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Getting Started with Git: The Fundamentals

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Git provides you with the same functionality. The only difference is the intermediate "staging" step. If you want, you can edit Z (initial changes), stage it, then work on Z more (second changes). You can then commit only your initial changes to Z. The second changes to Z haven't been staged yet. Or, you can restage Z, and commit all the changes to Z at once.


Am I missing something? With Subversion, if I edit files in the order of A, B, Z and finally C what keeps me from doing:

svn commit A B C
svn commit Z

How does that differ from what Git does?


Thanks for the compliment, and projectlocker looks like a good option for private repositories. The flexibility of SVN support is nice.


Great, thorough article on Git. There are a number of other hosts in addition to those you mentioned that also provide free Git hosting as well, including but not limited to my company, ProjectLocker (http://www.projectlocker.com). We still host Subversion as well and will for the foreseeable future, but Git does have a number of advantages if you are working with a distributed team and don't need per-user permissions.