Dr. Ecco Solution
Solution to "Occam's Ringleaders," DDJ, September 2004.
1. Liane showed that conspirators 2, 3, 6, and 11 could be the ringleaders. The responses of conspirator 1 involve ANDing all the inputs. No ODD function is applied. We represent this by:
C1: AND(C2, C3, C6, C11)
The same holds for conspirators 5 and 9. Conspirator 4 performs an AND of 2 and 6 before ODDing that result with the inputs from 3 and 11. We could represent this by writing:
C4: ODD(C3, C11, AND(C2, C6)).
C7: ODD(C3, C6, AND(C2, C11)).
C8: ODD(C2, C3, C6, C11)
C10: ODD(C6, AND(C2, C3, C11))
2. The ringleaders are: 3, 5, and 6. Here are the ways the others are derived:
C1: AND(3, 5, 6).
This is also true for C2 and C11.
C4: ODD(3, 5, 6).
This also holds for C7, C8, and C9.
C10: ODD(3, AND(5, 6)).
Most of these use only one circuit element. This could be a sign of carelessness.
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