<?xml version="1.0"?> <MESGMEMO STATUS="PUBLIC"> <DATESENT>27 March 1999</DATESENT> <RECIPIENT>Cathy Mugford</RECIPIENT> <SENDER>Ken North</SENDER> <TOPIC>Recommended Reading List: Web Farming for the Data Warehouse</TOPIC> <SECTION> <P> Web Farming for the Data Warehouse (Morgan Kaufmann) is a compendium of information that is best-described as systematically making intelligent use of the Web. ... </P> <P> The book contains a wealth of information about content-providers, protocols, standards, tools, discovery services, knowledge management, Web agents, and data mining software. ... </P> <P> Hackathorn's book is as close to leisure reading as I expect to find in an IT book. It belongs on the must-read list of anyone having an interest in exploring the Web's potential as an information resource. </P> </SECTION> <CLOSE>Ken</CLOSE> </MESGMEMO>
Database Developer | Modeling, Metadata, and XML
The two previous columns in this space dealt with a cookbook approach to database development. This month I hope to provide enough information for you to decide whether to learn Object-Role Modeling (ORM), the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and the eXtensible Markup Language (XML).Related Reading
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