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Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering

Participant's Workshop

The participants workshop had many excellent presentations. I present here a succinct overview:

  • Many in the audience knew that SystemC was used to specify chip systems, Patrizia Scandurra showed us how it could be generated from a UML model producing a low cost, system on chip, design environment.
  • Regirio Paula presented modeling solutions to manage the system-level software of power grids.
  • If everything is a model then you need some serious tools to manage them: Artur Boronat presented a model management system (MOMENT) based on an equation solver (MAUDE) and integrated into Eclipse. We all dream of generating highly dynamic and efficient web pages from compact high-level descriptions with good separation of data and view.
  • Davide Di Ruscio presented such a system and also showed how he uses abstract state machines to make successive transformations from his initially high-level model to bring it down to an automated generation of J2EE components.
  • Aline Lzcia Baroni presented a system that extracts metrics from UML behavioral models.
  • Tero Hasu showed how he is making Python available on the Sybian OS by automatically wrapping the systems API into Python compatible stubs.
  • Holger Krahn showed how to use transformations to take prototypal java classes and automatically build templates from them to be then used in a production work.
  • Bram Adams showed us how he intercepts the intermediate language of GCC4.0 (GENERIC) to weave in aspects. GENERIC is common to the GNU compiler suit so this trick no only work across all the supported languages but also allows aspects written in one language to be woven into another language!
  • David Benevides showed how constraint programming can be used to automate the management of feature models.
  • Christof Mosler presented a telecommunication reengineering system (E-CARES) based on a graph rewriting system.
  • Vadim Zaytsev provide a somewhat humorous account of the difficulties of finding an official description of the C# grammar for use in the context of transformation work.
  • Nicolas Juillerat argued for the use of a Lisp-like intermediate language (FOOD) for automated refactoring.
  • Anthony Cleve addressed the problem of automating code conversion when changing a DB schema.
  • Finally, F. Javier Piriez Garcma addressed the issue of elaborating and managing transformation plans.

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