Building Little Languages with Macros

Pattern-based macros in Scheme can express interesting language extensions.

April 01, 2004

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

Picking up where language designers leave off

Matthias is a professor at the College of Computer Science at Northeastern University; Robert is an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Chicago; Matthew is an assistant professor in the School of Computing at the University of Utah; and Shriram is an assistant professor of computer science at Brown University. They can be contacted at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected], respectively.

At some point, every language design has to end. The design of Java, for example, includes constructs from for loops to inner classes, but does not include a foreach construct, a lex/yacc-style parser-generator form, call-by-reference methods, or many other constructs.

Macro systems let programmers continue where language designers left off and extend languages with new constructs. Furthermore, macro-extended languages continue to work with the basic tool chain—in contrast to lex- and yacc-style language extensions, for example, which require modified code generators, makefiles, and the like. Finally, if the macro system uses patterns to specify language extensions, macros are easily defined and understood in terms of a simple rewriting process.

One apparent drawback of pattern-based macros is that they cannot express interesting language extensions, such as new forms of variable binding or new forms of control. Macros in C are certainly limited in this regard, but pattern-based macros can be considerably more expressive in principle. In this article, we show how pattern-based macros in Scheme can express interesting language extensions, such as a call-by-reference extension of a call-by-value language.

A second drawback of macros in general is that they interact poorly with programming tools, such as type checkers and debuggers, which have difficulty correlating a program's original source and its macro-expanded version. Again, C macros certainly exhibit this problem, but Scheme macros play well with source-correlating tools, and they play well for much the same reason that they can implement interesting language extensions. Scheme macros thus provide a foundation for building little languages that fit neatly into existing programming environments.

Pattern-Based Macros

Most programmers are familiar with C-style pattern-based macros. In general, pattern-based macro definitions include pattern variables that match syntax fragments in a macro use. To expand a macro use, each pattern variable in the macro's template is replaced by the matching syntax fragment. For instance, in the ever-popular swap in Example 1(a), the swap(x,y) part is the pattern, x and y are pattern variables, and the {int tmp=y; y=x; x=tmp;} part is the template. Example 1(b) matches the pattern swap(x,y), where x is matched to and y is matched to d->blue. Expansion proceeds by substituting for x and d->blue for y in the template, producing Example 1(c). Although C macros are easy to understand, they have a deservedly poor reputation in that expansion is the only way to understand the macro. In particular, Example 1(d) expands to Example 1(e), which does not actually swap the values in tmp and other. The underlying problem is that the macro system manipulates plaintext instead of structured syntax fragments. As a result, the macro cannot implement your true intent, which is to have a private temporary variable, and it cannot help programming tools accurately relate the original source and its macro-expanded version. These problems with C macros are absent from Scheme's macro system.

Scheme Macro Basics

For simple tasks, Scheme macros look similar to C macros. The C macro header in Example 2(a) translates to Scheme as in Example 2(b). The syntax-rules part of the definition indicates that the macro takes "arguments," just as the parentheses after swap in C indicate a macro with arguments.

A C macro with arguments matches only one pattern—a certain number of comma-separated elements within parentheses. In contrast, a Scheme macro can match multiple patterns, and each pattern can have a specific structure, such as auxiliary keywords or nested parentheses. Therefore, syntax-rules in a macro definition is followed by a sequence of auxiliary keywords (to distinguish them from pattern variables), then a sequence of pattern-template pairs. For swap, you have no keywords and you have only one pattern, as in Example 2(c).

A use of swap such as in Example 3(a) roughly expands to Example 3(b), which is Scheme notation for introducing a local variable tmp1, then assigning y=x and x=tmp1. In other words, let acts like a new block for variable bindings, and set! acts like "=" for assignment.

The macro system adds the subscript in tmp1 to indicate that tmp was introduced by the macro, and it has no relationship to other existing syntax. Thus, even if swap is used with a variable named tmp, as in Example 3(c), this use of swap behaves as expected because the variables tmp and tmp1 are different in the expansion; see Example 3(d). Introducing subscripts, as in tmp1, ensures that language extensions play well with the lexically scoped base language. Avoiding unintentional capture by introduced variable declarations, as in Example 3(d), is only half of the problem, however. The macro system must also prevent unintended capture of introduced variables, as in Example 3(e) where (define (f x) ...) is Scheme notation for defining a function f that takes a single argument, x. The body of the function contains a local macro definition, swap-with-arg, followed by a block with local bindings of z and x and a body that uses swap-with-arg.

The local macro swap-with-arg swaps a variable's value with the value of f's x argument. Even if x has a different binding in the context where swap-with-arg is used, the x introduced by the macro expansion always refers to the function argument. In other words, in expanding the aforementioned definition, the second x must be renamed to preserve lexical scope; see Example 3(f).

In general, the macro system adds subscripts and superscripts as necessary to preserve lexical scope for the original identifiers.

Matching Multiple Patterns

A natural generalization of swap is the rotate macro, which rotates the values of a set of variables to the left. For example, (rotate bucket box bin) moves the value of box to bucket, the value of bin to box, and the value of bucket to bin. The rotate form should also work on four variables, as in (rotate n e s w), or any number of variables.

Rotating a set of variables is the same as swapping the first two, then rotating all but the first variable. Rotating a single variable has no effect. Based on these two observations, you can implement the rotate macro as in Example 4(a). The first pattern, (rotate a), matches when a single variable is supplied, and the expansion is the nonoperational (void) expression. The second pattern, (rotate a b c ...), contains ellipses that allow any number of matches for c—including zero matches. Thus, the macro use (rotate n e s w) matches the second case, and expands to Example 4(b), which in turn expands to Example 4(c), and so on, ending with Example 4(d). The Scheme begin form combines and orders statements, so the expansion in Example 4 rotates n through w by bubbling n's value through the other variables.

Instead of bubbling one value through all of the variables, you can define a rotate macro that directly moves each value to its target. The new rotate uses a helper macro, and it shows how ellipses can be placed after any subpattern or subtemplate to generate multiple instantiations of the subpattern or subtemplate; see Example 5(a). Using these definitions, (rotate n e s w) expands to a kind of parallel assignment in Example 5(b), which in turn expands to Example 5(c). The use of ellipses after the subtemplate (set! to from) causes to and from matches to be paired up and instantiated together. The shift-to macro fails if the number of from matches is not the same as the number of to matches, but the use in rotate always creates the same number of each.

Identifier Macros

The C macro system supports two kinds of macros—function-shaped macros like swap, and identifier-shaped macros that match only the macro name. For example:

#define MAX_INT 0x7ffffff

defines a macro MAX INT so that it is replaced in any context with 0x7ffffff. A syntax-rules macro is always a swap-style macro. A syntax-id-rules macro is more like MAX INT, but the identifier's expansion can be made sensitive to the way that it's used—as the target of a set! assignment, immediately after an open parenthesis, or as an immediate expression. (In Scheme, the position after set! or after an open parenthesis is generally special.)

For example, the definition in Example 6 causes clock to act like a normal Scheme variable, but assignments and uses of the variable are implemented through a set-time! mutator function and a get-time accessor function. With this macro, clock expands to (get-time), while (set! clock 5) expands to (set-time! 5).

The middle case in the macro causes (clock 8) to expand to an error because applying clock as a function is useless. For other macros, the middle case is useful. In fact, the syntax-rules form could be considered a special case of syntax-id-rules with only the middle case.

Macro-Generating Macros

Macro-generating macros let you create new forms for defining other macros. For example, suppose you want to convert many sets of mutator-accessor functions to pseudovariables like clock. Instead of copying the definition of clock and replacing the names, you would instead prefer to write Example 7(a). The define-get/set-var form can be implemented as a macro-generating macro, as in Example 7(b).

The (... ...) combination in a template produces a plain ... in the macro expansion. In other words, the first ellipses escape the second ellipses so that the macro-produced macro contains pattern- and template-duplicating ellipses.

Extended Example: Call-by-Reference

The swap and rotate examples are special cases of call-by-reference functions. Using only the pattern-based macro tools described so far, you can implement an extension of Scheme for defining call-by-reference functions. Our new define-cbr form allows programs such as Example 8(a). Since f is a call-by-reference function, the swap in f swaps the values of the x and y variables passed to f in the example call.

The expansion of define-cbr consists of two parts. The first part introduces a do-f call-by-value function that acts like a call-by-reference version of f. Instead of accepting f's arguments directly, it accepts accessor and mutator functions. In particular, the f definition in Example 8(a) expands to 8(b). Where the original function had two arguments, a and b, the expanded function has four arguments: get1 and set1, which are functions to get and set a; and get2 and set2, which get and set b. Inside the function, a and b are mapped to the accessor and mutator functions using our define-get/set-var macro. The other half of the transformation affects uses of f. The use of f in Example 8(c) expands to a call to do-f, where the arguments x and y are replaced with functions that get and set the values of x and y; see Example 8(d).

The lambda keyword in Scheme means "anonymous function," and (lambda () x) is an anonymous function that accepts no arguments and returns x. Similarly, (lambda (v) (set! x v)) is an anonymous function that accepts one argument and puts it into x.

The key to connecting the definition of f to uses of f is that define-cbr is a macro-defining macro. It defines f as a macro that expands to uses of do-f. In other words, the (define-cbr (f a b) (swap a b)) definition actually expands to Example 8(e).

Our task, then, is to implement a define-cbr macro that expands as above. Half of this macro is straightforward; see Example 9(a). The ??? part turns out to be more complex. If define-cbr allowed only a single arg for the defined function, then ??? could be simply Example 9(b). To support multiple arguments, however, you must generate many distinct get and put names to go with many args. To generate the names, you can exploit the way the macro expander adds subscripts to introduced variables. The idea is to take one arg at a time and introduce a corresponding get and set, leaving the rest of the args to further expansion. Each expansion then adds a unique subscript to the just-introduced get and put.

The name-generating sequence of expansions requires a helper macro, which we name define-cbr-as-cbv, so that the ??? in define-cbr is replaced with Example 10(a). Then the extra () in this template provides a place to accumulate generated names. Initially, Example 10(b) expands to 10(c), but after two expansions, this code changes to 10(d), at which point it is easily converted to the final definition of do-f, since a is grouped with get1 and set1 and b is grouped with get2 and set2.

The implementation of define-cbr-as-cbv in Example 11 implements both phases of this translation.

Beyond Patterns

With the definitions of the define-get/set-var, define-cbr, and define-cbr-as-cbv macros, we have added call-by-reference functions to Scheme, using only 33 lines of pattern-based macro definitions. For many purposes, the implementation is complete, though it suffers some obvious limitations:

These problems cannot be solved using only pattern-matching macros in Scheme, and many other kinds of language extensions fall outside the capabilities of pattern-matching macros. Nevertheless, the ideas behind Scheme's pattern-matching macros provide a solid foundation for more elaborate macro systems.

The next level of macro sophistication in Scheme is the syntax-case macro system. A syntax-case macro can perform arbitrary computation (using Scheme) on the results of a pattern match. For example, a syntax-case macro can distinguish call-by-reference calls that have variable arguments from those that do not, and it can produce a different expansion in each case.

A syntax-case macro does not manipulate plain text, or even plain symbols and lists (as does a Lisp macro). Instead, the macro manipulates syntax objects, which encode the lexical context and source locations of program fragments. Consequently, just like a syntax-rules macro, a syntax-case macro respects the lexical structure of the source program (by default) and it plays well with source-correlating tools.

Syntax objects enable the implementation of most any little language or language extension. Using syntax-case, we have implemented a Java-like class system for Scheme, lex- and yacc-like forms for building parsers, and constructs for defining and linking program components. Programmers using these constructs do not reason about them in terms of their expansion. Instead, syntax objects allow the expansion to be hidden behind abstract definitions of the constructs, just as the inner workings of any compiler are hidden behind a language definition.

A language's concrete syntax need not be parenthesized to make use of syntax objects. In particular, we are currently developing implementations of Java and ML for our programming environment, DrScheme (see "Fostering Little Languages," DDJ, March 2004). Since our parsing tools produce syntax objects, we can treat Java and ML like macro extensions of Scheme. These macro implementations resemble typical Java-to-Scheme and ML-to-Scheme compilers, but little additional work is needed to adapt our entire programming environment to new languages.


Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

#define swap(x,y) {int tmp=y; y=x; x=tmp;}

swap(, d->blue)

{ int tmp=d->blue; d->;; }

swap(tmp, other)

{ int tmp=other; other=tmp; tmp=tmp; }

Example 1: swap.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(define-cbr-as-cbv do-f (arg ...)
   () body)

(define-cbr (f a b)
   (swap a b))

   (define-cbr-as-cbv do-f (a b)
      () (swap a b))
   (define do-f . . .))

   (define-cbr-as-cbv do-f ()
      ((a get1 set1) (b get2 set2)) (swap a b))
   (define do-f . . .))

Example 10: Replacement for ???.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(define-syntax define-cbr-as-cbv
   (syntax-rules ()
      ; The first case is for generating one get and set
      ((define-cbr-as-cbv do-f (arg0 arg ...)
         (gens ...) body)
       (define-cbr-as-cbv do-f (arg ...)
         (gens ... (arg0 get set)) body))
      ; The second case finishes the expansion
      ((define-cbr-as-cbv do-f ()
         ((arg get set) ...) body)
       (define (do-f get ... set ...)
         (define-get/set-var arg get set) ...
         body)                                )))

Example 11: define-cbr-as-cbv macro.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

#define swap(...) ...

(define-syntax swap (syntax-rules ... ...))

(define-syntax swap
   (syntax-rules ()
      ((swap a b) (let ((tmp b))
                    (set! b a)
                    (set! a tmp)))))

Example 2: Scheme macro basics.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(swap x y)

(let ((tmp1 x))
   (set! y x)
   (set! x tmp1))

(swap tmp other)

(let ((tmp1 tmp))
   (set! other tmp)
   (set! tmp tmp1))

(define (f x)
   (define-syntax swap-with-arg
      (syntax-rules ()
         ((swap-with-arg y) (swap x y))))
   (let ((z 12)
         (x 10))
     ; Swaps z with original x:
     (swap-with-arg z)))

(define (f x)
   (let ((z 12)
         (x1 10))
    (swap x z)))

Example 3: Expanding swap.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(define-syntax rotate
   (syntax-rules ()
      ((rotate a) (void)) ; i.e., do nothing
      ((rotate a b c ...) (begin
                            (swap a b)
                            (rotate b c ...)))))

   (swap n e)
   (rotate e s w))

   (swap n e)
      (swap e s)
      (rotate s w)))

   (swap n e)
      (swap e s)
         (swap s w)

Example 4: rotate macro.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(define-syntax rotate
   (syntax-rules ()
      ((rotate a c ...)
      (shift-to (c ... a) (a c ...)))))
(define-syntax shift-to
   (syntax-rules ()
      ((shift-to (from0 from ...) (to0 to ...))
      (let ((tmp from0))
         (set! to from) ...
         (set! to0 tmp))   )))

(shift-to (n e s w) (w n e s))

(let ((tmp n))
   (set! n e)
   (set! e s)
   (set! s w)
   (set! w n))

Example 5: New rotate macro.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(define-syntax clock
   (syntax-id-rules (set!)
      ((set! clock e) (set-time! e))
      ((clock a ...) (error "clock is not a function"))
      (clock (get-time))))

Example 6: Identifier macros.

Apr04: Building Little Languages With Macros

(define-get/set-var clock get-time set-time!)
(define-get/set-var pwd getcwd setcwd)
(define-get/set-var user getuid setuid)

(define-syntax define-get/set-var
   (syntax-rules ()
      ((define-get/set-var id get set)
      (define-syntax id
         (syntax-id-rules (set!)
         ((set! id e) (set e))
         ((id a (... ...)) ((get) a (... ...)))
         (id (get))))])))

Example 7: Macro-generating macros.

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