Now.

Dr. Dobb's and CodeGear Talk

Dr. Dobb's JournalJonathan Erickson
May 14, 2008

Dr. Dobb's talks with Michael Swindell, CodeGear's VP of Products and Strategy, and Nick Hodges, Delphi and Delphi for PHP Product Manager, about Embarcadero Technology's recent acquisition of CodeGear, what that means for future CodeGear product releases, and the release of Delphi for PHP 2.0. [audio]

- Design

Socket Support in Silverlight 2: Part II

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 12, 2008

Pushing data from a server to a Silverlight 2 client - .NET

Foundations of Mediocrity: The Schedule

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
May 10, 2008

- Design

Are you using an RSS reader? If not, start. Now.

Dr. Dobb's JournalMark Nelson
May 07, 2008

Just the fact that you're reading articles on Dobbs Code Talk puts you in the elite of your profession. It's pretty well accepted [citation needed] that most programmers don't read programming books, visit programming web sites, or participate in online forums.

 Of course, it's also pretty well accepted [citation needed] that most programmers aren't that great. And this lack of interest in the profession probably has a lot to do with it.

- Design

JavaOne: The Keynote Summary

Dr. Dobb's JournalEric Bruno
May 06, 2008

- JVM Languages

[Podcast] Shared subscriptions between autonomous components

Dr. Dobb's JournalUdi Dahan
May 01, 2008

- Design

Socket Support in Silverlight 2: Part I

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 29, 2008

Silverlight 2 sockets can also be used with RIAs to push data from servers to clients - .NET

Listen Up! Podcasts, Audio Interviews, Whatever. We Got 'Em.

Dr. Dobb's JournalJonathan Erickson
April 29, 2008

We've posted some interesting audio files (podcasts?) on ddj.com. I need to tell you this because they aren't that easy to find, and there is some stuff you won't want to miss.

- Open Source

I C BB 2 E

Dr. Dobb's JournalJocelyn Paine
April 21, 2008

I hate identifiers.

A bad dream last night dragged me back to a project I took over some years ago, a Web shop bungled by its original developers. Their code implemented both shopping baskets and the products customers put into them as arrays, using numeric constants as field selectors. So when reading it, you had to know that {moscode}prod[1]{/moscode} was a product's name and {moscode}prod[2]{/moscode} its price. If {moscode}bask{/moscode} is a shopping basket, you had to know {moscode}bask[1]{/moscode} to be the total price of its contents, {moscode}bask[2][N]{/moscode} the {moscode}N{/moscode}'th product therein, and {moscode}bask[3]{/moscode} the delivery charge. (The developers dropped out of touch and out of Google. Perhaps they're farming pigs.)

- Design

Code Writer's Block

Dr. Dobb's Journal,
April 16, 2008

- Design

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