Installation prefix to use? (~name ok) [/usr/local] <b>/opt/perl</b> Pathname where the public executables will reside? (~name ok) [/opt/perl/bin] <b>/opt/perl/bin/5.8.0</b> Many scripts expect perl to be installed as /usr/bin/perl. I can install the perl you are about to compile also as /usr/bin/perl (in addition to /opt/perl/bin/5.8.0/perl). Do you want to install perl as /usr/bin/perl? [y] <b>n</b> Where do the main Perl5 manual pages (source) go? (~name ok) [/opt/perl/man/man1] <b>/opt/perl/man/5.8.0/man1</b> Pathname where the add-on public executables should be installed? (~name ok) [/opt/perl/bin] /opt/perl/bin/5.8.0
Example 4: Configure questions for which you must override the defaults.