January 01, 2004
Software Development
Worried about losing your job to an offshore outsourcer? Do you work for an
outsourcer and want to become more competitive? Simply want to become the most
effective developer you can be? Luckily, it’s New Year’s resolution
time here at Software Development, and once again I’d like to provide
some words of wisdom about how you can become a better developer.
In the IT community, certification takes on many forms, from technology-specific
certification to certification in higher-level skills such as modeling and project
management. Although it’s by no means comprehensive, “Certification
Defined” lists some of the common
types of certification that you can obtain. The important points? There’s
a wide range of certification programs, and no single program dominates the
Why Even Bother?
Why get certified? First and foremost, certification looks good on a résumé.
Everything else being equal, most employers would sooner hire certified Java
programmers, because certification shows they’ve taken the time to learn
the fundamentals and are serious about their career. For those of you entering
the software development profession, certification helps you to get your foot
in the door in the same way that a college or university degree does. In fact,
some organizations prefer people with industry certification to those with university
degrees, specifically because certification is typically more focused and up-to-date.
Second, by preparing for certification, you’ll actually learn something
about the subject. Many people debate the value of some of the issues tested—How
important is it to know the exact syntax of an esoteric part of the Java spec?—but
the fact remains that to pass the test, you must have at least basic mastery
of the subject.
Third, if you’re among the initial group of certified developers in any
given subject, you can reap large (albeit short-term) rewards, because you’re
at the leading edge of a hot new trend. For example, a couple of years ago,
it was quite common for certified Oracle database administrators (DBAs) to command
double or sometimes even triple the salaries of noncertified DBAs.
Fourth, certification programs help to “raise the skills bar” in
the industry. These days, it’s difficult to gain employment as an Oracle
DBA without certification. Yes, this is probably a reflection of the current
economic times, but I suspect that we’ve seen a fundamental shift toward
requiring certification in the database community at large—this doesn’t
seem limited to Oracle. I’m also seeing similar trends within the Java
and Microsoft communities, as well.
The Down Side
Nothing is perfect, including certification. Although it indicates a certain
degree of proficiency, certification doesn’t guarantee competence in the
real world. Certification also promotes specialization, something that I believe
isn’t in your best interest. If you invest the time to become certified
in a specific subject, you’ll probably decide to focus your career on
that specialty. For example, people who get their Project Management Institute
(PMI) certification typically decide to focus on being project managers—they
seldom roll up their sleeves to write some code or deploy the system. Remember,
the wider your range of skills, the more effective and employable you are.
Similarly, certification in technology promotes vendor lock-in. For example,
anyone certified in Sybase is unlikely to be willing to switch over to Oracle,
and vice versa. This is a particularly dangerous problem for technologies that
are losing market share—you may not jump to a new technology because
you have so much invested in the technology in which you’re certified.
Agile Certification
Does it make sense to certify people in agile development techniques? One has
only to look at the popularity of programming language and database administration
(DBA) certification to see there is clearly a demand. Although many agile practitioners
may cringe at the thought, demand for agile certification will probably grow
as agile approaches become more commonplace. Companies will want to ease the
hiring process by requiring that employees are certified in given techniques;
developers will want to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack through
agile certification. Now is the time for agile practitioners to start thinking
about certification.
Though it may seem oxymoronic, there is growing evidence that agile certification
is viable. For example, Scrum certification efforts are gaining traction in
the project management community, perhaps because that culture is pro-certification
due to PMI efforts. Scrum certification presents an interesting juxtaposition
to PMI certification—where the PMI focuses on classroom training,
self-study and eventual testing, Scrum certification is based more on initial
classroom training using case studies and scenario discussions followed by an
apprenticeship period. These two approaches to certification reflect the mindset
of the underlying material.
What about certifying people in other agile techniques? Can we certify someone
in Extreme Programming (XP) or Agile Modeling (AM), or in individual techniques
such as pair programming, refactoring, test-first development or database refactoring?
It seems a reasonable possibility, although it would clearly require some serious
thought. I welcome any feedback that you may have.
I believe that certification is an important part of the overall picture, and
that it’s something that every developer should consider. However, certification
possesses significant potential to become more of a hindrance than a help. To
keep certification effective, you must remember that an employee’s value
is measured by what he does, not by the number of certificates or diplomas he’s
posted on the wall. Certification is just a start—not a destination.
There are three fundamental strategies for perfecting your skills. In previous
columns, I’ve already outlined the first two: becoming a generalizing
specialist and growing more flexible. This month, I focus on the third: earning
certification in your chosen specialties.
Certification Defined
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