The Laggards May Still Catch Up
We found that Agile software development strategies are being successfully adopted by the majority of organizations. Most organizations are moving beyond the pilot phase and are applying agile approaches on many project teams, and some are even applying agile at scale. Agile adoption may have peaked, or perhaps we're just seeing a lull before the "adoption laggards," as Geoffrey Moore likes to call them, finally decide to catch up to the rest of the marketplace.
As with previous surveys, the source data (without identifying information), the original questions as they were asked, and a set of summary slides are downloadable from I invite you to analyze the results for yourself.
The Survey
We sent e-mail to our readership requesting that people fill out the survey and we had 642 responses. We had a wide range of respondents:
The experience levels indicate to me that the majority of people should have a reasonably good idea what is happening in their IT departments. There was also a good range of organization sizes represented. The only challenge was the over representation of North Americans, which has been an issue with previous surveys as well.
S.W.A. |