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New Media in the Enterprise

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We're producing a series of 15 podcasts that expand on the new media theme. These can be accessed by subscribing to our podcast feed at or through the NWC blog page, or right-click on the red links below to download.

1. Web 2.0 Roundtable: A roundtable discussion held at Interop 2006. Curt Franklin, Carol Franklin, Dave Greenfield and John Soat join Mike DeMaria in a heated debate over the new paradigms.

2. E-Poll Results: Find out where NETWORK COMPUTING readers stand on key issues relating to new media.

3. Transparent Aluminum: New media isn't just about putting content online in different ways, it's also about the type of content. Blogs and podcasts let an outsider look into your organization, see what employees are energized over, and read their opinions and views of the market.

4. CTC Recap: We recap lessons learned and discussions from the Collaborative Technology Conference.

5. Breaker, Breaker, Microsoft Blogger: We interview Jeff Sandquist at Microsoft about evangelism, why Microsoft is trying to be more transparent, its blogging policy and the genesis of Channel 9.

6. Blogging on the Sun: Through the magic of PSTN, we conduct an interview with Tim Bray, director of Web technologies at Sun. We cover syndication, blogging policy, how Sun's policy was created, getting people on the blogging train and podcasting.

7. Podcast Formats: We discuss the four major podcast formats: scripted, monologue, debate and interview.

8. Beyond PR: We interview media analyst Sam Whitmore. We talk about the media, full disclosure, bloggers, getting slammed in the blogosphere and how to deal with bad publicity.

9. Sonic Boom: We interview SonicWall about its new podcasting initiative.

10. Unpause: Writing and podcasting require different thought processes. We explore the distinctions.

11. Beyond Content: Quality content will bring users in; connecting with visitors will keep them coming back.

12. Culture of No: It's been said that modern-day IT departments have a culture of saying no to as many requests as possible. This is counterproductive, and users will route around IT if necessary. (podcast to come)

13. Tag, You're IT: Tagging and social bookmarking are a new and popular phenomena. We'll look into a few of the more popular sites. (podcast to come)

14. Rules of the Road: The Internet allows for anonymity when posting to blogs or editing wikis. However, there are unwritten rules to follow. (podcast to come)

15. Beyond Words: Looking toward the future of new media, we'll go over the lessons learned throughout the development of this article and podcast series and our predictions on the next few years. (podcast to come)

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