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The Road to Our Scripting Future

Grid Concerns

Like the computing architectures and languages that came before it, grid comes with its own set of challenges and trade-offs. For example, there are various additional semantics and failure modes associated with grid's asynchronous programming model, especially in large-scale distributed applications.

Perhaps the biggest difference is that the software needs to expect that machines will fail, and fail regularly. This means redundancy must be built into the software layer. When invoking logic, programmers should not be thinking about calling a specific machine, which is the traditional synchronous RPC model. Instead, programmers should think about invoking a service. At runtime, that service could in fact be running on the same machine or on different machines.

The biggest conceptual abstraction that programmers need to understand is that applications need to evolve into a set of services so they can be spread across a grid. Having a main event loop and running sequential logic can deploy to a grid, but this type of model scales vertically on hardware, not horizontally.

Clearly, the massively scalable web sites in use today represent the first large-scale use of this type of architecture. Web interactions are inherently atomic. For instance, user A's shopping cart has nothing to do with user B's shopping cart. User A's credit card can be processed independently of user B's credit card. In an e-commerce site, the only resource these users really have to share is the inventory system and an external shipper's tracking service.

Grid has evolved from numerical computing—where things like airbag simulations could be split up among numerous machines—to serving multitudes of web users. The next level up is servicing requests on shared data; for example, searching via Google search and browsing social networks. Google has it a bit easier because they don't really care if a search is slightly different every time you search, so they can gradually update the indexes across clusters. That problem is a bit fuzzier and users don't notice.

Social networks are a bit different, and they have had a lot of problems scaling. Essentially, the entire object graph of social relationships has to be accessible in real time by all of the independent web users. Friendster (www.friendster.com/) solved this problem by using PHP to service the web requests and using a back-end service that had the object graph in memory. In this hybrid model, the social network construct is essentially considered a back-end service, like an inventory system.

A final concern revolves around maintenance. These systems are incredibly hard to debug. There have been a lot of homegrown tools to do this, but it is an emerging solution. From a monitoring, administering, and analyzing perspective, all of the major systems management vendors have had solutions to manage large clusters of commodity machines for years now. They are still getting better, but there are a lot of choices.

The Scripting Future

PHP, Python, and Perl are still somewhat immature in terms of their enterprise libraries, and their web services capabilities are nascent. Regardless, they have the necessary ingredients to meet the requirements of the next corporate computing phase of "text pump" applications.

In addition to being free and open source, these languages are easy to learn and use. PHP, Python, and Perl are primed to follow the trail blazed by Linux and Apache and make huge inroads into the corporate market. The latest version of PHP is virtually indistinguishable from Java, to the point of almost identical syntax and keywords.

Outside of the open-source arena, Microsoft has created Zen, previously named "X#" (http://research.microsoft.com/~emeijer/Papers/XML2003/xml2003.html), an XML-native language for its common language runtime (CLR). Visual Basic is arguably the most popular scripting language in the world, and Windows is well tuned for one- to two-processor machines. As long as Microsoft remains in the picture, developers will most likely be able to choose among .NET, Java, and PHP/Python/Perl. However, when the application is on a grid architecture, the open-source scripting languages will rule.

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