-L <directory> # Search <directory> for run-time libraries. -I <directory> # Search <directory> for C include files. -o <name> # Generate output as file <name> instead of a.out. -v <level> # Print verbose status messages while compiling. -e <script> # Compile a one-line script. -r # Run the executable after compiling it. -B # Compile into byte code. -O # Use optimized C backend. -c # Generate an linker file (.o). -h # Print help message. -S # Dump C files. -T # Run Perl backend using -T. -t # Run Perl backend using -t. -static # Enable -static option. -shared # Create a shared library. -log <filename> # Save compilation messages in file. -Wb <options> # Pass options to the backend -testsuite # Optimize for Perl test suite.
Figure 1: Perlcc command-line options.