Generative and transformational techniques have evolved from being very specific code generators to full fledged generic tools, applicable to any software domain. Their theoretical grounding is strong, for example, in compiler development and functional programming. It is important to note that major software development platforms such as Microsoft's Visual Studio and Eclipse have integrated these techniques into their workflows.
Very powerful tools are available; some of the major ones were presented at GTTSE2005. What was made clear is that GTT can radically change the way development is done and therefore developers need to revisit their current understanding of not only development techniques but also development economics! Key to GTT is that they provide leverage: It is no longer the code that is static but the transformations that build the code, therefore the code can change completely with little effort.
GTTSE2005 was a resounding success and that it showed that generative and transformational techniques have achieved a maturity that let them justify a place in mainstream development. Don't miss GTTSE in 2007.