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Invariants For Binary Search, Part 1: A Simple Example

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
October 16, 2014

We can use an invariant to help us reason about a piece of code that many programmers find hard to get right by any other means. - C/C++

Loop Invariants And Testing: Often Possible, Often Difficult

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
October 06, 2014

We can think of an invariant as being a claim or belief about the state of program that we expect to be true each time control reaches a particular point in the program. - C/C++

A Loop Invariant Can Be An Optimization Tool

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
September 29, 2014

This week, we'll look at the helpful qualities of loop invariants. - C/C++

Using a Loop Invariant to Help Think About a Program

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
September 19, 2014

Last week, I talked about how to write a loop invariant. I would like to continue this discussion by paraphrasing a beautifully elegant example that Dijkstra used in A Discipline of Programming. - C/C++

Loop Invariants Abbreviate Induction Proofs

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
September 11, 2014

It is often possible to avoid difficulties by proving the desired properties of our program by induction. - C/C++

Mathematical Induction Makes Extrapolation Accurate

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
September 04, 2014

Mathematical induction is a technique for using the properties of natural numbers to prove claims about every natural number. - C/C++

Sanity Checking By Extrapolation

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
August 27, 2014

It may be tempting to dismiss last week's problem as trivial, and argue that one should simply be able to construct a bunch of test cases and be done with it. However, it may not be easy to determine the correct results. - C/C++

Why Testing Isn't Enough

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
August 18, 2014

Last week, I stated that software is hard to develop. This week, I would like to concentrate on two of the reasons why. - C/C++

Why Is Software So Hard To Develop?

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
August 07, 2014

Software is hard to develop for many reasons: We must figure out what to do, do it, and ensure that we have done it correctly. - C/C++

A Second Try at Refactoring Dijkstra's Example

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
August 01, 2014

If you compare my code with Dijkstra's original solution, you will see that in an odd way they are nearly logical duals of each other. - C/C++

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