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NT Handle-to-Path Conversion

July 2000/NT Handle-to-Path Conversion/Listing 1

Listing 1: gfnfhnt.c — GetFileNameFromHandleNT()

#define STRICT
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <Tchar.h>
#include "gfnfhnt.h"
#include <WindowsX.h>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma comment (lib, "MPR")    
    //  VC++ needs MPR.LIB to link WNet... functions

#define DIM(_array)     (sizeof(_array) / sizeof(_array[0]))

#ifdef  _UNICODE
#define SUFFIX  "W"
#define SUFFIX  "A"

#define BACK_SLASH _T('\\')

BOOL GetFileNameFromHandleNT 
    (HANDLE hFile, LPTSTR string, INT size)
    BOOL success = FALSE;
    DWORD lasterror;


    //  Pointer to function getMappedFileName() in PSAPI.DLL
    typedef DWORD (WINAPI * GetMappedFileName_t) 
    GetMappedFileName_t pfGMFN;

    //  Pointer to function QueryDosDevice() in KERNEL32.DLL
    typedef DWORD (WINAPI * QueryDosDevice_t)   
    QueryDosDevice_t pfQDD;

    HANDLE hFileMap = NULL;
    LPVOID pMem = NULL;

    TCHAR tName [_MAX_PATH+100] = __TEXT("");

    LPTSTR scratch = NULL;  // malloc'ed working buffer
    DWORD  scr_size;     // size of scratch in bytes.


    DWORD FileSizeHi = 0;       // 64-bit file size.
    DWORD FileSizeLo;

    LPCTSTR devname;
    int devlength;

    SetLastError (0);

    do {
        //  Get the file size.
        //  I will attempt to memory-map the whole file or 1024
        //  bytes, whichever is smaller.
        FileSizeLo = GetFileSize (hFile, & FileSizeHi);
        if (0 == FileSizeHi)    {
            if (0 == FileSizeLo)
                break;  //  Failed:  can't mem-map empty file!
            if (FileSizeLo > 1024)
                FileSizeLo = 1024;
        else // FileSize > 4Gb
            FileSizeLo = 1024;

        //  Memory-map a portion of the file.
        hFileMap = CreateFileMapping (
          hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, FileSizeLo, NULL);
        if (NULL == hFileMap)
            break;      //  Failed: Can't memory-map this handle
        pMem = MapViewOfFile (hFileMap, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
        if (NULL == pMem)
            break;      //  Failed: unexpected error

        //  Call GetMappedFileName() in PSAPI.DLL
        //  This library is only available on WinNT, not on Win9x.
        hiPSAPI = LoadLibraryA ("PSAPI.DLL");
        if (NULL == hiPSAPI)
            break;      //  Failed: Not on WinNT
        pfGMFN  = (GetMappedFileName_t) GetProcAddress (
          hiPSAPI, "GetMappedFileName" SUFFIX);
        if (! pfGMFN)
            break;      //  Failed: unexpected error
        if (0 >= (*pfGMFN) (
          GetCurrentProcess(), pMem, tName, DIM(tName) ))
            break;      //  Failed: unexpected error
        if (__TEXT('\0') == tName[0])
            break;      //  Failed: unexpected error

        //  Access QueryDosDevice() API in KERNEL32.DLL.
        //  This function is NOT present on Win95.
        hiKERNEL32 = LoadLibraryA ("KERNEL32.DLL");
        if (NULL == hiKERNEL32)
            break;      //  Failed: unexpected error
        pfQDD   = (QueryDosDevice_t) GetProcAddress 
            (hiKERNEL32, "QueryDosDevice" SUFFIX);
        if (! pfQDD)
            break;      //  Failed: Win95

        //  The first call to QueryDosDevice() fetches the
        //  list of Dos Device names.  We must be prepared to
        //  allocate a larger buffer if necessary.
        lasterror = S_OK;
        for (scr_size = 4096; scr_size < 1000000; scr_size <<= 1) {
            scratch = (LPTSTR) malloc (scr_size);
            if (! scratch)
                break;      // out of memory
            SetLastError (0);
            (*pfQDD) (NULL, scratch, scr_size);
            lasterror = GetLastError ();
            if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER != lasterror)
            free (scratch);
            scratch = NULL;
        if (! scratch)
            break;      // Failed: out of memory
        if (lasterror)
            break;      // Failed: unexpected error

        //  The scratch[] buffer now contains a list of DOS device
        //  names, seperated by null characters, terminated by a
        //  double null character, Like this:
        //  "D:\0DISPLAY1\0E:\0PIPE\0PhysicalDrive0\0PRN\0A:\0AUX\NUL\0\0"

        //  For each Dos Device Name in the buffer,
        //  If that is a drive letter (ends in colon), 
        //  call QueryDosDevice() again to get the internal name
        //  and check for a match.
        for (devname = scratch; 
          (0 < (devlength = _tcslen (devname))); 
          devname += devlength+1)   {
            _TCHAR objectname [_MAX_PATH];
            int objlength;

            if (2 != devlength)
            if (_T(':') != devname[devlength-1])
            objlength = (*pfQDD) (
              devname, objectname, DIM(objectname));
            if (0 >= objlength)
                continue;           // this shouldn't happen

            // *** UNDOCUMENTED BEHAVIOR:
            // For mapped network drives, 
            // QueryDosDevice ("X:") on NT4 will typically return
            // "\Device\LanmanRedirector\X:\Server\SERVICE"
            // and on Win2K (RC2) will typically return
            // "\Device\LanmanRedirector\;X:0\Server\SERVICE"
            // I need to edit out the extra drive letter, etc.
            do {
                LPTSTR ptmp1, ptmp2;
                ptmp2 = _tcsstr (objectname, devname);
                if (!ptmp2)
                *ptmp2 = 0;
                ptmp1 = _tcsrchr (objectname, BACK_SLASH);
                *ptmp2 = devname[0];
                if (NULL == ptmp1) 
                ptmp2 = _tcschr (ptmp2+devlength, BACK_SLASH);
                if (NULL == ptmp2)
                _tcscpy (ptmp1, ptmp2); 
                } while (0);

            //  Test for a match
            objlength = _tcslen (objectname);
            if (0 != _tcsnicmp (objectname, tName, objlength))
            if ((BACK_SLASH != tName[objlength])
            &&  (BACK_SLASH != objectname[objlength-1]) )

            //  We have a match;  Make the substitution
            assert (objlength >= devlength);
            _tcscpy (tName, devname);
            _tcscat (tName, tName+objlength);
            success = TRUE;
            }   // for
        if (success)

        //  If the file is not on a local or mapped drive, 
        //  it could have been opened by UNC.
        //  (Or a new redirector may have broken the code above.)
        //  Enumerate the current network connections. 
        if (NO_ERROR != WNetOpenEnum (RESOURCE_CONNECTED,
          RESOURCETYPE_ANY, 0, NULL, &hNetWalker ))

            DWORD           bytes_needed = scr_size;
            NETRESOURCE*    pnr = NULL;
            int             count = 0;
            DWORD           code;
            LPTSTR          remote, ptmp;
            int             length, match;
            int             best_match = INT_MAX;

            for (; ; --count, (pnr = (NULL!=pnr) ? pnr+1 : pnr) ) {
                //  If the buffer is empty, fill it up again
                if (count <= 0) {
                    //  Allocate or reallocate a memory buffer, 
                    //  if necessary.
                    if ((NULL != scratch) 
                    &&  (scr_size >= bytes_needed))
                        // ok, I've already got enough memory
                        bytes_needed = scr_size;
                    else {
                        if (scratch)
                            free (scratch);
                        scratch = (LPTSTR) malloc (bytes_needed);
                        if (! scratch)
                            break;      // Failed:  out of memory
                        scr_size = bytes_needed;

                    count = -1;
                    code = WNetEnumResource (hNetWalker, 
                      (DWORD *) &count, scratch, &bytes_needed);
                    if (NO_ERROR == code)
                        pnr = (NETRESOURCE *) scratch;
                    else if (ERROR_MORE_DATA == code)   {
                        //  Buffer isn't big enough; 
                        //  allocate a bigger one.
                        bytes_needed *= 2;
                        break;  // ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS

                //  The NETRESOURCE::lpRemoteName should point 
                //  to the UNC name for the service:
                //      \\Server\Service
                //  See if the kernel object name contains 
                //      ...\Server\Service\...
                remote = pnr->lpRemoteName;
                if ((remote == NULL)            // impossible?
                ||  (remote[0] != BACK_SLASH)
                ||  (remote[1] != BACK_SLASH)   )
                ptmp = _tcsstr (tName+1, remote+1);
                if (! ptmp)
                length = _tcslen (remote+1);

                //  At this point ptmp points to the
                //  substring "\Server\Service\...\file.ext".
                //  Discard spurious matches.
                //  First,  \server\foobar != \server\foo
                if ((remote[length] != BACK_SLASH)
                &&  (ptmp[length] != BACK_SLASH) )      

                //  Test if the match identifies a valid,
                //  existing file.  
                {   DWORD attributes;
                    _TCHAR save = ptmp[-1];
                    ptmp[-1] = BACK_SLASH;
                    attributes = GetFileAttributes (ptmp-1);
                    ptmp[-1] = save;
                    if ((DWORD) -1 == attributes)

                //  If multiple matches identify valid files,
                //  (highly unlikely!) take the match
                //  closest to the root
                match = ptmp - tName;
                if (best_match > match)
                    best_match = match;
                }   // for

            if (best_match < INT_MAX) {
                assert ((0 < best_match)
                    && (best_match < (int) _tcslen (tName)));
                _tcscpy (tName+1, tName+best_match);
                success = TRUE;

        } while (0);

    //  Clean up your mess: release all resources.
    //  (This code is executed whether I succeed or fail.)
    if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hNetWalker)
        WNetCloseEnum (hNetWalker);
    if (NULL != pMem)
        UnmapViewOfFile (pMem);
    if (NULL != hFileMap)
        CloseHandle (hFileMap); 
    if (NULL != hiPSAPI)
        FreeLibrary (hiPSAPI);
    if (NULL != hiKERNEL32)
        FreeLibrary (hiKERNEL32);
    if (scratch)
        free (scratch);

    //  Return the results
    _tcsncpy (string, tName, size-1);   
    string[size-1] = 0;
    return (BOOL) success;
    }   // end of GetFileNameFromHandleNT ()
//End of File

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