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One API For Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, Sky Drive, and SharePoint

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Check out Kloudless (kloudless.com) for a single API to connect to any of your users' cloud storage services. We also have a UI tool to prompt users to select files and folders in any of their accounts. Check it out here: http://github.com/kloudless...


I love DropBox and have used it for years both personally and in a business environment. The biggest challenge that they face is they provide a service that is easily replicated by any number of companies, including powerful ones like Google , Amazon and Microsoft. The services are a dime a dozen right now and they way I see it, there are two things that can set a company apart: 1) tight integration with multiple platforms and 2) lots of storage space. Dropbox is doing a great job on the integration front. It couldn’t be much easier to use, whether on a Mac, PC, or cellphone. But right now, they are getting pressure on the storage space issue. I keep getting emails that Norton wants to give me 50GB and Google wants to give me 100 MB. So right now I am making the switch to a product by Barracuda called Copy. They start you out with 20GB of space (more than I have on DropBox after years) and with referrals of 5GB a pop it can go quickly from there. Check it out at https://copy.com?r=BlX7tm.