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Use Lock Hierarchies to Avoid Deadlock

A Word About Composability

Although lock hierarchies address many of the flaws of locks, including the possibility of deadlock, they still share the same Achilles Heel: Like locks themselves, lock hierarchies are not in general composable without some extra discipline and effort. After all, just because you use a lock hierarchy discipline correctly within the code you control, a separately authored module or plug-in that you link with won't necessarily know anything about your lock hierarchy unless you somehow inform them about your layers and how they should fit into the hierarchy.

For example, look at the sample application architecture in Figure 1 again, and consider: What if the application wants to allow plugins that are called from the 5000s layer? First, of course, the program and all the plug-ins should make every effort to avoid calling unknown code (in this case, each other) while holding a lock. But, as we saw last month ("Avoid Calling Unknown Code While Inside a Critical Section", DDJ, December 2007), we can encounter trouble even if a plug-in takes no locks of its own but may call back into the main program and create a code path that unexpectedly calls up into higher level code that takes a higher level lock. So the plug-ins must be aware of the layering of the application and be told that they are to operate at (say) level 4999, and may only call APIs below level 4999.


Keep it on the level: Use lock hierarchies to avoid deadlock in the code you control. Assign each shared resource a level that corresponds to its architectural layer in your application, and follow the two rules: While holding a resource at a higher level, acquire only resources at lower levels; and acquire multiple resources at the same level all at once.

If your program will call external code, especially plug-ins, then document your public API sufficiently for plug-in authors to see what level their plug-in is expected to operate at, and therefore the API calls they can and can't make (those below their level and those at or above their level, respectively).

Next month, we'll start to look into issues and techniques for writing scalable manycore applications. Stay tuned.


[1] Or otherwise gets the same effect. For example, it is possible to just start trying to acquire the locks in some randomly selected order using try_lock operations, and if we can't acquire them all just back-off (unlock the ones already acquired) and try a different order until we find one that works. Surprisingly, this can be more efficient than taking the locks in a hard-coded global order, although any backoff-and-retry strategy has to take care that it doesn't end up prone to livelock problems in-stead. But we can leave all this to the implementer; the key is that the programmer simply writes lock( /* whatever */ ) and is insulated from the details of determining the best way to keep the order consistent.

Herb is a software architect at Microsoft and chair of the ISO C++ Standards committee. He can be contacted at www.gotw.ca.

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