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Developing Windows Vista Sidebar Gadgets


Gadget deployment and distribution is straightforward. Although uncompressed .gadget folders can be copied from one system to another, users must manually move the folder into their respective Sidebar paths. To facilitate this, compress the contents of the folder into a .zip archive and rename it with a .gadget extension. When users double click on the file, Vista identifies the archive as a gadget archive and moves the contents into the correct location.

Because the archive is a single file, it can be easily transported using everything from e-mail attachments and local file servers to web servers, and if intended to be shared with the Vista community, on Microsoft's gadget web site. Gadgets can be submitted to Microsoft for distribution via the MicrosoftGadgets.com gadget submission page (microsoftgadgets.com/addgadget2.aspx). However, just because you submitted a gadget for public consumption doesn't automatically qualify it for a Gallery listing. Remember that Microsoft wants to promote Sidebar with as much positive buzz as possible and Microsoft has the final authority to consider every new gadget uploaded to be featured in the Gallery. Simple gadgets were allowed during the early beta development days to serve as tutorials and thought starters for other gadget developers, as well as a cherry-picking/sifting ground for Microsoft to select the "best of" gadgets for Vista's launch. The quality and coolness qualifications for Sidebar gadget Gallery distribution will continue to be raised as more attractive and sophisticated gadgets come online.

Next Steps

Obviously, MyFirst.gadget isn't very exciting, but it is a stub from which to begin developing the next killer gadget. As you have seen, gadgets are, for the most part, small web pages with special attributes, so having a solid background in web page design and JavaScript is essential for smart gadget implementation. Study the gadget object model (msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/sidebar/sidebar/reference/refs.asp) and experiment with the different calls that can be sent and received. Over time, more complex and interesting gadgets will be available. Use these for inspiration and insight toward creating your own amazing Sidebar gadgets.

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