A name game. Courtesy of Sean M. Burke
Extracting balanced parentheses from a string
<$1$2 $1$2 $1o $1$2 / Bonana-Fanna-Fo-F$2 /
Fe Fi Mo M$2 / $1$2!>i;
appeared in Issue 15
use strict ;sub pars {my( $l,$r )=map{ "\Q$_" }split// ,shift; my(@s,@r ,$i,$o, $v);for( split/([ $l$r])/, shift){ /$l/and $s[++$o]= ++$i;for $v(1..$o)# {$r[$v].= $_ if$s[$v] >0}/$r/and $s[(grep## $s[$_]== $i,0..$#s) [0]]=-$i ,--$i<0&& last;}($i= shift)? wantarray ?@r[grep -$s[$_ ]==$i,0.. $#s]:$r [$i]: splice@r, 1;}$, ="\n" ;print pars (@ ARGV )# pars('()', "(123 (456) (789) 0)")
gives you the parenthesized substrings in order of appearance:
(123 (456) (789) 0),(456),(789) pars('()', "(123 (456) (789) 0)", 2)
in a list context gives you list of substrings, opened on level 2:
in scalar context gives you the second substring:
Courtesy of Paul Clinger
appeared in Issue 15
Extract unique elements from a list given a key function
sub unique (&@) { my($c,%hash) = shift; grep { not $hash{&$c}++ } @_ } @list = unique { $_ } @list; # Remove duplicate strings from @list. @obj = unique { $_->name } @obj; # Only include one object for # for each name.
Courtesy of Don Schwarz
appeared in Issue 15
Seven "Magic Cards." Have a friend think of a number from 1 to 100. Give them cards one at a time and ask if their number is on the card. Mentally sum the first digits of each card with a "yes" answer. Go into trance, say the magic word "Ultrix!" and announce their number. Known to win bar bets.
for $a(0..6){$b=1;for $c(1..100){if($c&2**$a){printf "%3d ",$c;print"\n"if!($b++%10)}}print"\n\n\n"}
Courtesy of Bill Huston
appeared in Issue 15
Asteroid 2000 BF19 was thought to be on a potentially dangerous approach path for us Terrans, with a possible impact in 2022. A Perl program called clomon.pl showed that the asteroid cannot come any closer than 0.038 AU for the next fifty years. Sleep tight!
-Based on email from Andrea Milani and Scott Manley
appeared in Issue 17
Tracking the progress of a file as it downloads:
perl -e 'BEGIN{$|=1;$f=$ARGV[0];$s=(stat$f)[7];$t=time} while(sleep 1){printf"\r$f %s bytes at %.2f Kb/s ", $_=(stat$f)[7],($_-$s)/1024/(time-$t)}'
-Courtesy Philippe Bruhat
appeared in Issue 17
A full list of installed (but nonstandard) modules, and where they are located:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # all variables must be declared use Getopt::Std; # import the getopts method use ExtUtils::Installed; # import the package use vars qw($opt_l $opt_s); # declaring the two option switches &getopts('ls'); # $opt_l and $opt_s are set to 1 or 0 unless($opt_l or $opt_s) { # unless one switch is true (1) die "pmods: A utility to list all installed (nonstandard) modules\n", " Usage: pmods.pl -l # list each module and all its directories\n", " pmods.pl -s # list just the module names\n"; } my $inst = ExtUtils::Installed->new(); foreach my $mod ( $inst->modules() ) { # foreach of the installed modules my $ver = $inst->version($mod); # version number of the module $ver = ($ver) ? $ver : 'NONE'; # for clean operation print "MODULE: $mod version $ver\n"; # print module names map { print " $_\n" } $inst->directories($mod) if($opt_l); }
-Courtesy William H. Asquith et al.
appeared in Issue 17
Print a message if a daylight savings time change occurs within the next 5 days:
print "\aTIME CHANGE COMING!\n" if (localtime(time))[8] ne (localtime(time+5*24*60*60))[8];
-Courtesy J.D. Laub
Reverse for syntax to print out Perl's include path:
perl -e 'print "$_\n" for @INC'
You can create a reference to a scalar like so:
$ref = \$var;
In recent versions of Perl, you can also say:
$ref = *var{SCALAR};
The same holds for other data types.