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In the August 2013 issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal, we focus on debugging and defect management with a manifesto on making issue tracking drive the development process, a refresher on debugging multithreaded applications in Windows, a review of post-mortem debugging approaches, and more!
In This August Digital Issue:
- Making Issue Tracking Drive the Development Process
By Dan Radigan
Issue trackers contain the list of defects and the inventory of new features to be developed. As they also capture progress on these items, they emerge as the one tool that can drive and manage the project workflow. This lean view of trackers is becoming widely adopted, using the practices presented here. - Debugging Multithreaded Applications in Windows
By Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts
Debugging applications in which several threads are active can be challenging to the point of great frustration. This article aims to relieve a bit of that frustration by explaining how to utilize Visual Studio to debug multithreaded applications. As part of Visual Studio, Microsoft includes a debugger with multithreaded debug support. We examine the different multithreaded debug capabilities of Visual Studio, and then demonstrate how to use them. - Post-Mortem Debugging Revisited
By Stefan Worthmüller Several years ago, Worthm�ller wrote an article for Dr. Dobb's Journal that included source code to create stack dumps with function names from C/C++ programs that crashed on client sites without any modification on the client�s machine. He then received feedback that led him to a number of different approaches which are summarized in this handy article.
By you
Readers discuss the nature of simplicity.
By Adrian Bridgwater
Recent news on tools, platforms, frameworks, and the state of the software development world.
Snapshots of the most interesting items on drdobbs.com including JDK 8 and Scala for C# developers.
Table of Contents
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