Implementing Pascal Data Types in C++

C++ is not just "a better C," it can also be a better Pascal.

February 01, 1998

Pascal and other languages offer a few nice features that are absent in C++. However, C++ is highly extensible, and it can be used to emulate those absent features in various ways. C++ code can emulate the semantics, and to some degree, the appearance, of constructs found in other languages. This article presents two kinds of Pascal data types and describes their implementation and use in C++. These data types are the scalar subrange and the array.

First, I show how to emulate the scalar subrange. The subrange is a type defined with two scalar constants: a lower bound and an upper bound. It can be declared in Pascal as a named type, or as an anonymous type (for example, when declaring a variable):

   day_range = 1..7;
   coordinate: -9..9;
   days : day_range;

Such types are useful when you know that a variable using such a type should never hold a value outside the range. The above subrange declarations are like Pascal's integer (or int in C++), except that variables are constrained to hold integer values within only the given range. A subange type has two advantages over Pascal's integer or C++'s int:

  1. It elaborates the nature of the data represented by the type or variable. Therefore, it helps document the intent of your code and solution domain.
  2. It allows for run-time checking. That is, when your code assigns a value, your program can verify that the assigned value is within the defined range. When the assigned value is out of range, the system logs a run time error. For example, the following Pascal assignment produces an error because it attempts to assign a higher than expected coordinate:

    coordinate := 10;

A Naive Subrange Implementation

In C++, you can use a class to create a data type that implements this behavior. A straightforward, but naive, implementation follows:

class Subrange {
   int low, high, value;
   Subrange (int l, int h)
      {low=l; high=h;}
   operator int () {return value;}
   operator = (int v) {
      if (v >= low && v <= high)
      return *this;

The error routine is a global function (or member function) that can be defined to perform some action appropriate to the application. Translating the previous Pascal declarations to C++, they would appear as:

typedef Subrange day_range;
Subrange coordinate(-9,9);
day_range days(1,7);

Thanks to the class's assignment and type conversion operators, the object variable can be "assigned" and "read" like an int variable. For example:

coordinate = -5;
// e.g. number of days remaining
// in the week.
days = 3;
cout << (days+1) << " "
     << coordinate << endl;

This implementation has a couple of problems, however:

A Template Subrange Implementation

The above problems can be solved with a better implementation, courtesy of the C++ template:

template <int low, int high>
class Subrange {
   int value;
   Subrange () {}
   operator int () {return value;}
   Subrange & operator =
      (const int v) {
      if (v >= low && v <= high)
      return *this;

The declarations now appear as:

typedef Subrange<0,7> day_range;
Subrange<-9,9> coordinate;
day_range days;

Variables are assigned and read the same way as in the first implementation. The template encapsulates the range numbers as part of the data type, which can then be attached to a typedef name. This abstraction allows a programmer to define a "restricted" int type, and then refer to it solely by name.

Implementing Pascal-like Arrays

Now I want to focus on emulating Pascal arrays. The following snippet shows, in simplified form, how arrays are conventionally implemented in C++ component libraries:

template<class T>
class Array {
   T * value;
   Array (int size) {value = new T[size];}
   T & operator [] (int i) {return value[i];}

In this implementation, the constructor allocates an array on the memory heap, according to a dynamically supplied size. The [] operator defines an indexing mechanism that allows access to individual array elements, regardless of whether the element appears in an arbitrary expression or as an lvalue (that is, on the left-hand side of an assignment). For example:

// creates an array with 10 elements, indexed 0 to 9
Array<int> a(10);
a[0] = 3;         // update the 1st element
a[9] = a[0]+1;    // update the last element using the first

The following design provides a more Pascal-like array, in that it supports non-zero bounds. Also, the [] operator checks the array index to ensure safe access of elements.

template<class T>
class Array {
   int low, high;
   T * value;
   Array (int l, int h)
      {low=l; high=h; value = new T[high-low+1];}
   T & operator [] (int i) {
      if (i >= low && i <= high)
         return value[i-low];
      else {
         //Gotta return something; default 1st element
         return value[0];

The above implementation is appropriate for arrays whose bounds you need to define at run time. Below are examples of its usage:

// Creates an array with 10 elements, indexed 1..10
Array<int> a(1,10);
a[1] = 3;           // Update the 1st element
a[10] = a[1]+1;     // Update the last element using the first

However, when you can fix the array size at compile time, the following implementation is slightly more efficient. The low and high bound values are embedded constants rather than class members. Therefore, the compiler may be able to produce slightly more efficient code for index checks. Also, the program creates the array on the local stack instead of dynamically allocating it from the heap.

template<int low, int high, class T>
class Array {
   T value[high-low+1];
   T & operator [] (int i) {
      if (i >= low && i <= high)
         return value[i-low];
      else {
         return value[0];  // Gotta return something

This implementation allows you to create a named type (via typedef) that includes the size of the array. This feature is useful when the array size is an integral part of the type.

typedef Array<1,7,String> day_strings;
day_strings day_names, day_names_en_espanol;
// etc.
// etc.
// display 2nd day of the week
cout << day_names[2] << endl;
// display day in Spanish
cout << day_names_en_espanol[2] << endl;

If you do not add a constructor member to the array template, and if you make the data member public, you can create arrays that support static initialization:

typedef Array<1,7,String> day_strings;
day_strings day_names = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday",
                         "Wednesday", "Thursday",
                         "Friday", "Saturday"};
for (int i=1; i<=7; i++)
   // display all days of the week
   cout << day_names[i] << endl;

In some contexts, you may find that the initializer requires double braces {{ }}; that is, you'll need the outer braces for the class declaration, and the inner braces for the array member declaration.

Combining Subrange Types and Arrays

It is also possible to extend the previously defined Subrange class to create an Array class whose bounds are expressed in terms of the Subrange type. This technique closely follows the semantics of arrays found in standard Pascal.

template <int low_bound, int high_bound>
class Subrange {
   int value;
   enum {low = low_bound, high = high_bound};
   Subrange () {}
   operator int () {return value;}
   Subrange & operator = (const int v) {
      if (v >= low && v <= high)
      return *this;
template<class S, class T>
class Array {
   T value[S::high-S::low+1];
   T & operator [] (const int i) {
      if (i >= S::low && i <= S::high)
         return value[i-S::low];
      else {
         return value[0];  // Gotta return something

In this case the array declarations can appear as:

typedef Array< Subrange<1,10>, int > fixed_array;
typedef Array< Subrange<1,10>, Subrange<1,100> >

Or if you prefer:

typedef Subrange<1,10> fixed_range;
typedef Subrange<1,100> element_range;
typedef Array<fixed_range,int> fixed_array;
typedef Array<fixed_range,element_range> another_array;

which is analogous to Pascal's:

  fixed_range = 1..10;
  element_range = 1..100;
  fixed_array = ARRAY[fixed_range] of INTEGER;
  another_array = ARRAY[fixed_range] of element_range;

You can re-express the previous "day names" example with the earlier day_range type, and express the for loop bounds in terms of that type:

typedef Subrange<1,7> day_range;
typedef Array<day_range,String> day_strings;
day_strings day_names = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday",
                         "Wednesday", "Thursday",
                         "Friday, "Saturday"};
for (int i=day_range::low; i<=day_range::high; i++)
   // display all days of the week
   cout << day_names[i] << endl;

You can create multidimensional arrays by nesting the array declarations, in other words, by creating arrays of arrays. The example below uses a design in which the origin (coordinate 0,0) is at the center of a graphics window.

typedef Subrange<-320,319> x_range;
typedef Subrange<-200,199> y_range;
typedef Subrange<0,255> pixel;
typedef Array<x_range, Array<y_range,pixel> > matrix;
matrix graphics;
// Clear graphics window
for (int y=y_range::low; y <= y_range::high; y++)
   for (int x=x_range::low; x <= x_range::high; x++)
      graphics[x][y] = pixel::low;

Addressing Efficiency Concerns

Some C++ developers may be concerned about run time performance, using the implementations given above. I address these concerns below.

First, inlining eliminates the overhead of function calls. If your compiler obeys inlining requests, then accessing the integer value in the class (via the int operator) should be no more costly than accessing an int value directly. The same applies to the int assignment function, except that in that case, the implementation embeds tests into your code, which are performed before assignments.

Second, speed is often not an issue during program testing and debugging, but becomes an issue when the program is readied for release to users. When this is true, you can use two versions of the classes presented here. Use the "safe" versions illustrated above during initial testing and debugging phases. Then you can recompile your application with a "performance" version that does not include the checks in the assignment or array access methods. Assuming that you have each implementation in separate directories, simply switching include directories in the C++ compile invocation will do the trick. Here is an example of the Subrange assignment as implemented in the "performance" version:

Subrange & operator = (const int v) {value=v;}

or the array access method:

T & operator [] (const int i) {return value[i-S::low];}

The compiler should optimize these inline functions as if you had implemented your Subranges and Arrays as built-in ints and C++ arrays, with the exception of the embedded subtraction to normalize the array index. The compiler should optimize out this subtraction as well if the constant S::low is zero. When it is not zero, it is better to implement the subtraction in one place (in the member function), rather than hand-coding it in every array access statement. (I've found examples of such hand-coding in some ordinary C/C++ array applications.)

Further Possibilities

You can endow these subranges and arrays with additional methods and properties, some of which are found in extended Pascal languages. Here are some possible enhancements:

The techniques outlined in this article, plus many others, were used in in our proprietary translator to translate a large Pascal application (greater than 100K lines of code) to C++. The translator produced ready-to-execute C++ code whose statements are readable and clearly map back to the original Pascal source statements. No logical design changes were required in the application to get the C++ version to work (except for a few dependencies on the system OS and hardware).

C++ developers may find techniques like these useful when porting software from other languages. Or, their C++ code can benefit from "extended capabilities" that they have encountered and liked while using other languages.

Brian Campbell has many years of experience in both Pascal and C++. He is a member of the ACM and the Planetary Society. You can reach him at [email protected] or

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