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Developer Reading List: The Must-Have Books for JavaScript

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Thanks, very useful selection, I think to me it is useful. Really it's very amazing .

Deirdre Blake

We've reclassified it in our CMS under "Tools" to avoid any confusion.

Andrew Binstock

A confusion in the category assignment process. (Although, technically, I could argue for legitimacy as Rhino (JavaScript on the JVM) runs on the JVM and is now bundled with the JDK. :-P )


Why is this article under JVM languages category?


A good list especially since it contains JavaScript: The Definitive Guide. Good review of The Good Parts book too.


Thanks! Great list. I'm familiar with more than half of the titles you included, and they are indeed some of the best I've seen. Based on that consistent quality, I'll soon be looking at the rest. Two titles that I'm currently reading that are excellent but not on the list are: "Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja" by John Resig and Bear Bibeault, and "Testable JavaScript" by Mark Ethan Trostler. Maybe they would fit in a new category like: "Finishing School"?


Perhaps he reads Dr. Dobb's only for the pictures... :)

Flash Bruce

That's a great list! I knew most of them. I had never considered Javascript books as a category before and you covered it well! I'll keep those in mind when I am on O'Reilly Safari.

Andrew Binstock

Did you even read the article?? Both books are reviewed.


Wow, it's truly amazing how many books you missed. Probably the two books that should be first in any list of must have js books are 'The Good Parts' and 'Effective JavaScript' by Dave Herman.