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Reports of the death of NetRexx have been greatly exaggerated.

In Sept. '11, IBM finally released it as FOSS to RexxLA (Rexx Language Association, RexxLA.org and NetRexx.org ).

A minor update release 3.00 under the new license has been issued. A lively mailing list is archived at http://ibm-netrexx.215625.n...

From RexxLA.org : "NetRexx 3.01 planned availability

2012-02-04: NetRexx 3.01 will be available via NetRexx.org. This release is the first with original contributions from the RexxLA development team; it will have new documentation donated by Mike Cowlishaw, an updated User Guide and several small enhancements and fixes. Update: Release Candidate RC2 is available for download, testing and feedback."


The reports of the death of NetRexx are greatly exaggerated. The language was open sourced by IBM last year and a community around it takes care of its maintenance. Not that it needed much. The latest version can be gotten from http://www.netrexx.org, while http://rosetta.org has more then 100 samples of how to do almost everything with it. Performance-wise, it smokes nearly every other language on this list, while consistently needing less than 40% of the sourcecode of the corresponding Java program, making it extremely readable and maintainable, and a pleasure to program in.