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XML Subversion

August, 2004: XML Subversion

Curtis is a journalist and programmer who lives in Portland, Oregon. He can be reached at [email protected].

You remember when you first learned about relational databases—the seductive simplicity of the grid found a special place in your heart. Its unwavering uniformity assured you that you would always, always, find what you are looking for.

But since then, reality has set in. Those rigid little boxes have become oppressive. As your projects grow, your data often doesn't fit into the perfect little rows that you have crafted.

As an alternative, the free-form structure of XML is tantalizing. You'd love to be able to adjust the structure of your data at a moment's notice. But what about speed and efficiency? You can't parse an entire XML tree every time you need some data. You need the speed of a relational database, but crave the organic structure of XML.

Your solution is XML::EasySQL, which is a two-way SQL/XML base class for Perl. Here are some of the benefits it provides:

  • Two-way transforms between XML and relational data.
  • Smart SQL updates: Only altered tables are updated.
  • Unlimited tree depth.
  • Multiple tables can merge into one XML tree, then back again.
  • Precise control over how data is translated.
  • Either an easy XML interface or plain DOM.
  • Database independency.

XML::EasySQL works by first taking data that is output from DBI and turning it into an XML tree. The programmer is then free to modify the data using the easy XML interface that's provided, or start hacking directly on the underlying XML::DOM. When you're ready to dump the changed data back to the database, you only have to call one method. The tree is stored as shown in Figure 1.

XML::EasySQL consists of two classes: XML::EasySQL and XML::EasySQL::XMLnode. XML::EasySQL is the actual data object class. Its methods transform data between XML and SQL forms. You probably want to use XML::EasySQL as the base class for your data objects.

XML::EasySQL::XMLnode is optional, although it's highly recommended. It's really just a simplified DOM interface for Perl. The class is derived from a fork of Robert Hanson's excellent XML::EasyOBJ module, which seeks to offer a more "Perlish" interface to the XML::DOM. (So far, Perl doesn't have native support for the DOM, which seems the natural ascendant of its built-in hashes. But a hacker can dream, can't he?)

Listing 1 shows a synopsis from the XML::EasySQL manual, which shows both classes working together.

Installing XML::EasySQL

The easiest way to install XML::EasySQL is with the CPAN module:

$ su -l
$ perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install XML::EasySQL

Or you could manually download and install the module. Just snag the latest version from CPAN at http://search.cpan.org/ ~curtisf/.

After you've downloaded it, invoke the standard incantation:

$ tar fxzv XML-EasySQL-version.tar.gz
$ cd XML-EasySQL-version
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ su
$ make install

The XML::EasySQL Class

I recommend that you use XML::EasySQL as a base class for your data objects. You don't have to, but if you do use the class directly, you'll wind up polluting your constructor with some pretty hairy parameters.

Listing 2 shows a simple base class (User) that's derived from XML::EasySQL. See what I mean about the constructor parameters? You're not going to want to pass that chunk of XML to your data object constructor every time you need a new object. If you simply use XML::EasySQL as a base class, you can neatly tuck all that XML inside the package.

But what is all that XML anyway? We'll get to that later. For now, just keep in mind that the XML chunk in Listing 1 is used to define how your SQL maps to XML.

So the new class User has inherited all of XML::EasySQL's methods. The constructor passes that XML chunk to the base class constructor, XML::EasySQL::new. You'd use the User class as shown in Listing 3.

Note that the User class, like its base class, still needs its data argument passed through the constructor. You will probably find that too messy and want to make a base class of your own that handles all of the SQL communication, and use that as the base class for all your data objects. For example, a base class called "Base" could look something like Listing 4. Our new User class, with its new base class, is shown in Listing 5.

Now that the SQL query is hidden, the User object could be constructed this way:

my $user = User->new({db=>$db, user_id=>2, comment_id=>183);

And to save any changes made to the XML, all that is needed is:


The rest of the User interface remains unchanged. If you are writing a large program with many different types of data objects, you'll probably want to make more than one base class.

The XML Schema

Remember that XML chunk we keep passing to the XML::EasySQL constructor? Here's the skinny: Every XML::EasySQL object needs an XML schema. The schema tells XML::EasySQL how each column is supposed to map in and out of the XML tree.

Table columns can map to an XML tree one of three ways:

  • attrib. This simply applies the column value as an XML attribute on the root node. For example, if a column named id was mapped as an attrib, the resulting XML document would look like this: <root id="23">...
  • string. This is an XML string that's a child of the root node. If a column named headline was mapped as a string, the resulting XML document would look like this: <root><headline>Man Bites Dog</headline>...
  • element. This is the most important feature in the schema. If a column is mapped as an element, the data is parsed into an XML branch and grafted onto the root node of the XML document. This means you can add new nodes on the fly, but they'll still be recorded in the database. For example, say a column named bio in a database contained this string: <bio><name>Curtis Lee Fulton</name></bio>. It would get parsed into XML and grafted onto the DOM. You could then manipulate it like any other XML document, including adding new branches.

Here's a simple schema:

<schema name="users" default="string"></schema>

Here's a more complex one:

<schema name="users" default="attrib" default_table="users">
<id type="attrib"/>
<group_id type="attrib"/>
<email type="string"/>
<bio type="element"/>
<history table="comments" type="element"/>

The XML::EasySQL schema can have three root attributes: name, default, and default_table.

  • name. Sets the name of the root XML element. If missing, it defaults to "xml."
  • default. The default type, which controls how incoming SQL column data is processed. If default is missing, then XML::EasySQL will ignore SQL columns that aren't specified in the schema. See "type" in the following list of column elements for more details on the possible types.
  • default_table. The default table a column belongs to. If missing, it defaults to what the name attribute is set to.

The schema can have multiple column entries. Each entry must have a unique tag name that matches a real column name in a SQL table. Column elements can have two attributes:

  • type. This describes how the SQL data will map onto the XML tree. There are three types: attrib, string, and element.
  • table. The table the column belongs to. If missing, it defaults to "default_table."

The Node Interface

EasySQL's built-in XML node interface is XML::EasySQL::XMLobj. The interface is a fork of Robert Hanson's wonderful XML::EasyOBJ module, which he wrote because he wanted a more "Perlish" interface to XML::DOM. The best part about Hanson's interface is that its underlying DOM is always available. You can get at the underlying XML::DOM element from any XMLobj object by calling the getDomObj method.

XMLobj can do almost anything XML::DOM can do, but with less demand on the user. Listing 6 gives a synopsis.

Here's an example with actual XML. Say you've got a tree that looks like this:

    <twig some_attrib="I am">
    <twig some_attrib="the Walrus">

Navigating an XML tree with XML::EasySQL::XMLobj is almost like pawing through a bunch of nested hash references, except that the syntax is different. Also, hashes have a 1:1 ratio of name-to-value pairs, while each XML tag can have a string value and any number of attributes.

Let's say we wanted to print the value "leaf2e" from the above XML fragment. Assuming that $doc is the root element of the XML page ("root"), your code is going to look like this:

print $doc->branch->twig(2)->leaf2->getString();

The getString method returns the text within an element.

The XMLobj manual is fairly straightforward, but to get you started, here's a brief rundown of how to accomplish XML tasks with XMLobj:

Retrieve an element. There are two ways to get at an element. The easiest way is to just call it as a method:


Sometimes, you'll have a tag name that won't fly as a method call. If so, just use the method getTagName:


Remove an element. To remove an element, just call the method remElement. It removes a child element of the current element:

remElement( TAG_NAME, INDEX )

The name of the child element and the index must be supplied, although leaving the INDEX parameter undefined will simply remove the first occurrence of the named element.

Retrieve an attribute. Not rocket science, this one. Call getAttr like so, and you'll get the value of the named attribute:


Fetch a tag name. If you're enumerating through a bunch of child elements, you might want to know their names. To do so, just call getTagName. Here's how:

foreach my $element ( $doc->getElement() ) {
   my $name = $element->getTagName();

Set an attribute. There's a good chance that at some point in your life, you'll want to set an attribute value. setAttr is the way to go. In return for its services, all it asks for is a series of name/value pairs. Provide that, and it will do the deed:

$element->setAttr('attrib_name_1', 'what do we want?', 
                     'attrib_name_2', 'XML', 'attrib_name_3', 
                     'When do we want it', 'attrib_name_4', 'Now!');

Remove an attribute. When the attribute has served its purpose, send it to to sleep with the fishes, like so:

$element->remAttr('Don Corleone');

If you find you need more explicit control over the underlying DOM, you can get to it from any node with the getDomObj method:


The method simply returns the DOM object associated with the current node. This is useful when you need fine access via the DOM to perform a specific function. If you end up working directly with XML::DOM, you're going to have to flag parts of the XML yourself as needing updates. If you don't, changes you make to the XML tree won't get saved in the database.

If you've used XML::DOM to make a change anywhere in the XML tree except for an attribute of the root element, call EasySQL::flagSync(base_name). Basename is the name of the table (or subroot element) that holds the changes. If you have changed an attribute of the root element, call EasySQL::flagAttribSync(attribute_name).

If you don't want to muck with flagAttribSync and flagSync and you don't mind the performance hit, just call EasySQL::getSQL(true) before you write to your database. Calling getSQL with a true parameter will cause the entire table to be updated, whether or not it's changed.

Designing Tables for EasySQL

A good way to design a relational database for EasySQL is to start with the rudimentary XML tree we think we'd like to work with and then work backwards.

EasySQL allows for fairly flexible database design, although there is one rule you are constrained to: Strings and attributes can only be referenced in a SQL query if they exist on the root level of the XML tree (see Figure 2). The result is that any data living deeper than root level in the XML tree can't be explicitly queried.

Let's say we decided on an XML tree that looks like this:

<user id="23">
<name>Curtis Lee Fulton</name>
<entry date="6/01/04">hello world</entry>
<entry date="6/12/04">goodbye cruel world</entry>

Pretty simple. It looks good, but remember that only root level trees get their own tables in EasySQL. That's fine for most of the data here, but not for all.

It's a good bet that the id attribute, as well as the name and username strings, are going to be queried. id is okay where it is because it's an attribute of the root tag, but the other two elements must be moved. Let's reformat the tree to look like this:

<user id="23">
<name>Curtis Lee Fulton</name>
<entry date="6/01/04">hello world</entry>
<entry date="6/12/04">goodbye cruel world</entry>

Not bad, but username probably doesn't need its own tag, so let's tighten things up a bit by making it an attribute of the root element:

<user id="23" username="curtisf">
<name>Curtis Lee Fulton</name>
<entry date="6/01/04">hello world</entry>
<entry date="6/12/04">goodbye cruel world</entry>

Looks good. Now, let's design our XML schema for our data object:

<schema name="users" default="attrib" default_table="users">
<id type="attrib"/>
<username type="attrib"/>
<name type="string"/>
<bio type="element"/>
<plan type="element"/>

Of course, since we've set attrib as the default, we don't need to explicitly set the first two:

<schema name="users" default="attrib" default_table="users">
<name type="string"/>
<bio type="element"/>
<plan type="element"/>

So now we just need to design our database table. Here's a PostgreSQL schema to match the example:

id integer,
username character varying,
name character varying,
bio text,
plan text

We know we're going to use the attribute id as the unique ID for each record, so let's tweak the SQL schema a bit:

id serial NOT NULL,
username character varying,
name character varying,
bio text,
plan text

Sweet. Now id is constrained as a unique primary key and will autoincrement whenever a new record is added.

Once we start coding, we'll have a pretty flexible data object User. We can add as many new branches to bio and plan as we want, and the branches will get stored in the database.

Just for kicks, let's create a data object for our new schema:

package User; 
use XML::EasySQL; 

use strict;

sub new {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $params = shift;

  # the XML schema string
  $params->{schema} = q(
<schema name="users" default="attrib" default_table="users">
<name type="string"/>
<bio type="element"/>
<plan type="element"/>
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($params);
  bless $self, $class;


Let's put our new object into action:

# fetch the data from the database
my $data->{users} = $db->selectrow_hashref('select * from users where 
                                                  username = 'curtisf');
# construct the data object
my $user = User->new({data=>$data});

my $xml = $user->getXML();

# fetch some data
my $id = $xml->getAttr('id');
my $password = $xml->bio->getString('password');

# add and modify some data
$xml->bio->setAttr('age', 22);
$xml->bio->city->setAttr('zip', 97201);

# write the changes to the database
my $sql = $user->getSQL();
my $q = "update users set ".$sql->{users}." where id = 23";


There's no reason to shoehorn your data into rigid tables. The EasySQL approach allows you to access and modify your data from a unified XML tree, while using any relational database to quickly find the data you need.


Listing 1

# fetch a database row as hash ref
my $data = {};
$data->{users} = $db->selectrow_hashref('select * from users where id = 2');

# init the new EasySQL data object
my $data_object = EasySqlChildClass->new({data=>$data});

# get the root XML element
my $xml = $data_object->getXML();

# make changes to the XML document
$xml->bio->setAttr('age', 22);
$xml->history->access->setAttr('last', time());

# output entire XML doc as string to STDOUT
print $xml->getDomObj->toString();

# update the database
my $sql = $data_object->getSQL();
my $q = "update users set ".$sql->{users}." where id = 2";
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Listing 2
package User; 
use XML::EasySQL; 
@ISA = ('XML::EasySQL'); 

use strict;

sub new {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $params = shift;

  # the XML schema string
  $params->{schema} = q(
<schema name="users" default="attrib" default_table="users">
<id type="attrib"/>
<group_id type="attrib"/>
<email type="string"/>
<bio type="element"/>
<history table="comments" type="element"/>
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($params);
  bless $self, $class;

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Listing 3
# fetch the data from the database
my $data = {};
$data->{users} = $db->selectrow_hashref('select * from users where id = 2');
$data->{comment_data} = $db->selectrow_hashref('select * from comments 
                                                      where id = 183');

# construct the data object
my $user = User->new({data=>$data});

# modify the data
my $xml = $user->getXML();
$xml->bio->setAttr('age', 22);
$xml->history->access->setAttr('last', time());

# write the changes to the database
my $sql = $user->getSQL();
my $q = "update users set ".$sql->{users}." where id = 2";
my $q = "update comments set ".$sql->{comments}." where id = 183";
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Listing 4
package Base;
use XML::EasySQL;
@ISA = ('XML::EasySQL');

use strict;

sub new {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $params = shift;
  my $db = $params->{db};
  my $schema = $params->{$schema};
  my $data = {};
  foreach my $table (keys %{$params->{query}}) {
      my $d = $db->selectrow_hashref("select * from $table
        where id = ".$params->{query}->{$table});
      foreach my $k (keys %{$d}) {
          $data->{$k} = $d->{$k};

  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new({data=>$data, schema=>$schema});
  bless $self, $class;

sub save {
  my $self = shift;
  my $sql = $self->getSQL();
   foreach my $table (keys %{$sql}) {
      my $q = "update $table set ".$sql->{$table}."
        where id = ".$self->{query}->{$table};

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Listing 5
package User;
use Base;
@ISA = ('Base');

use strict;

sub new {
  my $proto = shift;
  my $params = shift;

  # the XML schema string
  $params->{schema} = q(
<schema name="users" default="attrib" default_table="users">
<id type="attrib"/>
<group_id type="attrib"/>
<email type="string"/>
<bio type="element"/>
<history table="comments" type="element"/>

  # get the SQL data
  $params->{query}->{users} = $params->{user_id};
  $params->{query}->{comments} = $params->{comment_id};

  # save the ids
  $self->{query} = $params->{query};
  my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($params);
  bless $self, $class;

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Listing 6
 # fetch the root XML::EasySQL::XMLobj object from your data object.
 my $doc = $easy_sql_object->getXML();

 # read from document
 my $text = $doc->root->some_element($index)->getString;
 my $attr = $doc->root->some_element($index)->getAttr('attrib');
 my $element = $doc->root->some_element(34);
 my @elements = $doc->root->some_element;

 # first "some_element" element
 my $elements = $doc->root->some_element;
 # list of "some_element" elements
 my @elements = $doc->root->some_element;

 # write to document
 $doc->root->an_element->setString('some string')
 $doc->root->an_element->setAttr('attrib', 'val')
 $doc->root->an_element->setAttr('attrib1' => 'hello', 'attrib2' => 'world')

 # access elements with getElement, rather than a method call
 my $element = $doc->root->getElement('element_name')->getElement('another_element_name');

 # get at the XML::DOM object
 my $dom = $doc->root->foobar->getDomObj;

 # get elements with unknown tag names
 my @elements = $doc->root->getElement();
 my $fourth_element = $doc->root->getElement('', 4);

 # remove elements and attributes
 $doc->root->remElement('kill_this_element', 2);
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