Error Handling
Error handling is a little different with C++ plugin-based systems. You can't just throw exceptions in your plugin and expect them to be handled by the application. This is part of the binary compatibility problem I discussed in the first article in the series. It may work if the plugin was built using the same compiler exactly as the application, but it's not a restriction I am willing to force on plugin developers. You can always stoop down to C-style error return codes but that goes against the grain of the C++ plugin framework. One of the main design goals of the plugin framework is to allow both plugin developers and the application developers to program in C++ even if under the covers they communicate in C-style functions across the dynamic library boundary.
So, what's needed is a way to intercept exceptions thrown in the plugin, transmit them across the dynamic library boundary in a safe and compiler-agnostic manner to the application and then throwing the exception again on the application side.
The solution I use is to wrap (on the plugin side) every method in a try-except block. When an exception is thrown on the plugin side I extract some information and report it to the application through a special invokeService() call. On the application side, when the reportError service is invoked I store the error information and when the current plugin object method returns I throw the stored exception.
This delayed serialized exception throwing mechanism is not very conventional, but it achieves the semantics of a regular C++ exception if the plugin method doesn't do anything else after invoking the reportError service.
Implementing a Dual C/C++ Object Model
This section is maybe the most complicated and the most innovative part of the C++ plugin framework. The dual object model is what allows both C and C++ plugins to coexist and be hosted by the same application and also allow the application itself to be totally unaware of the duality and treat all objects as C++ objects. Unfortunately, the generic plugin framework can't do it automatically for you. I present the design patterns and dive into the dual object model of the sample game and you will have to do it for your application object model.
The basic idea of the dual object model is that every object should be usable through the C interfaces and the C++ interfaces of the application. These interfaces should be almost identical other than language differences. The object model for the game includes the objects:
- ActorInfo
- ActorInfoContainer
- Turn
- Actor
ActorInfo is the simplest because it is just a passive struct that contains information about actor; see Example 3. The same struct exactly is used by the C and C++ and it is fully defined in the c_object_model.h file. The other objects are not so simple.
typedef struct C_ActorInfo_ { apr_uint32_t id; apr_byte_t name[MAX_STR]; apr_uint32_t location_x; apr_uint32_t location_y; apr_uint32_t health; apr_uint32_t attack; apr_uint32_t defense; apr_uint32_t damage; apr_uint32_t movement; } C_ActorInfo;
The ActorInfoContainer is a full-fledged dual C/C++ object; see Listing One.
#ifndef ACTOR_INFO_CONTAINER_H #define ACTOR_INFO_CONTAINER_H #include "object_model.h" #include <vector> struct ActorInfoContainer : IActorInfoIterator, C_ActorInfoIterator { static void reset_(C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle) { ActorInfoContainer * aic = reinterpret_cast<ActorInfoContainer *>(handle); aic->reset(); } static C_ActorInfo * next_(C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle) { ActorInfoContainer * aic = reinterpret_cast<ActorInfoContainer *>(handle); return aic->next(); } ActorInfoContainer() : index(0) { C_ActorInfoIterator::handle = (C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle)this; C_ActorInfoIterator::reset = reset_; C_ActorInfoIterator::next = next_; } void reset() { index = 0; } ActorInfo * next() { if (index >= vec.size()) return NULL; return vec[index++]; } apr_uint32_t index; std::vector<ActorInfo *> vec; }; #endif
I will now dissect it almost line by line so pay attention. Its job is pretty simple. It provides forward-only iteration over a collection (std::vector) of immutable ActorInfo objects. It also allows resetting it's internal pointer to the beginning of the collection, so multiple passes are possible. The interface has a next() method that returns a pointer to the current object (ActorInfo) and advances the internal pointer to the next object or NULL if it has already returned the last object. The first call will return the first object or NULL if the collection empty. The semantics are different than STL iterators where the iterator just advances and you need to explicitly dereference it to get to the underlying object. Also STL iterators can point to value objects and the indicator for end of collection is if the iterator equals to the end() iterator of the collection. There are several reasons I use a different iteration interface than the STL interface. STL iterators support many more styles of iteration with differences nuances than just forward iteration over an immutable collection. As a result, they are more complicated to use and require more code. The main reason however is that the iteration interface of plugin objects should support C interfaces too. Finally, I like the fact that NULL result indicates end of collection and that I don't have to dereference the iterator to get to the object. It lets me write really compact code to iterate over collections.
Back to ActorInfoContainer, it subclasses both IActorInfoIterator and C_ActorInfoIterator and that's what makes it a dual C/C++ object; see Example 4.
struct ActorInfoContainer : IActorInfoIterator, C_ActorInfoIterator { ... };
It needs to implement both interfaces of course. The C++ interface (see Example 5) is your typical ABC (abstract base class) where all the member functions (next() and reset()) are pure virtual.
struct IActorInfoIterator { virtual void reset() = 0; virtual ActorInfo * next() = 0; };
The C interface (see Example 6) has an opaque handle, which is just a pointer to a dummy struct that contains a single character and it has two function pointers for next() and release() that accepts as a first argument the handle.
typedef struct C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle_ { char c; } * C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle; typedef struct C_ActorInfoIterator_ { void (*reset)(C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle); C_ActorInfo * (*next)(C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle); C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle; } C_ActorInfoIterator;
ActorInfoContainer manages a vector of ActorInfo objects and it implements the C++ IActorInfoIterator interface by keeping an index into its vector of ActorInfo objects; see Example 7. When next() is called it returns the object in the current index in the array or NULL if the index is greater than the vector size. When reset() is called it simply sets the index to 0. The index is initialized to 0, of course.
struct ActorInfoContainer : IActorInfoIterator, C_ActorInfoIterator { ... ActorInfoContainer() : index(0) { ... } void reset() { index = 0; } ActorInfo * next() { if (index %gt;= vec.size()) return NULL; return vec[index++]; } apr_uint32_t index; std::vector<ActorInfo *> vec; };
It implements the C interface by populating C_ActorInfoIterator struct. In the constructor it assigns the reset_() and next_() static methods to the reset and next function pointers in the C_ActorInfoIterator base struct. It also assigns the this pointer to the handle; see Example 8.
static void reset_(C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle) { ActorInfoContainer * aic = reinterpret_cast<ActorInfoContainer *>(handle); aic->reset(); } static C_ActorInfo * next_(C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle handle) { ActorInfoContainer * aic = reinterpret_cast<ActorInfoContainer *>(handle); return aic->next(); } ActorInfoContainer() : index(0) { C_ActorInfoIterator::handle = (C_ActorInfoIteratorHandle)this; C_ActorInfoIterator::reset = reset_; C_ActorInfoIterator::next = next_; }