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DVD 6 is here: https://archive.org/details...
(and huge thanks to whomever uploaded it! )


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You can order the old DDJ DVDs through your local library, and there are some institutions that have published the DVDs online, such as this Canadian one


You can order the old DDJ DVDs through your local library, and there are some institutions that have published them online, such as this Canadian one.

There are also "other sources" that can supply you with these dvds, now that they are not commercially interesting. Try googling for "DDJ_DVD6.iso magnet".


All the past content is hardly there, is it? It's just the parts that have been published, not the old articles from 1988 and onwards, source code, etc.

You can order the old DDJ DVDs through your local library, and there are some institutions that have published them online, such as this Canadian one


where can i get archives. Browse Now<>


Where are the archives? I do not see any on this page.


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Ok. Thanks!

Andrew Binstock

The DVD has sold out and is no longer available and UBM will not be making anymore. My recommendation is to search for them on eBay, where I see them available periodically. Note that the DVDs all predate 2010 and don't contain any subsequent content. However, all that content is available on this site.


Hi! Is it possible to buy the Dr Dobbs DVD:s somwhere?

The Store page is a bit "empty" now :)

Deirdre Blake

just browse drdobbs.com -- all of the past content is still here.


I'm sorry for hear this. but where I can get the archives. I really like some articles in Dr. Dobb's.