Listing 2 implementation of the Map<> template
template <class KEY, class VAL> void Map<KEY, VAL>::CreateKeyVal (const Map<KEY, VAL> & theDict, const KEY & theKey, KEY *& keyCopy, VAL *& newValue) { keyCopy = new KEY(theKey); newValue = new VAL(theDict.default_value); } template <class KEY, class VAL> void Map<KEY, VAL>::DestroyKeyVal(KEY *key, VAL *value) { delete key; delete value; } template <class KEY, class VAL> int Map<KEY, VAL>::CmpKeys(const KEY &a, const KEY &b) { return a == b; } template <class KEY, class VAL> Map<KEY, VAL>::Map (unsigned (*hash)(const KEY &), const VAL & def_val, size_t dict_size) : VPmap(dict_size, KeyHashProc(hash), KeyCompareEqProc(Map<KEY, VAL>::CmpKeys), KeyValCreateProc(Map<KEY, VAL>::CreateKeyVal), KeyValDestroyProc(Map<KEY, VAL>::DestroyKeyVal)), default_value(def_val) { } /* End of File */