RESTful Web Services: A Tutorial
As REST has become the default for most Web and mobile apps, it's imperative to have the basics at your fingertips.
Why Build Your Java Projects with Gradle Rather than Ant or Maven?
The default build tool for Android (and the new star of build tools on the JVM) is designed to ease scripting of complex, multi-language builds. Should you change to it, though, if you're using Ant or Maven?
Developer Reading List: The Must-Have Books for JavaScript
The best books for learning the basics, becoming expert, and and writing complete apps in JavaScript
Farewell, Dr. Dobb's
After 38 years of glory, the long run of Dr. Dobb's has come to an end. - Design
Jolt Awards 2015: Coding Tools
The best tools available for creating, testing, and debugging code. - Jolt Awards
Thriving Among the APIs
You're about to start work on designing and publishing your product's API. Now what? - Design
The Long Death of Project Hosting Sites
Last month, Microsoft and Google bypassed their own code hosts to post major code projects on GitHub. The once-favored hosts have begun a long, familiar decline. - Web Development
Testing for Failures with Python
Writing solid code means knowing that when programs fail, they do so gracefully and predictably. Unit testing verifies this. - Testing
We Need More Agile IT Now!
While IT is becoming more Agile, the rate of change in business requires even faster adoption of Agility. - Design
Clarity of Goals: The Most Important Element of Product Success
Complete clarity and constant communication of goals are as important to a product's success as execution, perhaps more so. - Design
Building Node.js Projects in Visual Studio
Developing server-side apps with the popular Node.js framework can now be done with the full support of Visual Studio IntelliSense, debugging, and project management. - Tools
Events of Interest
December 11-12. Washington, D.C. ModevCon
March 2-6, 2015 London, UK. QCon London
March 5-8, 2015. Recife, Brazil. Tropical Ruby
March 17-19, 2015. Boston, MA. O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference
March 23-24, 2015. Palo Alto, CA. Evans Data's 11th Annual Developer Relations Conference
April 8-16, 2015. Montreal, Canada. PyCon 2015
April 27-30, 2015. Baltimore, MD. 11th Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Architecture Technology User Network (SATURN) Conference
May 4-8, 2015. Chicago, IL. Microsoft Ignite Conference
May 12-14, 2015. Zaragoza, Spain.Protocols Plugfest Europe 2015
Videos of Past Events
September 2014. Atlassian Summit 2014
September 2013. JavaOne
June 2013. JAXConf 2013
May 2013. Google I/O
October 2012. JAXLondon 2012
September 2012. Strangeloop
July 2012. Java Language Summit
June 2012. Google I/O 2012
May 2012. Atlassian Summit
May 2012 (paid). Fluent Conference
March 2012. Multicore World
July 2011. JVM Language Summit