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May 1999/New Products

Industry-Related News & Announcements

JObjects Unveils QuestAgent 4.0 Pro

JObjects has released QuestAgent 4.0 Pro, an upgrade of its Java-based, full-text search toolkit. QuestAgent can be added to HTML pages and used to search content on CD-ROM and websites. New features include field indexing based on HTML meta-tags and/or XML data files, search terms highlighting, search by named index database field, customizable search forms, results templates, and customizable search output.

QuestAgent includes native installers for Windows 95/NT, Unix, Macintosh, and Java. In addition, the standard licensing agreement has been changed to allow free use of unregistered copies of QuestAgent on Internet/intranet websites.

QuestAgent 4.0 Pro costs $850 for the first 5,000 copies and an additional $550 for each subsequent 5,000 copies.

For more information, contact JObjects, [email protected]; www.jobjects.com.

Softway Systems Offers Interix Personal Developer Edition

Softway Systems, Inc. has announced Interix Personal Developer Edition, a combination of Interix Workstation Lite and Interix SDK. The combination enables developers to port and deploy Unix system and Linux applications to Windows NT. Workstation Lite provides a software environment enabling Unix system and Linux applications to run on Windows NT. Coupled with the Interix SDK, users have an open system development environment running simultaneously with the Win32 subsystem on top of the Windows NT kernel.

In addition to the over 300 commands and utilities provided in Workstation Lite, developers have access to the Interix Tool Warehouse, a repository of Unix system and Linux applications and tools for the Interix environment.

The Interix Personal Developer Edition costs $598.

For more information, contact Softway Systems, Inc., 800.438.8649 or +1.415.896.0708; fax +1.415.896.0709; [email protected]; www.interix.com.

KL Group Announces XRT Professional Developer's Suite and JClass 3.6

KL Group has announced that XRT Professional Developer's Suite (XRT PDS) now supports Interix (formerly OpenNT) v2.2 from Softway Systems. XRT PDS is a collection of widgets and utilities that enable Motif developers to build GUIs.

KL Group has also released JClass 3.6, its 100% Pure JClass JavaBean Suite. JClass 3.6 includes the newest JClass product, JClass SwingSuite, a set of extensions and enhancements for Swing in JDK 1.2. SwingSuite adds features such as MDI to manage multiple windows inside applications and wizards to guide users through complicated tasks. SwingSuite also includes thread-friendly components for adding features such as proper resizing behavior to applications, an advanced multi-column outliner, progress manager, enhanced tree-views, and spin boxes.

XRT component pricing begins at $1,495; the XRT Professional Developer's Suite costs $5,995. Source code and support are available. JClass 3.6 component pricing starts at $199; the source-code version of the Enterprise Suite with gold support costs $3,699.

For more information, contact KL Group, Inc., +1.416.594.1026; fax +1.416.594.1919; [email protected]; www.klgroup.com.

ParaSoft Launches Internet Store

ParaSoft has launched Internet Store, an e-commerce product for Red Hat Linux that allows retailers to automatically launch, update, and control virtual storefronts. It automatically updates actual inventory when an online sale is made. Whenever the retailer adds new items to the inventory or makes price changes, Internet Store publishes the new information automatically on the store's website.

Internet Store tracks available inventory in real time, preventing double-selling of limited quantity items by simultaneous online purchases or by online buyers and in-store customers. Internet Store also gives retailers data such as virtual basket analysis, demographic breakdowns, and contact information.

For more information, contact ParaSoft, 888.305.0041 or +1.626.305.0041; fax +1.626.305.3036; [email protected]; www.parasoft.com.

Rational Announces Rational Suite, Rational Rose 98i, Trade-up Program for Rational Suite, and Rational Worldwide Software Symposium

Rational Software Corp. has announced Rational Suite, a multi-platform line of product suites that addresses the problems in team development resulting from using disparate, non-integrated tools. Rational Suite unifies software teams via Rational's new Team Unifying Platform and Team Integration Architecture, which provide a common set of tools for team-based requirements management, change request and activity management, reporting, and process definition.

Rational Suite offers three solutions optimized for different key roles on a software team: AnalystStudio, DevelopmentStudio, and TestStudio. Each edition provides a complete solution for the specific role on a software team and contains the Team Unifying Platform, the Team Integration Architecture, and a unique collection of specific information on the products in each edition.

In addition to the release of Rational Suite, Rational has also announced Rational Rose 98i, the latest version of their visual modeling tool. Rose 98i features tight integration with Visual Studio and enhanced version-control capabilities through tighter integration with ClearCase. Rational Rose 98i is available in three editions: Enterprise, Professional, and Modeler.

Rational also announced a trade-up policy that allows customers to trade in eligible Rational products toward a discounted purchase of Rational Suite.

Finally, Rational has announced the Rational Worldwide Software Symposium, a series of educational sessions in 21 cities around the world. The Rational Worldwide Software Symposium offers expert advice on practical, proven ways to optimize software development project teams and to maximize project success. The symposium will run from January 26, 1999 through April 30, 1999. Visit Rational's website for more information on the symposium or to register.

For a single-user license, Rational Suite AnalystStudio costs $3,295; Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio costs $5,295; Rational Suite TestStudio costs $5,295; Rational Suite Enterprise costs $7,495; Rational Rose 98i Enterprise costs $3,295; Rational Rose 98i Professional costs $1,992; and Rational Rose 98i Modeler costs $1,336.

For more information, contact Rational Software Corporation, 800.728.1212 or +1.408.863.9900; fax +1.408.863.4120; [email protected]; www.rational.com.

Synergex Introduces Model EyeQ

Synergex has released Model EyeQ, a modeling documentation tool that enables object-oriented developers, managers, and systems architects to produce software design documentation in several formats. Model EyeQ's user interface allows developers to extract visual and textual information from a model and generate documentation in Word, PowerPoint, HTML, and plain-text formats. A set of templates allows the modeler to begin generating documentation immediately after installing the product. Model EyeQ also features a drag-and-drop function for modifying and building customized templates.

Model EyeQ costs $995 per seat license and includes one full year of email Annual License Maintenance plus phone and email support for the first 30 days. A free trial version can be downloaded from the company's website.

For more information, contact Synergex, +1.916.635.7300; fax +1.916.635.6549; [email protected]; www.synergex.com.

Rogue Wave Releases StudioJ 1.1 and RW-Metro

The Stingray division of Rogue Wave has released StudioJ 1.1, the latest version of its suite of JavaBeans components and classes that includes Java 2/JIT compatibility, GIF exportation, and HTML support. StudioJ includes four libraries: Blend.J, Grid.J, Chart.J, and DBTools.

In addition, Rogue Wave has announced RW-Metro, a customizable, non-intrusive mapping solution for unifying object and relational models. RW-Metro does not require developers to derive an object model from a predefined base class. Instead, the developer creates a custom object model by tagging objects with a predefined macro; then RW-Metro generates C++ class definitions based on the objects to make them persistable in the database.

StudioJ 1.1 costs $995 and includes full source code. Annual support costs $495. RW-Metro costs $3,995 per developer.

For more information, contact Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 800.487.3217 or +1.303.473.9118; [email protected]; www.roguewave.com.

Genitor Offers GENITOR OCS v4.0, GENITOR Corporate Edition v4.0, and GENITOR Surveyor

Genitor Corporation has announced GENITOR Object Construction Suite (OCS) v4.0, GENITOR Corporate Edition v4.0, and GENITOR Surveyor. OCS v4 provides improved integration with Visual Studio, the ability to produce web-based documentation, and wizards for automating groups of editing tasks. Corporate Edition v4.0 combines features in OCS v4.0 with improved legacy reengineering.

Other features in these two products include class hierarchy charts to show complete inheritance chains, wizards for adding groups of related properties to a class, and project and administrative controls to better support workgroup development.

GENITOR Surveyor, the latest addition to Genitor's family of object-oriented software development products, lets workgroups share information about their code over an intranet or the Internet. Surveyor scans existing C/C++ files and produces a website that acts as a roadmap through the code.

GENITOR OCS v4.0 costs $595 for the system pack and $550 for a user license add-on. GENITOR Corporate Edition v4.0 costs $845 for the system pack and $795 for the user license add-on. GENITOR Surveyor costs $195 for the system pack and $795 for a five-user license.

For more information, contact Genitor Corporation, 888.436.4867 or +1.734.213.2500; fax +1.734.213.2525; [email protected]; www.genitor.com.

PtS Plc Ships .RTPatch Professional v5.0

PtS Plc has shipped .RTPatch Professional v5.0, a plug-in DLL that provides an interface for distribution of patches from within InstallShield Professional 5.0 and above. For the user who does not run InstallShield, .RTPatch adds registry, INI, local, and remote hard-drive search for files to be patched; registry and INI updating when the patch is applied; new examples of how to use the Patch Apply DLL with Visual Basic and Delphi (in addition to C/C++); and other enhancements and special purpose patch-apply DLLs.

The patch building program compares an old system with a revised system and creates a difference file (the patch). The typical build script needs only four to seven commands. But when special capabilities are needed, Patch Build offers 104 commands to complete the job.

.RTPatch can be purchased directly from the company's website for £700.

For more information, contact PtS Plc, +44.0.1928.579700; fax +44.0.1928.577901; [email protected]; www.pts.com.

Data Techniques Unveils FaxMan v3.0 and FaxMan Jr. v1.0

Data Techniques Inc. has released FaxMan v3.0, an upgrade of its FaxMan fax-engine toolkit. FaxMan includes support for class 1, 2, and 2.0 fax modems and includes 16- and 32-bit components.

Data Techniques also has released FaxMan Jr. v1.0, which includes a lightweight 32-bit ActiveX control that provides send-and-receive fax support. FaxMan Jr. v1.0 comes with printer drivers for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 that allow for programmatically generating fax files.

FaxMan 3.0 includes the FaxMan Jr. ActiveX control for low-level fax support. FaxMan 3.0 costs $795. FaxMan Jr. costs $395 and includes a 90-day, money-back guarantee when purchased directly from Data Techniques.

For more information, contact Data Techniques, Inc., 800.955.8015 or +1.828.682.4111; fax +1.828.682.0025; [email protected]; www.data-tech.com.

Mabry Introduces WhoIs/X

Mabry Software Inc. has announced WhoIs/X ActiveX control. WhoIs/X provides the ability to retrieve information on users, domains, and hosts. WhoIs/X comes in ActiveX control and COM object forms for use in ASP pages, Visual Basic applications, Visual C++ applications, or anywhere that supports either COM objects or ActiveX controls.

WhoIs/X follows the WhoIs/NICNAME protocol and allows queries of InterNIC or other RFC 954 servers to obtain information about a user, domain, or host. All domains and hosts registered in the InterNIC database are accessible, including the databases for North American domains, Government domains, military domains, European domains, and Asia-Pacific domains.

WhoIs/X costs $25 plus shipping and handling. A package that includes WhoIs/X and its C++ source code costs $75.

For more information, contact Mabry Software, Inc., 800.996.2279 or +1.360.629.9278; fax +1.360.629.9278; [email protected]; www.mabry.com.

Inabyte Releases InaGrid 1.5

Inabyte Inc. has released InaGrid 1.5, a virtual/unbound ActiveX control used to create and manage grids for displaying large database files. InaGrid 1.5 works with Visual Basic, Visual C++, and any language that supports OCXs.

InaGrid supplies three editing controls that can be used to capture user input: InaEdit, InaCombo, and InaCheck. InaEdit is a text tool that enables users to enter data directly into cells; InaCombo places drop-down combo boxes in grid cells; and InaCheck places check-boxes into cells.

Other features include cell background and foreground colors, OLE drag-and-drop, regular or highlighted text, gridlines, creation of line styles, and horizontal and vertical alignment.

InaGrid 1.5 costs $179.

For more information, contact Inabyte Inc., +1.415.883.3407; fax +1.415.898.1652; [email protected]; www.inabyte.com.

RightDoc Announces RightDoc 1.0

RightDoc Company has released RightDoc 1.0, an XML-based content management and publishing engine. RightDoc provides for the dynamic creation of XML documents in Enterprise or web-server based Visual Basic, C++, J++, Delphi, Excel, and Access applications. It extends these applications by automatically creating XML-based forms, reports, billing statements, legal contracts, and letters.

The RightDoc IDE provides for tight integration of application line of business variable data with business rules, math calculations, variable formatting styles, and reusable textual components.

RightDoc 1.0 costs $249 per development seat, royalty-free.

For more information, contact RightDoc Company, +1.509.464.1059; fax +1.509.467.2699; [email protected]; www.rightdoc.com.

SDSI Unveils UnForm v3.0

Synergetic Data Systems has released UnForm v3.0, a server-based program for dynamic graphical enhancement of reports from character-based business applications. UnForm v3.0 includes the ability to convert any text-based report into an HTML report or Zebra barcode label, without any application modification.

UnForm runs on most Unix platforms, including SCO, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux, and HP-UX. Users of International's BBx 4 PRO/5 or Visual PRO/5 and ProvideX can use UnForm on MS-DOS and Windows 3.11/95/NT machines. Prices for UnForm v3.0 start at $995 per license. A free trial copy can be downloaded from the company's website.

For more information, contact Synergetic Data Systems, Inc., 800.446.7374 or +1.916.933.0120; fax +1.916.933.5793; [email protected]; www.unform.com or http://i99.com/sdsi.

Sequiter Debuts CodeBase for Java

Sequiter Software has released CodeBase for Java, a database library that provides fully functional client/server database access over the Internet and intranets. At only 50K for the entire library, CodeBase for Java can bring client/server database functionality to downloadable Java applications without adversely affecting download times. CodeBase for Java also includes complete client-side source code and a function dependency chart to help reduce download times by removing unnecessary code from the library.

CodeBase for Java also includes an unlimited-connection version of the CodeBase database server. In addition, server source code is also available. CodeBase for Java costs $495.

For more information, contact Sequiter Software, +1.780.437.2410; fax +1.780.436.2999; [email protected]; www.sequiter.com.

Stingray Division of Rogue Wave Releases Visual CASE 6.0, Objective Toolkit/X 2.0, and Objective Toolkit for WFC 2.0

The Stingray division of Rogue Wave Software Inc. has announced three new products: Visual CASE 6.0, Objective Toolkit/X 2.0, and Objective Toolkit for WFC 2.0.

Visual CASE 6.0 adds support for roundtrip engineering and advanced modeling and editing features. Objective Toolkit/X 2.0, Docking Forms for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, adds multiple-docking presentation styles and the ability to implement MDI Child Forms in an ActiveX Server DLL. Objective Toolkit for WFC 2.0, which includes advanced docking windows and toolbars, adds enhanced views and controls.

Visual CASE 6.0 costs $995, including 60 days of support and a 30-day, money-back guarantee. Annual support licenses are available for $495 and include one year of technical support and product updates. Objective Toolkit/X 2.0 costs $395 per developer, with no runtime or royalty fees, and includes 60-day email and fax support. An annual support subscription for Objective Toolkit/X 2.0 costs $195 and includes web access to updates, FAQs, examples, demonstrations, and other materials. Objective Toolkit for WFC 2.0 costs $495 and includes source code, 60 days of technical support, and a 30-day, money-back guarantee. An annual support license for Objective Toolkit for WFC 2.0 costs $245 and includes one year of technical support, as well as product updates.

For more information, contact the Stingray Division of Rogue Wave Software, Inc., 800.487.3217 or +1.303.473.9118; [email protected]; www.roguewave.com.

Entrust Technologies Announces Open Development Toolkits

Entrust Technologies Inc. has announced that its open development toolkits are available for download from the company's website. Entrust Technologies provides toolkits for building applications that work with multiple public-key infrastructure (PKI) and certification authority (CA) products or services from vendors such as Entrust, Baltimore Technologies, Microsoft, Netscape, and VeriSign. In addition, Entrust has released a fully functioning PKI on its website for development and testing of PKI-enabled applications.

The Entrust open APIs, including the Entrust/PKI software, are available for C, C++, Java, and Visual Basic development environments free of charge. The software can be downloaded from the company's website.

For more information, contact Entrust Technologies, 888.690.2424 or +1.972.994.8000; fax +1.972.994.8005; [email protected]; www.entrust.com.

Byte Craft Introduces SXC and COP8C v2.01 Code Development Systems

Byte Craft Limited has released the SXC Code Development System and the COP8C v2.01 Code Development System for Windows95/98/NT. The SXC system, the first C compiler for the Scenix SX series of high-speed microcontrollers, includes an optimizing C compiler, built-in macro assembler, libraries, BClink linker, and BCLIDE (Byte Craft Limited IDE). The COP8C v2.01 Code Development System, which extends support for the National Semiconductor COP8 family of processors including SGR and SGE derivatives, also includes a C Cross compiler, BClink, BCLIDE, and a built-in macro assembler.

Versions of the COP8C Code Development System and the SXC Code Development System are available under both DOS and Windows. The price range for both compiler packages is US $ 795 - $1,395.

For more information, contact Byte Craft Limited, +1.519.888.6911; fax +1.519.746.6751; [email protected]; www.bytecraft.com.

20/20 Unveils softSENTRY v2.11

20/20 Software has released softSENTRY v2.11, an enhanced version of its trialware and software protection tool. Version 2.11 includes enhanced security to detect and prevent hacker attacks, support for calling DLLs with different calling conventions before running a protected product, function calls for retrieving the current state of a trial program, and enhanced date tracking.

SoftSENTRY v2.11 is available in 16- or 32-bit light versions for $249. A complete version, including both 16- and 32-bit functionality and a number of other features, costs $695. Registered softSENTRY v2 users can download an upgrade to version 2.11 free of charge from the company's website.

For more information, contact 20/20 Software, 800.735.2020 or +1.503.520.0504; fax +1.503.520.9118; [email protected]; www.twenty.com.

Artisoft Ships Visual Voice 5.0

Artisoft Inc. has announced Visual Voice 5.0, an ActiveX telephony development toolkit. Visual Voice 5.0 enables developers to create scaleable, enterprise-wide telephony applications that span multiple computers over LANs, intranets, and the Internet. When used with Dialogic's DM3 IPlink platform, developers can create Voice over IP (VoIP) applications, such as toll-bypass gateways.

Based on Dialogic's GlobalCall technology, applications developed with Visual Voice offer single-board access to international ISDN lines without software code changes. Applications can be written once and run on any phone line. In addition, Visual Voice 5.0 pronounces dates, numbers, characters, and monetary values in German, Spanish, and English (American and British).

Visual Voice 5.0 pricing starts at $795.

For more information, contact Artisoft, Inc., 800.914.9985 or +1.617.354.0600; fax +1.617.354.7744; [email protected]; www.artisoft.com.

TeamShare Releases TeamTrack v3.0

TeamShare has released TeamTrack v3.0, a problem tracking system built as an Internet application. Features include folders, version-control integration, threaded notes, and remote administration.

The folders feature creates a three-dimensional view of open issues. Version-control integration permits TeamTrack 3.0 to be integrated with version-control applications via Visual Studio or PowerBuilder. Threaded notes give users the ability to add date-and-time stamped notes to any issue, with editing rights controlled by user and/or group privileges.

TeamTrack v3.0 costs $499 for a single-user license. Volume discounts are available.

For more information, contact TeamShare, Inc., 888.832.6742 or +1.719.599.4444; fax +1.719.599.4498; [email protected]; www.teamshare.com.

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