Disk-Based Container Objects

A container that's very large, or that must persist between programs, really needs to live on disk.

April 01, 1998

April 1998/Disk-Based Container Objects/Listing 1

Listing 1: listman.h — Disk-based container list manager

#ifndef __LISTMAN_H
#define __LISTMAN_H
#include "dfile.h"

typedef ulong filepos;     /* file position type */

template <class T> struct TDSingleLinkNode  {
    filepos Next, Free;
    T Data;

template <class T> struct TDDoubleLinkNode  {
    filepos Prev, Next, Free;
    T Data;

template <class T> struct TDBinarySearchTreeNode  {
    filepos Left, Right, Free;
    T Data;

template <class Nd, class FM> class TDListManager
{   /* Nd is node type, FM is File manager type */
    FM *_Fm;   /* -> file manager */
    struct header {
        filepos Head, Tail, Free;
        ulong NodesAllocated;   /* total count */
        ulong ItemCount;        /* active count */
        } _Hdr;

    #define HDRSIZE  sizeof(header)

   /* BEG_OFFSET places 1st node at specified offset
    * into container file (see vectman.h).....
    #ifndef BEG_OFFSET

    TDListManager(const char *fname, int nn, int m) {
        _Fm = new FM( nn, sizeof(Nd), fname, m );
        _Hdr.Head = _Hdr.Tail = _Hdr.Free = 0;
        _Hdr.ItemCount = _Hdr.NodesAllocated = 0;
        _Fm->ReadAt( 0, (void *) &_Hdr, HDRSIZE );
    ~TDListManager() {  WriteHeader();
                        delete _Fm;    }
    filepos Head() const { return _Hdr.Head; }
    void   Head(filepos hd) { _Hdr.Head = hd; }
    filepos Tail() const { return _Hdr.Tail; }
    void   Tail(filepos tl) { _Hdr.Tail = tl; }
    ulong ItemCount() const { return _Hdr.ItemCount; }
    void ItemCount( ulong c ) {  _Hdr.ItemCount = c; }
    ulong ListSize() const
        { return _Hdr.NodesAllocated; }
    int WriteHeader();
    void GetFree( Nd& );
    void PutFree( Nd& );
    virtual int ReadNode(Nd& t, ulong pos)
        { return _Fm->ReadNode( (void *) &t, pos ); }
    virtual int WriteNode(const Nd& t, ulong pos)    {
        return _Fm->WriteNode((const void *) &t, pos );

template <class Nd,class FM>
int TDListManager<Nd,FM>::WriteHeader()
    if( _Fm->tempused() )
        return 1;   /* return if non-persistent */
    return _Fm->WriteAt( 0, (void *) &_Hdr, HDRSIZE );

template <class Nd,class FM>
void TDListManager<Nd,FM>::GetFree( Nd& node )
{   /* Get address of next free node in the file;
     * Assign new address to node.Free ....... */
    if( _Hdr.Free == 0 )   /* get new node  */
        node.Free = ( _Hdr.NodesAllocated++
                         * sizeof(Nd) ) + BEG_OFFSET;
    else    {  /* Get next free node from file... */
        filepos _free = _Hdr.Free;
        ReadNode( node, _free );
        _Hdr.Free = node.Free;
        node.Free = _free;

template <class Nd,class FM>
void TDListManager<Nd,FM>::PutFree( Nd& node )    {
    filepos _free = node.Free;
    node.Free = _Hdr.Free;
    _Hdr.Free = _free;
    WriteNode( node, _free );
#endif // EOF

April 1998/Disk-Based Container Objects/Listing 2

Listing 2: bintree.h — Disk-based binary search tree

#ifndef __BINTREE_H
#define __BINTREE_H
#include "listman.h"
#include "vector.h"

/* Select node type and file management scheme */
#define Nd   TDBinarySearchTreeNode
#ifndef FM
#define FM   DirectFile  /* CachedFile on code disk */
#define CACHESIZE   25  /* #default cache nodes */

template <class T> class TDBinarySearchTree
    TDListManager<Nd<T>, FM> *_Lm;
    TDBinarySearchTree( const char *fname = 0,
                        int nn = CACHESIZE)    {
        _Lm = new TDListManager
               <Nd<T>, FM> (fname, nn, 0);
    ~TDBinarySearchTree() { delete _Lm; }
    ulong ItemCount() const
        { return _Lm->ItemCount(); }
    void ItemCount( ulong c )
        { _Lm->ItemCount( c ); }
    ulong ListSize() const
        { return _Lm->ListSize(); }
    int Add( const T& );
    void ForEach( int (*)(T&, void *), void * );
    friend TDBinarySearchTree<T>& operator <<
      ( TDBinarySearchTree<T>& bt, const T& obj )
        {   bt.Add( obj );
            return bt;

template <class T>
int TDBinarySearchTree<T>::Add( const T& item )
{   Nd<T> newnode, pnode;
    filepos p, q;
    int addleft;
    _Lm->GetFree( newnode );
    q = _Lm->Head();
    while( q )  {
        p = q;
        _Lm->ReadNode( pnode, p );
        addleft = 0;
        if( item < pnode.Data )     {
            q = pnode.Left;
            addleft = 1;
            q = pnode.Right;
    if( _Lm->Head() == 0 )
        _Lm->Head( newnode.Free );
    else  {
        if( addleft )
            pnode.Left = newnode.Free;
            pnode.Right = newnode.Free;
        _Lm->WriteNode( pnode, pnode.Free );
    newnode.Left = newnode.Right = 0;
    newnode.Data = item;
    _Lm->WriteNode( newnode, newnode.Free );
    ItemCount( ItemCount() + 1 );
    return 1;

template <class T> void TDBinarySearchTree<T>::
ForEach( int (*ifn)(T&, void *), void *args )
{  /* Do an inorder traversal. ifn() returns !0 if
    * node was modified and must be updated.
    Nd<T> node;
    filepos p;
    TDStackAsVector<filepos> stk;  /* temp stack */
    p = _Lm->Head();
    while( 1 )  {
        while( p )  {  /* traverse left subtree */
            _Lm->ReadNode(node, p);
            p = node.Left;
        if( stk.Pop(p) == 0 )
        _Lm->ReadNode(node, p);
        if( ifn( node.Data, args ) )  /* update node */
            _Lm->WriteNode(node, p);  /* if modified */
        p = node.Right;   /* goto right subtree */
#endif  // EOF

April 1998/Disk-Based Container Objects/Listing 3

Listing 3: bsort.cpp — Binary-tree sort example, sorts words in text file

#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "bintree.h"

#define MAXLINE     132 /* max line length */
#define MAXWORD 40    /* maximum word length */
#define DELIMCHARS  " .!@#$%&*()+=?,´\"[]{}:;<>-\r\n"

class WordSort {
    char tok[MAXWORD];  /* word string (key) */
    int zero;   /* ensures tok is asciiz */
    streampos t_ofst;  /* offset into text file */
    void Sort();
    friend int operator< ( const WordSort &lh,
                           const WordSort &rh )  {
        return( strcmp(lh.tok, rh.tok) < 0 );
    friend int output( WordSort& rec, void *arg )
        cout << rec.tok << " " << rec.t_ofst << endl;
        return 0;   /* no updates */

void WordSort::Sort()   {
    TDBinarySearchTree<WordSort> Bt;
    char  linebuf[MAXLINE];
    WordSort rec;
    streampos  pos;
    char  *ptok;
    rec.zero = 0;

    while( 1 )  {
        pos = cin.tellg();
        ptok = NULL;
        cin.getline( linebuf, MAXLINE );
        if( cin.gcount() == 0 )
                break;     /* end of file */
        while( 1 ) {
            ptok = strtok( ptok ? NULL : linebuf,
                                        DELIMCHARS );
            if( ptok == NULL )
                    break;  /* end of line */
            strncpy( rec.tok, ptok, MAXWORD );
            rec.t_ofst = pos + (ptok - linebuf);
            //Bt.Add( rec );  /* save-n-sort record */
            Bt << rec;  /* like iostreams */

    Bt.ForEach( output, 0 );   /* print results */

int main()
{  /* Use redirection symbols '<' and '>' to specify
    * input and output files. Default uses cin, cout.
    WordSort    ws;
    return 0;
// EOF

April 1998/Disk-Based Container Objects

Disk-Based Container Objects

Tom Nelson

A container that's very large, or that must persist between programs, really needs to live on disk.

C++ container class libraries have become a staple item in many programmers' toolkits. The introduction of templates has made these libraries notably robust and simple to use. However, their transient (memory-based) nature still imposes certain restrictions on their use. First, they cannot grow to arbitrary size if needed; second, they lack persistence, hence they disappear when the program shuts down.

The second restriction is usually easier to cure than the first. To make a transient container "hold water," the container class could use a persistent streams facility to write the essential data members of each contained object to a disk file before shutting down. The next program invocation need only initialize another transient container, then sequentially extract each object from the persistent store and add it to the new container.

In some cases, though, you can't guarantee that your run-time storage requirements won't overflow available memory. A priority or scheduling queue, for example, might need to process and store an unanticipated quantity of incoming data. You could write some objects to disk to free space in the container. However, to effectively process additions and deletions, a transient container normally requires the presence of all contained objects in memory at one time. When you write contained objects to a file, the logical structure of the container (pointers, state info, etc.) is lost. One solution consists of moving the entire container out to a disk file so that it becomes, in effect, a database, or "Containerized Database."

This article will demonstrate techniques for building and using such disk-based container classes. They allow you to employ container objects of virtually any size regardless of memory constraints, which you can maintain indefinitely. Even when persistence is not necessary, the technique still permits arbitrary growth of the containers by storing overflow in temporary files, restricted only by available disk space. I will concentrate here on developing disk-based implementations for three fundamental structure types (lists, vectors, and binary trees). I discuss a few abstract types derived from them, and provide an example of a disk-based binary tree sort.

Design and Performance Considerations

The public interface and behavior of member functions in a disk- based container class are nearly identical to a comparable transient container, making its use almost transparent to the programmer. There are, of course, a few instances where you need to be aware of its disk-based nature, such as supplying a container filename to a class constructor (if you need persistence, that is). Other considerations important for transient containers — for instance, specifying an upper limit for the size of a vector — usually drop out of the picture entirely. Disk-based containers are essentially open ended.

I used templates to implement most aspects of the container classes provided here. While templates introduce added complexity for the uninitiated, their use greatly simplifies coding for direct containers types. Disk-based containers are implemented as direct containers, since you will need to store actual objects. Using indirect containers, which maintain (void *) pointers to other objects in memory, would introduce unnecessary complexity. When using templates, you will encounter other important considerations such as increased code size and compilation times. Each template instance will have its own private copy of nearly identical code that operates on different data types.

Due to their disk-based nature, these containers also impose a variable degree of speed penalty. Instead of memory addresses, disk-based containers use file offsets, most commonly a long or unsigned long integer value. To process additions and deletions to the container file (primarily for list containers), one or more nodes must be read into memory, the pointers adjusted, and the updated nodes written out again.

Container File Access

A few factors make this procedure less cumbersome and disk- intensive than it first appears. Contemporary operating systems have a system-wide disk cache that stores recently used disk sectors in memory. The operating system inspects cache memory before initiating a physical disk access. A disk-based container can also employ a private cache that stores recently used objects in memory. You may find this important when working in a multitasking environment. The system cache may encounter heavy use at times from other programs currently running.

Class DirectFile (in dfile.h, available online) defines a direct file management scheme. Member functions access container file contents directly from the disk via the system cache. You will probably find that most disk-based containers can make effective use of this simpler method of access with little performance penalty. For other situations, such as those noted earlier, disk-based containers can also use class CachedFile (in cfile.h and cfile.cpp). CachedFile implements a most-recently-used object cache independent of the system cache. (For more info on disk caching, see my article "Memory Caching for Disk-Based Objects," CUJ, October 1996, p. 59.) The public interfaces for both DirectFile and CachedFile are identical, which makes access to objects of either class transparent to higher-level classes. I also padded the argument list for constructor DirectFile to match the somewhat longer list for the CachedFile class constructor. This enables you to call either constructor transparently using compile-time #defines.

The constructor DirectFile takes an unsigned size argument and a filename. The size argument corresponds to the width of data (in bytes) to be stored in the container file. Note that this width must also include node pointer data for list container implementations, in addition to the user's object data. In contrast, vector container files store only the user's data in cells without need for node pointers.

The filename argument for DirectFile defaults to a null pointer. If null (or a null string), the constructor assumes that you want a temporary container file. A temporary file lacks persistence, since the class destructor deletes it when you destroy a DirectFile object. However, a temporary file still permits a practically unlimited container size. If you supply an actual filename, the container file will act as a persistent store.

Vector Container Management

A persistent, disk-based container keeps data secure between successive program invocations and thus needs to maintain data about itself, as well as user data, on file. The container keeps such state data inside a special header block always located at offset 0 in the container file.

Class TDVectorManager (in vectman.h) mediates access to container files for higher-level vector classes. The class takes two template arguments (within the angle brackets): a user data type T and a file manager type FM. Type FM can be either class DirectFile or CachedFile. In abbreviated form, the class looks like this:

template <class T, class FM >
class TDVectorManager
    FM *p;  //-> file manager
    struct header {
            char id_string[16];
            int zero;    //ensures asciiz
            long start;  //offset to 0th cell
            unsigned long count;  //# active cells
    TDVectorManager(const char* fname, int, int);
    int WriteHeader();

I locate all container state data in a single nested header object so that I can read and write it to the container file as a single block. The header data struct carries an ID string that defaults to "VECTOR". The string helps you identify the correct container file for a persistent application. To ensure type safety, the ID string might carry the name of the data type contained therein. You may want to augment this capability with other data, such as an ID or file version number.

The macro quantity BEG_OFFSET (see Listing 1) defaults to the size of the header struct, which will locate the first (zeroth) vector cell immediately after the header. Reset BEG_OFFSET before compiling to place the zeroth cell at any desired offset into the container file. You may find this useful if you must keep other implementation-specific data in the container.

The member function WriteHeader, as the name implies, writes container state data in the file header to the container file. It skips this operation if you're using only a temporary container file.

You must also take into consideration when and how often to write an updated header to disk. Your requirements may call for a conservative, transaction-oriented approach. This write-through strategy requires you to call WriteHeader after every modification made to the container file. You could also add a Commit facility that physically updates the disk file and its directory entry. This approach helps protect your data against (among other things) an unscheduled loss of power. Any database designer must contend with the same set of problems.

I have taken a somewhat more efficient approach here, but one with less built-in safety. This strategy delays a physical update until the last possible moment. You save the time because the code does not write the container header block every time it changes. The destructor ~TDVectorManager only calls WriteHeader just before it destroys the object.

List Container Management

Listing 1 (listman.h) presents class TDListManager. It performs much the same services as TDVectorManager, but for list-type containers. List containers store nodes, which consist of one or more pointers to other nodes, in addition to user data. TDListManager can work with any type of fundamental data structure that uses nodes, including tree-structured containers.

Listing 1 defines three types of nodes that a list container can utilize. You must specify a node type as the first template argument to TDListManager. You can use these to implement containers for single- and double-linked lists, and for binary trees. You may need other node types for special requirements. TDListManager isn't limited to just the three node types defined here.

If you do define other node types, TDListManager requires only that you include a free pointer (called Free) as a data member in the node definition. A node can be in one of two states. When a node is in use, its Free pointer contains the offset address of its own node (offset to the first byte of that node). When you deallocate a node, it becomes part of a free node list. The node is added to the head of the free list and its Free pointer is set to the offset of the next node in the free list (previously the head). The data member _Hdr.Free always points to the first node in the free list. This strategy keeps track of deallocated nodes so you can reuse the space. TDListManager member functions GetFree and PutFree manage node allocation and the free node list.

Like TDVectorManager, TDListManager locates all container state data in a single header struct (_Hdr). _Hdr.Head points to the first node in a list, or the root node of a binary tree. _Hdr.Tail points to the end of a list. You may or may not use a tail pointer, depending on your application. For example, trees and single-linked lists won't use a tail pointer. _Hdr should ideally include an ID string or other identification data as described earlier for TDVectorManager, but I omitted this for clarity.

_Hdr.ItemCount holds the number of active nodes in the list that currently store user data. _Hdr.NodesAllocated contains the total number of nodes. This total includes both active and inactive (free) nodes. As indicated earlier for TDVectorManager, you can modify the macro constant BEG_OFFSET to control the placement of the first list node. This node by default occurs immediately after the header block.

Implementing Vector Containers

The following snippet presents class TDVector (in vector.h), a basic vector implementation. It uses container file management services provided by TDVectorManager. You can use TDVector as a base class to implement more specialized container types that use a vector as the primary implementation. Like transient vectors, a disk-based vector stores each object at consecutive locations starting at index 0.

template <class T> class TDVectorIterator;
template <class T> class TDVector
    TDVectorManager<T,FM> *p;
            //FM = file mngr type
    TDVector( const char *fname = 0 );
    friend TDVectorIterator<T>;
    void CellCount( ulong n );
    int Add( const T& item );
    int ReplaceAt( const T& t, ulong n );
    int ItemAt( T& t, ulong n ) const;
    void ForEach( int (*)(T&, void *), void *);
    int operator() (const T& t, ulong n);
    T operator() (ulong n) const;

Class TDVector differs in certain crucial respects from its transient cousin. Transient vector/array containers usually have the ability to insert or delete objects at a given index. An insertion moves all cells above that index up one place. A deletion copies all cells above a given index down one place. A disk-based vector could incorporate the same capability, but at a price. This would at best be a disk-intensive operation, particularly when performing repeated insertions or deletions. I have compromised by allowing additions and deletions only at the end of the vector, and disallowing insertions completely. You can call member function CellCount(ulong n) to reset the vector's range to 0 . . . n-1. Member function Add will place the next item at index n.

Note that CellCount(ulong n) can also extend the range to virtually any length, whether or not valid data exists within that range. ReplaceAt will safely store an object at any index within or beyond the current end of vector, extending the vector's range to compensate if necessary. ItemAt returns the contents of any cell within the vector's range whether or not the cell contains valid data.

Transient vectors and arrays can also make use of the subscript operator []. This operator generates an in-memory reference to the object contained at the subscripted index. You can use this to intuitively access or replace an object in the container using normal C syntax.

Unfortunately, the [] operator doesn't work as easily for disk- based vector containers. You can overload [], but it's difficult to isolate lvalue from rvalue usage. Both require reading the object at the specified index into memory. You must precede this access by writing any previously accessed object (occupying the same storage location) to the container file, just in case you changed it. The overload function then returns a reference to the new item just accessed. This means every access will always be preceded by an update to the container file, whether or not an actual assignment has occurred. There's no easy way to tell without added execution overhead.

I've settled for a less satisfactory approach to the problem. The function call operator() can take a variable number of arguments. This allows me to write one overloaded function that provides object assignment (&item, index), and another that grants access only (index). It avoids unnecessary disk activity, but it's sometimes difficult to remember which function does what.

The associated vector class TDVectorIterator (in vector.h) defines a simple iterator for TDVector objects. Member function Current returns the item at the current index. operator++ doesn't return the current object like some iterators do, but only increments the current index pointer. You can also use TDVector::ForEach as a built-in iterator. It calls the supplied callback function for each object in the container file. If you modify an object, your callback should return non-zero. ForEach will then write the modified object back to the container file.

A Binary Tree Container

Listing 2 (bintree.h) presents class TDBinarySearchTree. This is a simplified binary tree representation constructed for searching and sorting. A binary tree is an example of an ordered or sorted container. For now, the public interface consists of only two primary member functions. Function Add places new items in the tree and doesn't check for duplicates. Function ForEach acts as a simple iterator. Just for kicks, I've also overloaded operator<< so it lets you add objects to the binary tree as if you were using an iostreams inserter.

Function ForEach performs only an in-order traversal of the tree to access each object in sorted order. ForEach declares a temporary TDStackAsVector object (a stack derived from TDVector; see vector.h) to store the file offset addresses of each tree node it visits. You needn't concern yourself with size limitations here. TDStackAsVector is essentially open-ended, limited only by available disk space.

Listing 3 (bsort.cpp) combines many of the foregoing concepts to create a simple utility that sorts words in a text file of virtually any size. It reads words from an input stream and adds them to the binary tree. ForEach then traverses the tree to access each word in ascending order. The program also computes and stores the byte offset of each word. You could use this offset value to build a text concordance. A concordance lists each word in sorted order along with a sample of the text surrounding that word as it appears in the document.

I offer no test results to show how this binary tree sort compares to others. A binary tree sort is generally classed as an internal sort. The one I offer here might instead have more in common with an external merge sort. Like external sorting, there's no requirement that all objects exist in memory at one time, in contrast to a quick sort. Quick sorts and binary tree sorts are both classed as relatively efficient (N log N) sorts. However, a binary tree sort has the added overhead of traversing the tree to produce the sorted output. Even so, you may find it surprisingly efficient, considering the relatively small amount of code required compared to external merge sorts.

Containing Complex and Derived Classes

With simple classes — that is, classes containing no embedded pointers or virtual functions — it's easy to determine what will be written to the disk. For instance, the previous example in Listing 3 created a specialized database for objects of class WordSort. Each node in the binary tree container stores one instance of all the data members defined within class WordSort. The amount of user data stored within each node is thus sizeof(WordSort) bytes in width.

A more complex class might also include a pointer to a virtual function table as well as pointers to in-memory buffers or other objects. Adding objects of this class to a container means you store the whole banana, not just the object state data you want. When you restore such an object, the old run-time data kept on disk comes along with it, which will probably invalidate your object. Virtual function calls probably won't work as you expect. Other pointers are likely to be left dangling.

The data you store in a disk-based container should consist only of the data necessary to restore an object's state. A customized assignment operator or copy constructor arranged for deep copy won't usually work here. Any object-copy operation leaves the virtual table pointer intact (if one exists). Also, whether or not you copy all the data, the copy operation still either creates or expects space for all the data — including the data you shouldn't place in persistent storage. The size of the destination object remains the same as the source object, regardless of which you parts you copy.

A partial solution consists of putting all state data members into a struct nested within your class definition. You pass references to the nested struct object, instead of its parent class object, when you call container functions. This ensures that only the data you want goes into the container. I used this method for the container management classes TDVectorManager and TDListManager (Listing 1) . Unfortunately, this simple method won't work for derived classes. You can't incorporate additional member data from a derived class into a nested struct in a base class.

The technique I've adopted is similar to persistent object streaming. Persistent streaming allows insertion and extraction of base and derived member data from a persistent (file) stream. You must write specific member functions to insert and extract only the member data you choose. However, the disk-based containers I present here depend on storing and retrieving data in a contiguous block. You can't easily work with them in stream-like fashion.

My method uses a "packed object format" instead of object streaming. This is a rather quick-and-dirty method, but also somewhat easier to implement than most object streaming techniques. You must define a packed format struct that duplicates all data members you want to save from the working version of your class(es):

struct PackedData {   //packed data type
    int i, j;  //base class data
    int ii, jj;  //derived class data

For the base and each derived class, you need to write a Save member function that assigns member data to the packed format struct. You then write data in packed format to the container file. A Restore function for each class should perform the inverse operation:

class Base  {   public:
    int i,j; char *pbuf;   //pointer not saved
    Base(): i(1), j(2), pbuf(0) {}
    void Save( PackedData & p )
    { p.i = i; p.j = j;  }
    void Restore( PackedData & p)
    { i = p.i; j = p.j; }
class Derived : public Base  {  public:
    int ii, jj; PFOOTYPE *pb;
    Derived(): ii(3), jj(4), pb(0) {}
    void Save( PackedData &p )
    {  p.ii = ii; p.jj = jj;
    void Restore( PackedData &p )
    {  ii = p.ii; jj = p.jj;

Remember that you must initialize the container object with the packed format type, not your working (transient) class type.

Whenever you derive a new class from an existing base, add a data member in the packed format definition that corresponds to a data member you want to save from the derived class. Both Save and Restore functions in the derived class should call the equivalent functions in the parent class(es). Adding to the packed format struct should not break existing code (if names remain the same), but will force a recompilation. This procedure will also invalidate the associated container file. You can read data from the old container file into the new packed format if you've maintained data members in the same order. Then add data in the new format to a new container. You could also use this simplified technique for persistent object streaming by inserting data in packed format to an fstream.

Other Container Implementations

CUJ online code sources include two additional list container implementations, classes TDStackAsList and TDQueueAsDoubleList. Both illustrate uses for single- and double-linked list nodes. I present TDStackAsList as a demonstration only, since there's no real reason to code a disk-based stack as a list. Both list- and vector-based stacks can grow to any desired size, but the list version must adjust node pointers, which adds execution overhead. You might well find practical uses for TDQueueAsDoubleList, however. You could derive a sorted version of it (as TDSortedQueueAsDoubleList) for use as a persistent priority queue, for example.

Any disk-based container that freely permits additions, insertions, and deletions at any point in the container will be more efficient when implemented as a list, since it can reuse space for deleted nodes more effectively. A vector requires more disk activity (as outlined earlier) to perform the same operations. A list also works directly with file offset values rather than vector cell indices. Each access to a vector cell thus requires an intervening conversion to a file offset. A vector, however, might be used as the base for a more specialized container file. A vector cell can be any practical size and accommodate data of any structure; for example, blocks for a btree index file. Each vector cell would then contain a number of key/pointer nodes. o

Tom Nelson is an independent programmer and technical writer. His current interests include OOP design and systems programming for Intel-based PCs. He may be reached at 5004 W. Mt. Hope Rd., Lansing, MI 48917, 517-322-2559, or via email at [email protected]. All source code presented here or referred to in this article Copyright © 1996 T.W. Nelson. Permission is hereby granted to use this code in any manner provided this copyright notice is displayed appropriately.

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