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A Strategy for Defining Order Relations

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
February 01, 2013

If you want to compare two complicated objects, the strategy is to define a function that computes a single number from each object and then compares those numbers. - C/C++

If C++ Objects Are Unrelated, Are They Equal?

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
January 24, 2013

Last week, I said that sorting in C++ depended on an appropriately defined comparison operation, and ended by explaining some properties that any such comparison operation must have. Let's continue our discussion. - C/C++

Introducing C++ Order Relations

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
January 18, 2013

The C++ library facilities for sorting, binary searching, and ordered containers work only on types with appropriate order relations defined on them. - C/C++

It's A Heisenbug!

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
January 10, 2013

It's finally time to wrap up the discussion I started in December about what seemed at first to be a mysterious compiler bug. - C/C++

Isolating A Superbug

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
January 02, 2013

How could it possibly be that concatenating preamble and output would always work with one strategy but not another? - C/C++

Down The Rabbit Hole

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
December 26, 2012

Last week, I described how I almost traced a bug to the wrong program. Having come this far, I would like to describe the actual source of the bug — such a strange source that I would never have suspected it when I began looking. - C/C++

Are You Sure You Know What's Broken?

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
December 19, 2012

This week, I continue in our discussion of a bug in a multipass compiler. - C/C++

Debugging by Hypothesis

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
December 13, 2012

There's a technical term for people who claim that their programs don't compile because of a compiler failure rather than a bug in their own programs: arrogant. - C/C++

Debugging As Science: A Concrete Example

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
December 06, 2012

Last week, I argued that debugging is more science than art. I would like to continue that discussion with an example from my own experience. - C/C++

Debugging: Art or Science?

Dr. Dobb's JournalAndrew Koenig
November 29, 2012

Every bug is different, so saying something that applies to the act of debugging requires finding something general to say about a bunch of unrelated specific cases that defy generalization by their very nature. - C/C++

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