Calling C Library DLLs from C#

Need to utilize legacy software? Here are techniques for calling unmanaged code written in C from C#.

October 01, 2005

October, 2005: Calling C Library DLLs from C#

Shah is a senior technical consultant for the Numerical Algorithms Group. He can be contacted at [email protected].

The .NET Framework was designed to be the "lingua franca" for Windows development, with the expectation that it will set a new standard for building integrated software for Windows. However, it is inevitable that there is a time lag before .NET is fully adopted and existing applications are recoded. In particular, there is a large body of legacy code that will likely never be rewritten in .NET. To address this situation, Microsoft provides attributes, assembly, and marshaling. At the Numerical Algorithms Group (where I work), our particular interest in using these techniques is to utilize numerical software developed in C from within the .NET environment. Because C# is the premier .NET language, the examples I present here are in C#. While I use an example of data types that are current in the NAG C Library, the techniques I present are general enough for calling unmanaged code written in C from C# directly.

The NAG C Library uses the following data types as parameters:

For convenience, I include a C DLL containing definitions of all the functions being called from C#. This DLL is available electronically from DDJ (see "Resource Center," page 4) and NAG (

For instance, take the example of a C function that takes two parameters of the type double and double*; that is, the first parameter is input (pass by value) and the second is output (pass by reference in nonC parlance). The corresponding C# signature for the C function is then double, ref double. Listing One presents the definition of the C function and its call from C#. In C#, you have to provide the DLL import attribute (line 5), specifying how the C signature maps to C#. Also the qualifier ref has to be used twice, in the declaration of the C function and in its call. Finally, note the use of the assembly directive, System.Runtime.InteropServices (line 3), which is important because it is the classes defined within the InteropServices that provide the mapping between managed code and unmanaged code.

Arrays are the bedrock of numerical programming. By definition arrays are passed by reference in both C and C#. A C function having a one-dimensional array as a parameter with the prototype:

void OneDArray(double AnArray[]);

has the C# signature given by:

public static extern void
OneDArray(double [] AnArray);

With this proviso, the call is straightforward; see Listing Two.

Two-dimensional arrays are more interesting. In C, two-dimensional arrays are of the type pointer to pointer. For example, a two-dimensional array of doubles would have the prototype double **. However, these are rarely used in practice as they imply noncontiguous storage, whereas numerics are best carried out using contiguous storage. Numerical C code using "notional" two-dimensional arrays frequently store data in row-major order. For example, to read a two-dimensional array of size m*n (m rows and n columns) into contiguous storage, you might have the following:

for (i=0; i<m; i++)
for (j=0; j<n; j++)
scanf("%lf", a[i*tda+j]);

where tda is the second dimension of a, in this case tda=n.

In Fortran the equivalent construction would be:

DO 10 I=1,M
DO 10 J=1,N
READ(5,*) A(I,J)

Here the A(I,J) construction is equivalent to (using C notation):

a[(J-1)*lda + I-1]

where lda refers to the first dimension of a. This implies column major storage starting with indices starting at 1 rather than 0.

The point to note is that the A(I,J) notation in Fortran squirrels away the complexity of array element access. If we had such a notation in C, it might have been A[i,j]. This is precisely what you have in C#. Hence, the notional two-dimensional array in C, double fred[], is represented in C# as double [,] fred. Listing Three shows an example of the use of a C function using a two-dimensional array from C#. It is worth noting how well the "notional" two-dimensional C array dovetails with the C# double type. The C# array is a proper class, with members available to provide us with information on the dimensions of the array; hence, the C# member function callTwoDarray needs to have just the one parameter.

Struct is a major type in C, but in C# (being a value type), it is but a poor cousin to the class type. However, it can be mapped to a struct type in C#. The simplest and the most ubiquitous structure in numerics is the complex type, being defined as a pair of reals. In Listing Four, the struct type is defined in C and its equivalent in C#. In particular, you have to tell the C# compiler that the structure members are laid out sequentially in memory by the use of the attribute, [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]. Given this information, you can treat the complex type as a regular object, passing it by value, reference, or as an array. Listing Four shows how you can access information from a C function of the type Complex, which has three parameters, inputVar passed by value, OutputVar passed by reference, and an array of the Complex type. There is one further point to note here: As structures are of the type value in C#, you have to tell the compiler whether arrays are read or write. You do this by providing the attribute '[In, Out]' to the array parameter.

Structures can get very complicated indeed. Structure members can be scalars, arrays, pointers to other structures, and the like. Pointers being taboo (or at least very undesirable ) in C# can be specified in C# as the IntPtr type. Listing Five presents a C and C# example showing the use of a Marshal class method to print the elements of an array that has been allocated internally within a C function. Memory has to be freed explicitly in this case within the unmanaged code.

Function parameters, also known as "callbacks," play a central role in numerical software. These are required in cases where code to carry out some specific task has to be supplied to a function. This can occur, for example, in optimization software where the value of the objective or the first derivatives have to be computed on a problem-specific basis. The difficulty with callbacks is mainly that they imply a reversal of the situation I've been looking at so far; that is, managed code (in C#) calling unmanaged code. Instead, the callback function calls the managed code being called by C. C# provides the delegate type to cater for this situation. An appropriate signature of the callback function is provided and an instance of this type created using a construction such as:

NAG_E04CCC_FUN objfun =
new NAG_E04CCC_FUN (funct);

Listing Six presents an example of a simple callback. This is a simple mechanism when the callback has simple types, but it gets more interesting when we have parameters of the callback that are arrays and structures and that may have to carry information back to the unmanaged code. In this case, you have to use both marshaling techniques and attributes to the structure. This is illustrated in Listing Seven where I show how to handle arrays and structures within callbacks. The delegate in this case has an array parameter. If you use the following signature (which appears to be quite a reasonable signature in the first instance), we find that when the delegate is called from C, the array appears to be of length 1. This presumably has to do with the fact that C pointers do not carry any information on the length of the array. The trick is to specify the array pointer as C# type IntPtr and subsequently copy data to and from the IntPtr parameter.

There are two more data types that occur in C worth mentioning. Enum types are an integral type that are mapped one to one between C and C#. Listing Eight illustrates how enum values may be passed from C# to C.

The final type to consider is the string type in C#, mapping to the char* type in C. When a string type is defined in C# and passed to C, the interop services provide the conversion to ASCII by default. I use the StringBuilder type because this is a reference type and can grow and shrink as required. Listing Eight illustrates a C function modifying a string. For users of the NAG C Library, we provide an Assembly of structures, functions, and delegate signatures within a Nag namespace (see "Wrapping C with C++ in .NET," by George Levy, C/C++ Users Journal, January 2004). We also provide examples of using this assembly from C# for some widely used NAG routines.


Listing One

 *                     C Function  Scalars                     *
#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)

NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL Scalars(double, double*);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL Scalars(double in, double *out)
  *out = in;
 *                    C# Class                                 *
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
  public class ExerciseScalars

    public static extern void Scalars(double invar, ref double outvar);
      public static void CallScalars(double invar, ref double outvar)
      Scalars(invar, ref outvar);
      public static void Main()
      double invar = 5.0;
      double outvar = 0.0;
      CallScalars(invar, ref outvar);
      Console.WriteLine("invar = {0}, outvar = {1}", invar, outvar);
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Listing Two
 *                     C Function OneDArray                    *

#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)

NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL OneDArray(int n, double []);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL OneDArray(int n, double anArray[])
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    anArray[i] = 99.0;
 *                    C# Class                                 *

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
  public class ExerciseOneDArray
    public static extern void OneDArray(int n, double [] anArray);
      public static void CallOneDArray(double [] anArray)
      OneDArray(anArray.GetLength(0), anArray);
      public static void Main()
      int n=2;
      double [] anArray = new double [n];
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}", anArray[i]);
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Listing Three
 *                     C Function TwoDArray                    *

#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL TwoDArray(int m, int n, double [], int tda);
#define A(I,J) a2dArray[I*tda+J]
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL TwoDArray(int m,int n,double a2dArray[],int tda)
  int i, j, k = 0;
  tda = n;
  for (i=0; i<m; i++)
    for (j=0; j<n; j++)
    A(i,j) = ++k;
 *                    C# Class                                 *

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
  public class ExerciseTwoDArray
        public static extern void TwoDArray(int m, int n, double [,] a2dArray,
                                            int tda);
      public static void CallTwoDArray(double [,] a2dArray)
          TwoDArray(a2dArray.GetLength(0), a2dArray.GetLength(1),
                    a2dArray, a2dArray.GetLength(1));
      public static void Main()
          int m=3;
          int n=2;
          double [,] a2dArray = new double [m,n];
          for (int i=0; i<m; i++)
              for (int j=0; j<n; j++)
                Console.Write("{0}     ", a2dArray[i,j]);
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Listing Four
 *                     C Function TryComplex                   *

#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)
  typedef struct {                /* NAG Complex Data Type */
    double re,im;
  } Complex;
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL TryComplex(Complex inputVar, Complex *outputVar,
                                             int n, Complex array[]);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL TryComplex(Complex inputVar, Complex *outputVar, 
                                              int n, Complex array[])
  outputVar->re =;
  outputVar->im =;

  array[0].re = 99.0;
  array[0].im = 98.0;
  array[1].re = 97.0;
  array[1].im = 96.0;
 *                    C# Class                                 *
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
  // Nag Complex type
    public struct Complex
      public double re;
      public double im;
  public class ExerciseTryComplex
        public static extern void TryComplex(Complex inputVar, 
                ref Complex outputVar, int n, [In, Out]  Complex [] array);
      public static void CallTryComplex(Complex inputVar, 
                ref Complex outputVar, Complex [] array)
          int n = 2;
      TryComplex(inputVar, ref outputVar, n, array);
      public static void Main()
          int n=2;
          Complex inputVar = new Complex();
          Complex outputVar = new Complex();
          Complex [] array = new Complex[n];
 = 1.0;
 = 2.0;
     CallTryComplex(inputVar, ref outputVar, array);
     Console.WriteLine("outputVar = ({0},{1})",,;
      Console.WriteLine("Array on output");
      for (int i = 0; i<array.GetLength(0); i++)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1}", array[i].re, array[i].im);
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Listing Five
 *                     C Function MarshalStructC               *
#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)

#include <stdlib.h>
  typedef struct
    int array_length;
    double *array;
  } marshalStruct;
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL MarshalStructC(marshalStruct *pointerinStruct);
                       FreeMarshalStructptr(marshalStruct *pointerinStruct);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL MarshalStructC(marshalStruct *pointerinStruct)
  int i;
  pointerinStruct->array = 
    (double *)malloc((size_t)(sizeof(double)*pointerinStruct->array_length));
  for (i = 0; i <pointerinStruct->array_length; i++)
      pointerinStruct->array[i] = (double)(i) + 1.0;
               FreeMarshalStructptr(marshalStruct *pointerinStruct)
  pointerinStruct->array = 0;
 *                    C# Class                                 *
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
    public struct marshalStruct
      public int array_length;
      public IntPtr array;
  public class ExerciseMarshalStructC
        public static extern void MarshalStructC(
                                         ref marshalStruct pointerinStruct);
        public static extern void FreeMarshalStructptr(
                                         ref marshalStruct pointerinStruct);
      public static void CallMarshalStructC(ref marshalStruct pointerinStruct)
          MarshalStructC(ref pointerinStruct);
      public static void Main()
          marshalStruct pointerinStruct = new  marshalStruct() ;
          pointerinStruct.array_length = 5;
          CallMarshalStructC(ref pointerinStruct);
          double [] x = new double[pointerinStruct.array_length];
          Marshal.Copy( pointerinStruct.array, x, 0, 
                                      pointerinStruct.array_length );
          for (int i = 0; i <  pointerinStruct.array_length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("x[{0}] = {1}", i, x[i]);
      FreeMarshalStructptr(ref pointerinStruct);
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Listing Six
 *                     C Function CallBack                     *

#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP __declspec(dllexport)

typedef void (NAG_CALL * NAG_D01_FUN)(double *);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL CallBack(NAG_D01_FUN f , double *output);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL f(double *x);

/* */
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL CallBack(NAG_D01_FUN f , double *output)
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL f(double *x)
   *x = 100.0;
 *                    C# Class                                 *
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
  // delegate
  public delegate void  NAG_D01_FUN (ref double output);

  public class ExerciseSimpleCallback
        public static extern void CallBack(NAG_D01_FUN f , ref double output);
      public static void CallCallBack(NAG_D01_FUN f, ref double output)
          CallBack(f, ref output);
      public static void Main()
          double output = 0.0;
          NAG_D01_FUN F = new  NAG_D01_FUN (f);
          CallCallBack(F, ref output);
      Console.WriteLine("Ouput = {0}", output);
      public static void f(ref double output)
          output = 100.0;
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Listing Seven
 *                     C Function  CallbackWithStruct          *
#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)

  typedef struct {
    int flag; 
  } Nag_Comm;
typedef void (NAG_CALL * NAG_E04UCC_FUN)(int, double *, Nag_Comm *);

extern NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL CallbackWithStruct(NAG_E04UCC_FUN funct, 
                            int array_length, double *a, Nag_Comm *user_comm);
void NAG_CALL funct(int n, double *x, Nag_Comm *user_comm);

/* */
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL CallbackWithStruct(NAG_E04UCC_FUN funct , 
                                        int n, double *a, Nag_Comm *user_comm)
  (*funct)(n, a, user_comm);
  if (user_comm->flag == 99)
      a[0] = 99.0;
void NAG_CALL funct(int n, double *x, Nag_Comm *user_comm)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
  if (x[0] < 3.0)
      user_comm->flag = 99;
 *                    C# Class                                 *
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
namespace DDJexamples
    public struct Nag_Comm
      public int flag;
  // delegate
  public delegate void  NAG_E04UCC_FUN (int array_length, IntPtr a, 
                                                       ref Nag_Comm comm);
  public class ExerciseCallBackWithStruct
        public static extern void CallbackWithStruct(NAG_E04UCC_FUN f , 
                    int array_length, double [] a, ref Nag_Comm user_commt);
      public static void CallCallbackWithStruct(NAG_E04UCC_FUN f, 
                      int array_length, double [] a, ref Nag_Comm user_comm)
          CallbackWithStruct(f, array_length, a, ref user_comm);
      public static void Main()
      double []  a = {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0};
      int array_length = a.GetLength(0);
      Nag_Comm user_comm = new Nag_Comm();
          NAG_E04UCC_FUN F = new  NAG_E04UCC_FUN (funct);
          CallCallbackWithStruct(F, array_length, a, ref user_comm);
      Console.WriteLine("user_comm.flag = {0}", user_comm.flag);
      Console.WriteLine("a[0] altered further as a result of 
                                       user_comm.flag, a[0] = {0}", a[0]);
      public static void funct(int n, IntPtr xptr, ref Nag_Comm user_comm)
    double [] x = new double[n];
    Marshal.Copy( xptr, x, 0, n );
     int i;
      for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      if (x[0] < 3.0)
          user_comm.flag = 99;
      Marshal.Copy( x, 0, xptr, n);

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Listing Eight
 *                     C Function EnumString                   *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define NAG_CALL __stdcall 
#define NAG_DLL_EXPIMP  __declspec(dllexport)

typedef enum { red=101, green, blue,black } colour;
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL EnumString(colour rainbow, char *rainbowcolour);
NAG_DLL_EXPIMP void NAG_CALL EnumString(colour rainbow, char *rainbowcolour)
  if (rainbow == black )
      strcpy(rainbowcolour, "Black is not a rainbow colour");
      strcpy(rainbowcolour, "This is a rainbow colour");
 *                    C# Class                                 *
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.Text;
namespace DDJexamples
  public  enum colour { red=101, green, blue,black };
  public class ExerciseEnumString
        public static extern void EnumString(colour rainbow, 
                                              StringBuilder rainbowcolour);

      public static void CallEnumString(colour rainbow, 
                                                StringBuilder rainbowcolour)
          EnumString(rainbow, rainbowcolour);
      public static void Main()
          StringBuilder colourstring=
                                 new StringBuilder("once upon a time ... ");
          colour somecolour =;
          CallEnumString(somecolour, colourstring);
          Console.WriteLine("{0}", colourstring);
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