A Complete Reed-Solomon Encoding and Decoding Example
By Hugo Lyppens
Dr. Dobb's Journal January 1997
Generator polynomial: 54 + 01x^1 + F3x^2 + 6Cx^3 + 1Bx^4 + 5Fx^5 + 62x^6 + D4x^7 + B2x^8 + CFx^9 + 1Ex^10 + 72x^11 + BAx^12 + F4x^13 + E7x^14 + 81x^15 + 01x^16 Enter original string or enter empty string to quit: Coding theory is fun! Enter string with up to 8 symbol errors or enter empty string to quit: C0ding th.ory is f&n? Syndrome 0: 59 Syndrome 1: 8d Syndrome 2: 5d Syndrome 3: 4d Syndrome 4: 5 Syndrome 5: bf Syndrome 6: ae Syndrome 7: 5c Syndrome 8: 18 Syndrome 9: ad Syndrome 10: 6b Syndrome 11: b4 Syndrome 12: c9 Syndrome 13: c3 Syndrome 14: e6 Syndrome 15: fe Degree of err. loc. polynomial: 4 Error locator polynomial: CC + B8x^1 + 05x^2 + 21x^3 + 3Cx^4 Error evaluator polynomial: 5C + 2Fx^1 + 4Dx^2 + ADx^3 number of roots of elp: 4 correcting error at location 20 of magnitude 1E correcting error at location 9 of magnitude 4B correcting error at location 1 of magnitude 5F correcting error at location 18 of magnitude 53 Decoding OK, recovered `Coding theory is fun!' from `C0ding th.ory is f&n?' by correcting 4 errors!
Figure 3: Program output.
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