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Building Your Own Plugin Framework: Part 5

The NuPIC Plugin Framework

Well, before I let you go home I want to share the history of the plugin framework. It grew out of the NuPIC plugin framework. NuPIC is a platform for intelligent computing and its got a pretty interesting and very clean architecture. I don't mind praising it because it was designed before I came on board, so it's not auto-complimentation (don't confuse with auto-completion).

NuPIC is a platform for distributed computing conceived to run massive HTM (Hierarchical Temporal Memory) networks. The term "node" is usually reserved to a physical machine or a host in cluster nomenclature. In NuPIC the term "node" refers to a node in the HTM network. These nodes can be sensors, compute nodes or effectors. From a software engineering point of view, there are many node processor processes running on many cores (same or different machines), each one of them running multiple HTM nodes, there is a supervisor process that orchestrates all the action and there are tools that communicate with the supervisor via a sophisticated API. The goal is usually to train a HTM network by feeding it some data and then perform inference by showing it novel data and see how similar it is to something the network learned. The runtime engine is the supervisor and all the node processor. The application or tools communicate with the supervisor to load networks files, run computations, and control the live networks at runtime by sending commands and setting parameters. Where do plugins fit into the picture? Actually everywhere. Every node in the HTM network is implemented as a plugin. When a network file is loaded into the runtime engine, it is parsed and the specific nodes are instantiated based on their type just like the monsters in the game. Figure 2 is a high-level illustration of NuPIC's architecture.

[Click image to view at full size]
Figure 2: NuPIC architecture

I think that looking at another system with a radically different interface helps clarify the boundary between generic plugin framework concerns and the application and its object model.

Listing Seven contains the definition of the INode interface. It is the moral equivalent of the IActor interface in the game. It is how the runtime engine knows its nodes are same as the game know its actors.

struct INode
virtual void init(INodeInfo & nodeInfo) = 0;
virtual void compute() = 0;
virtual void execute(IReadBufferIterator & args, IWriteBuffer & out) = 0;
virtual void getParameter(const Byte * name, IWriteBuffer & value) = 0;
virtual void setParameter(const Byte * name, IReadBuffer & value) = 0;
virtual void saveState(IWriteBuffer & state) = 0;
Listing Seven

The compute() method is the main one. It is called repeatedly and it is pretty much like the IActor::play() method. The init() method initializes the node and allows persistent nodes with the corresponding saveState() method. The runtime engine can tell the node to save its state. Later it can recreate the same node (e.g., on a different host) based on the state. The get/setParameter() and execute() methods are something new. They allow plugin nodes to arbitrarily extend their interface. Any node can have any number of parameters and execute commands. This effectively sidesteps the limitations of a well-defined interface. The runtime engine can't use these node-specific parameters and commands because it works at the INode interface, but users and applications construct networks that contain specific node types and can interact with them at runtime by getting/setting specific parameters and sending commands. There is nothing new here. The data types used for the generic methods are IReadBuffer and IWriteBuffer, which are glorified opaque buffers. They have some formatting capabilities similar to IO streams via overloaded read() and write() methods, but it is up to the user to know what is the format of each parameter, what arguments each command expects and what are the valid values to pass. This is very fragile and akin to having all your functions accept a void pointer opaque buffer that the caller must pack and the function must unpack or parse.

A partial solution to this problem is the node spec. The node spec is a struct that defines for each parameter its name, type, element count (1 is a scalar, >1 is an array, 0 is variable size), description, constraints, default value, and access (create, get, set, and combinations). This is a lot of metadata and lets the runtime engine and generic tools interact with nodes at a very high level. For example, tools can automatically display the description of every parameter as a tooltip and validation can be performed based on numerical ranges (0.5 ... 1.2), regular expressions (ab.*) or enumerations (red, green, blue). The nice thing about it is that all this metadata is not available only on the runtime engine, but also on the client side (tools). The tools libraries load the plugins too via the PluginManager and they have all this information at their disposal. So, if a user misspells the name of a command the tools can let her know right there and display a list of valid commands. If she then tries to set a parameter that has only a "get" access it will get descriptive error message that includes the access right for this parameter.

Wrap Up

I'm done. Thank you for making it all the way. I'm sure it wasn't easy. I hope that you will use this framework and the patterns and idioms it supports in your own applications and systems.

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