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Encapsulating MFC's CFileFind Class

May 2002/Encapsulating MFC’s CFileFind Class

Listing 2: FileFindDriver.cpp
Implementation of the CFileFindDriver class and associated private classes

// Code written by Graham Pearson, who can be reached at [email protected]
// FileFindDriver.cpp: implementation of the CFileFindDriver class and associated private classes

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "FileFindDriver.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Abstract base class

class CSearchObject
    CSearchObject() { }
    // Destructor must be virtual
    virtual ~CSearchObject() { }

    // Pure virtual functions
    virtual CString GetPathPrefix() const = 0;
    virtual int GetNext(CString& sEntry) = 0;

    // Values returned by GetNext()
        entryIsFolder = 0,

    virtual const CFileFind* GetFileFind() const { return NULL; }
    virtual int GetFilesFound() const { return 0; }

    friend class CFileFindDriver;


class CSearchForFolders : public CSearchObject
    const CString m_sPathPrefix;
    CFileFind m_folderFind;
    // Status of previous call to FindFile() or FindNextFile()
    BOOL m_bCanFindNextFolder;
    // Total number of files (*.*) in this folder
    int m_iFilesFound;

    CSearchForFolders(const CString& sPathPrefix);
    virtual ~CSearchForFolders() { m_folderFind.Close(); }
    virtual CString GetPathPrefix() const { return m_sPathPrefix; }
    virtual int GetNext(CString& sEntry);
    virtual const CFileFind* GetFileFind() const { return &m_folderFind; }
    virtual int GetFilesFound() const { return m_iFilesFound; }

CSearchForFolders::CSearchForFolders(const CString& sPathPrefix)
    : m_sPathPrefix(sPathPrefix),
    ASSERT(TCHAR('\\') == m_sPathPrefix.GetAt(m_sPathPrefix.GetLength() - 1));
    // Prepare the CFileFind object for call to FindNextFile()
    m_bCanFindNextFolder = m_folderFind.FindFile(CString(m_sPathPrefix + _T("*.*")));

// GetNext is a virtual function
int CSearchForFolders::GetNext(CString& sEntry)
    // Initialize returned values
    int iRetVal = noMoreFolders;
    while (m_bCanFindNextFolder)
        // Continue search process
        m_bCanFindNextFolder = m_folderFind.FindNextFile();

        // Skip . and .. files; otherwise, we'd recurse infinitely!
        if (m_folderFind.IsDots()) continue;

        // Watch for directory (folder) entries
        if (m_folderFind.IsDirectory())
            // Return entry to caller
            sEntry = m_folderFind.GetFilePath();
            iRetVal = entryIsFolder;

        // This entry is a file (not necessarily a matching file)
        // Keep track of the total number of files found in this folder

    return iRetVal;


class CSearchForFileSpec : public CSearchObject
    const CString m_sPathPrefix;
    // A copy of the CFileFindDriver constructor argument
    const CStringArray& m_sFileSpecArray;
    const int m_iArraySize;
    int m_iArrayPos;

    CSearchForFileSpec(const CString& sPathPrefix, const CStringArray& sFileSpecArray);
    virtual ~CSearchForFileSpec() { }
    virtual CString GetPathPrefix() const { return m_sPathPrefix; }
    virtual int GetNext(CString& sEntry);

CSearchForFileSpec::CSearchForFileSpec(const CString& sPathPrefix, const CStringArray& sFileSpecArray)
    : m_sPathPrefix(sPathPrefix),
    ASSERT(TCHAR('\\') == m_sPathPrefix.GetAt(m_sPathPrefix.GetLength() - 1));
    ASSERT(0 < m_iArraySize);
    m_iArrayPos = -1;

// GetNext is a virtual function
int CSearchForFileSpec::GetNext(CString& sEntry)
    // Initialize returned values
    int iRetVal = noMoreFileSpecs;

    if (m_iArraySize > m_iArrayPos)
        sEntry = m_sPathPrefix + m_sFileSpecArray.GetAt(m_iArrayPos);
        iRetVal = entryIsFileSpec;

    return iRetVal;


class CSearchForFiles : public CSearchObject
    const CString m_sSearchSpec;
    CFileFind m_fileFind;
    // Status of previous call to FindFile() or FindNextFile()
    BOOL m_bCanFindNextFile;
    // Number of files in this folder that match m_sSearchSpec
    int m_iFilesFound;

    CSearchForFiles(const CString& sSearchSpec);
    virtual ~CSearchForFiles() { m_fileFind.Close(); }
    virtual CString GetPathPrefix() const;
    virtual int GetNext(CString& sEntry);
    virtual const CFileFind* GetFileFind() const { return &m_fileFind; }
    virtual int GetFilesFound() const { return m_iFilesFound; }

CSearchForFiles::CSearchForFiles(const CString& sSearchSpec)
    : m_sSearchSpec(sSearchSpec),
    // Prepare the CFileFind object for call to FindNextFile()
    m_bCanFindNextFile = m_fileFind.FindFile(m_sSearchSpec);

// GetPathPrefix is a virtual function
CString CSearchForFiles::GetPathPrefix() const
    const int iBackSlashPos = m_sSearchSpec.ReverseFind(TCHAR('\\'));
    ASSERT(-1 != iBackSlashPos);
    // + 1: include trailing backSlash in returned string
    return m_sSearchSpec.Left(iBackSlashPos + 1);

// GetNext is a virtual function
int CSearchForFiles::GetNext(CString& sEntry)
    // Initialize returned values
    int iRetVal = noMoreFiles;

    while (m_bCanFindNextFile)
        // Continue search process
        m_bCanFindNextFile = m_fileFind.FindNextFile();

        // Skip . and .. files; otherwise, we'd recurse infinitely!
        if (m_fileFind.IsDots()) continue;

        // Skip any directory (folder) entries matching this specification
        if (m_fileFind.IsDirectory()) continue;

        // This entry is a matching file

        // Return entry to caller
        sEntry = m_fileFind.GetFilePath();
        iRetVal = entryIsFile;

        // Keep track of the number of matching files found in this folder

    return iRetVal;

// Use the CFileFindDriver class as follows:
// _T("*.*") = process all files
// TRUE = recurse into subdirectories
// for (CFileFindDriver driver(sSearchDir, _T("*.*"), TRUE); (NULL != driver.GetFileFind()); driver++)
// {
//        // Call any of the CFileFind const functions, e.g.
//        CString sFilePath(driver.GetFileFind()->GetFilePath());
//        CString sFileName(driver.GetFileFind()->GetFileName());
//        CString sFileTitle(driver.GetFileFind()->GetFileTitle());
//        etc.
// }
// Alternatively, search for all .cpp and .h files:
// CStringArray sFileSpecArray;
// sFileSpecArray.SetSize(2);
// sFileSpecArray.SetAt(0, _T("*.cpp"));
// sFileSpecArray.SetAt(1, _T("*.h"));
// TRUE = recurse into subdirectories
// for (CFileFindDriver driver(sSearchDir, sFileSpecArray, TRUE); (NULL != driver.GetFileFind()); driver++)
// {
//        // Call any of the CFileFind const functions, e.g.
//        CString sFilePath(driver.GetFileFind()->GetFilePath());
//        CString sFileName(driver.GetFileFind()->GetFileName());
//        CString sFileTitle(driver.GetFileFind()->GetFileTitle());
//        etc.
// }

CFileFindDriver::CFileFindDriver(const CString& sSearchDir, const CString& sSearchSpec, BOOL bRecurse)
    : m_sSearchDir(sSearchDir),
    // Build m_sFileSpecArray from sSearchSpec
    m_sFileSpecArray.SetAt(0, sSearchSpec);

    // Initialize search position

CFileFindDriver::CFileFindDriver(const CString& sSearchDir, const CStringArray& sFileSpecArray, BOOL bRecurse)
    : m_sSearchDir(sSearchDir),
    // Build m_sFileSpecArray from sFileSpecArray
    const int iSpecArraySize = sFileSpecArray.GetSize();
    ASSERT(0 < iSpecArraySize);
    for (int iArrayPos = 0; iSpecArraySize > iArrayPos; iArrayPos++)
        m_sFileSpecArray.SetAt(iArrayPos, sFileSpecArray.GetAt(iArrayPos));

    // Initialize search position

    // Make sure all objects in m_searchList are destroyed

// Private "helper" function
void CFileFindDriver::EmptySearchList()
    // Destroy all CSearchObjects attached to m_searchList, from tail to head
    POSITION pos = m_searchList.GetTailPosition();
    while (NULL != pos) delete m_searchList.GetPrev(pos);

    // Empty the list

// Start / restart search process
BOOL CFileFindDriver::First()
    // Reinitialize member data
    m_iFilesFound = m_iSpecArrayPos = 0;

    // If necessary, append a trailing backSlash to m_sSearchDir
    CString sPathPrefix(m_sSearchDir);
    if (TCHAR('\\') != sPathPrefix.GetAt(sPathPrefix.GetLength() - 1))
        sPathPrefix += TCHAR('\\');

    // Keep track of all the directories found in this search process
    m_sSearchDirList.AddTail(sPathPrefix.Left(sPathPrefix.GetLength() - 1));

    if (m_bRecurse)
        // Append a new CSearchForFolders object ready for searching
        m_searchList.AddTail(new CSearchForFolders(sPathPrefix));
        // Append a new CSearchForFileSpec object ready for searching
        m_searchList.AddTail(new CSearchForFileSpec(sPathPrefix, m_sFileSpecArray));

    // Navigate through files
    return Next();

// Navigate through files
BOOL CFileFindDriver::Next()
    // Reset member variable
    m_pFileFind = NULL;

    BOOL bSearching = TRUE;
    while (bSearching)
        // If our m_searchList now is empty, we're all done
        if (m_searchList.IsEmpty()) break;

        // Access the tail of our m_searchList
        CSearchObject* pEntry = m_searchList.GetTail();
        ASSERT(NULL != pEntry);

        // Get the next entry associated with this search object
        CString sEntry;
        // Call virtual function
        const int iResponse = pEntry->GetNext(sEntry);
        switch (iResponse)
            case CSearchObject::entryIsFolder:
            // Keep track of all the directories found in this search process

            // Append a new CSearchForFolders object ready for searching
            m_searchList.AddTail(new CSearchForFolders(CString(sEntry + TCHAR('\\'))));

            case CSearchObject::noMoreFolders:
                // Retrieve search results
                const CString sPathPrefix(pEntry->GetPathPrefix());
                const int iFilesFound = pEntry->GetFilesFound();

                // Remove the tail element from m_searchList
                delete pEntry;

                // Did this object discover any files?
                if (0 < iFilesFound)
                    // Append a new CSearchForFileSpec object ready for searching
                    m_searchList.AddTail(new CSearchForFileSpec(sPathPrefix, m_sFileSpecArray));

                    // Prepare member variables that make sure a specific file is returned
                    // no more than once by the CSearchObject::entryIsFile case
                    m_iSpecArrayPos = 0;

            case CSearchObject::entryIsFileSpec:
            // Append a new CSearchForFiles object ready for searching
            m_searchList.AddTail(new CSearchForFiles(sEntry));

            // Update count for use by CSearchObject::entryIsFile case

            case CSearchObject::noMoreFileSpecs:
            // Remove the tail element from m_searchList and keep searching
            // i.e.    search the new tail element by repeating this loop
            delete pEntry;

            case CSearchObject::entryIsFile:
            // Do we need to check this file against the list
            // of files retrieved from this folder so far?
            if (1 < m_iSpecArrayPos)
                // Have we already retrieved this file?
                if (NULL != m_foundList.Find(sEntry)) continue;

            // Keep a list of files retrieved so far from this folder
            // Keep track of the number of matching files found during this search

            // Call virtual function
            m_pFileFind = pEntry->GetFileFind();
            ASSERT(NULL != m_pFileFind);
            bSearching = FALSE;

            case CSearchObject::noMoreFiles:
            // Remove the tail element from m_searchList and keep searching
            // i.e.    search the new tail element by repeating this loop
            delete pEntry;

            // Programmer's reality check


    return (NULL == m_pFileFind) ? FALSE : TRUE;

// This function returns a list of all directories searched since
// CFileFindDriver object construction or since the last call to First()
void CFileFindDriver::GetSearchDirList(CStringList& sSearchDirList) const
    // CStringList has neither a copy constructor nor an assignment operator
    // so we must copy each element of m_sSearchDirList explicitly
    POSITION pos = m_sSearchDirList.GetHeadPosition();
    while (NULL != pos)

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