Jolt Awards
Jolt Awards: The Best Books
By Jolt Judges and Andrew Binstock, September 23, 2014
The best books of the past 12 months.Related Reading
More Insights
White Papers
- Defending Corporate Executives and VIPs from Cyberattacks
- Business Buyers Guide to Password Managers
- AI-Driven Testing: Bridging the Software Automation Gap
- Enterprise Cybersecurity Plans in a Post-Pandemic World
- Cyber Resiliency 2023: How to Keep IT Operations Running, No Matter What
- Changing Network Architecture Investments

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Maybe the book,
Single Page Web Applications: JavaScript End-to-End, is actually an anti-pattern book, because it considers every problem as it would be solved via JavaScript. But is JavaScript always the right solution to every problem? Probably not. Does the book warn its readers, "Dear reader, you can use JavaScript for every part of you SPA, and we will show you how, but it is an ill-advised methodology for numerous reasons." Probably not. :D
The Stroustrup book is definitely a Book of the Year, but a book like (JavaScript End-to-End) will probably be forgotten in a year.