Sharing Variables Between Win32 Executables

March 01, 1997

March 1997/Sharing Variables Between Win32 Executables

Global variables are properly denigrated as being unstructured, but that can be a virtue when structure interfaces with communication.

For The Love of a Global

Since the early days of my first computer science classes, I've often heard the admonition, "No global variables." At first, I didn't really understand why. Globals were easy to understand, and even easier to implement. As I followed the advice to avoid globals, I eventually figured out why it was so important: data specific to one part of a program or object should be encapsulated within that program or object, and not subject to the coercion of any other part of the application. From there I went on to adopt the principles of OOP, though some part of me still held a torch for the global.

I found an old, familiar friend when I learned C++. It is called the static member variable, and it works like this:

class share
static int share_count;
share(){ share_count++; }
~share() { share_count_ _;}
int share::share_count=0;

All instances of the above class will share the variable share_count. What's more, share_count will be incremented with every new instantiation of the class share and decremented with every class instance destroyed. In this way any one instance of the class can determine how many other instances currently exist. This is old hat to many, but what I want to point out is that this static member variable is a global of the best sort: a region of shared memory which can be accessed and modified only by those objects to whom it is relevant.

I've often thought it would be nice if operating systems had a similar feature. It turns out that some of them do. In this article I show a special way to compile a Win32 executable or DLL such that all instantiations share a common group of global variables. If one executable makes a change to its global variable, all other running instances of that executable will reflect the change. You can think of it as a static member variable of a process, much like that of a class.

Using Pragmas with VC++

With Visual C++ 4.2, you can share variables among multiple instantiations of an executable by using a #pragma preprocessor directive. Pragmas are like instructions to the compiler to turn on machine or operating system extensions not specified by C or C++ language standards. The first step in sharing global variables is to use the data_seg pragma:

//A console style Win32 executable
//using shared global variables     
#include "iostream.h"
#pragma data_seg("my_shared_section")
long shared_long=0;
char shared_array[]="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
#pragma data_seg()

The above snippet creates a customized section called "my_shared_section". An executable or DLL is composed of multiple sections — to name a few: .bss for uninitialized data, .data for initialized data, .text for code, and in this case a "my_shared_section" section. Convention dictates that you prepend a "." to any section name, but it's up to you. The code above is 90% there, but I must make one important point before I move on to the last 10%. Note that the variables in "my_shared_section" are initialized when declared. Initializing these variables is critical, because uninitialized data gets automatically ushered into the .bss section — not where you want it.

Theoretically, all that remains in implementing shared variables is to use another pragma:

#pragma comment(lib, \
    "msvcrt " \
    "-section:my_shared_section, \

This is the solution offered by the Microsoft Press book Advanced Windows, by Jeffrey Richter [1] — a very good book, in spite of its being wrong on this point, at least for VC++ 4.2. The above statement is supposed to give "my_shared_section" read(r), write(w), and shared(s) attributes, ensuring a single mapping of this section across multiple instantiations. The comment pragma will place a literal string, such as version number or compilation date, in your object file or executable. You can also use this pragma to give the linker special directives at link time, as is done in the above snippet. However, try using this particular example in Visual C++ 4.2 and the linker will tell you:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot
    open file "msvcrt

Jeffrey Richter recommended I try the following substitute:

#pragma comment(linker, "-SECTION:my_shared_section, RWS")

While this substitution allows the program to compile and link, it does not result in a shared globals section. I confess I've been unable to determine the cause and cure for these two failed pragma directives. I haven't found any Microsoft documentation on pragmas being used this way. I invite any solutions, but in the meantime, you can create a .DEF file for your executable. (I realize that you usually use .DEF files for DLLs, but what can I say, it works!) Your .DEF file should contain the following:

 my_shared_section READ WRITE SHARED

And there you are. Add a main(), compile, and you have an executable whose global variables are shared among all other instantiations of its kind. Here's a trivial console application that demonstrates this technique:

//A console style Win32 executable
//using shared global variables
//Run two or more instances and youP2ll see
//that all variables are shared.
#include "iostream.h"
#pragma data_seg("my_shared_section")
//all vars must be initialized
long shared_long=0;
char shared_array[]="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
#pragma data_seg()
int choose=1;
    cout<<"(1) Change long (2) Print long "
    cout<<"(3) Change array (4) Print array "
    cout<<"(0) Quit: ";
    switch (choose)
        case 1: cout<<"enter number:";
        case 2: cout<<shared_long<<endl;
        case 3: cout<<endl<<"enter string:";
                //get newline out of buffer first
        case 4: cout<<shared_array<<endl;
my_shared_section READ WRITE SHARED

You can use the same procedure and compile a DLL with shared globals. What's more, if you want all static global data shared within a DLL, you can dispense with pragmas altogether and simply declare the .bss and .data sections read, write, and shared in a .DEF file, as in:

         .bss  READ WRITE SHARED
         .data READ WRITE SHARED
Some Possible Applications

Sharing globals is extremely handy. Your application can use them to determine whether another instance of itself is running and act accordingly. You might even implement your own simple interprocess-communication protocol, though be certain you have good reason to do so before you reinvent the wheel. I've encountered only one situation where I felt justified in implementing my own IPC using this technique. It involved one process outputting text and formatting information to the window of another process.

Given that I wrote both the applications involved, it would seem simple to accomplish: simply obtain the handle of the window in the receiving process and ship it off to the sending process, perhaps using DDE or OLE. The sending process could then use the Win32 SendMessage function with the newly received handle to "remote control" the window in the remote process. Unfortunately, this works only partially. To see why, refer to the sidebar, "Win32 Handles and the SendMessage API."

In my case, I had just written one of those programs that did it all. It sported a rich edit control (an enhanced version of the Windows edit control capable of color and formatting) as its primary interface, and did some pretty sophisticated stuff: changed fonts, colors, and formatting on the fly, even did a little OLE embedding. While this program worked great on its own, we soon wanted to incorporate its functionality into another, older application. This older application also used a rich edit control as its primary interface. In both applications the code was pretty involved, and I didn't relish cutting, pasting, and meshing code from the new application to the old. It seemed like the new application did everything we needed, if only we could redirect output from its window to the window of the older program. Shared globals were a good part of the solution, which we implemented as follows:

1. We wrote a DLL with a shared global region.

2. We added all the structures SendMessage would need to this section. (See the sidebar for more information about SendMessage.) By placing these structures in the shared region, their address space and values would be valid in both processes. Now SendMessage could send pointers to structures across process boundaries.

3. We added a global handle variable to hold the handle of the older application's rich edit control.

4. We modified both the old and new applications to load the shared-global DLL.

5. We modified the newer application to run in the background, and redirect its output to the handle of the older by dispatching SendMessages using pointers to structures in the shared section of the DLL.

6. We danced around the office when this worked.

I admit I'd be hard pressed to find any architectural merits in this design, but it was quick, dirty, and it worked. Realistically, you should restrict your use of shared globals for many of the same reasons you should restrict your use of any type of global variable. However, there are times when shared globals will offer the simplest solution.

Concerns About Multithreading

In Win32 there is always a possibility of thread synchronization problems. Keep in mind that every Win32 process has a primary thread, which may be preempted by the operating system for another process's primary thread at any time. You may therefore have the same problems with multiple processes sharing variables as you do with multiple threads: one thread/process might not be done updating the data in a shared global before another attempts to read it. A few functions you might find useful when implementing shared globals are:


I leave it to the reader to explore these functions. Basically, they are thread-safe, atomic ways to change the value of simple, shared data types.

Globals Forever

If I could somehow return to the early classrooms of my computer education, I'm sure I could now make a compelling argument for the global. At least, globals between processes seem to have enough utility to justify their use, even if globals within a single process are still looked at askance. Given that my development has been in the Microsoft Windows arena for the past few years, I'll admit I've lost touch with parallel techniques in the UNIX world. However, I don't remember any compiler, linker, or pragma wizardry that allows for shared global variables. The closest cousin to this type of sharing is the UNIX shared memory APIs. Functions such as shget, shmat, and other APIs with names reminiscent of my grandmother's Yiddish allowed one process to share memory with another. Very useful, but not quite as simple. I hope that I've shown how simple and useful shared globals can be in a Win32 environment. o

Gregory Brill is Director of Development for Keyware Technologies, where he works in the field of software/Internet security. He has an M.S. in Computer Science from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and he teaches professional and university courses in C, C++, Microsoft Windows development, and general computing. He may be reached at [email protected].

March 1997/Sharing Variables Between Win32 Executables/Sidebar

Every graphical component of the Win32/16 GUI (Windows, edit controls, list boxes, etc.) has a "handle" assigned to it by the operating system upon instantiation. This handle is somewhat like a pointer in that it contains a dynamic, integral value that designates some resource. But unlike a pointer, a handle's value is valid across process boundaries. If a process A gets the handle of a list box in Process B, then A can fill B's list box B by calling SendMessage with that handle:

    (LPCTSTR)"New Item")

In Win32, almost every function or procedure that influences a Windows control (and almost everything on your screen is a windows control) ultimately boils down to a SendMessage function. SendMessage's first argument is the handle of the destination control/window and its second argument is the type of message you want to send. The third argument is a generic word length parameter (unused in this case). The fourth argument is a generic-32 bit value which can be used as a long, or cast to a pointer to a data type appropriate for the message being sent.

In the above example, the fourth parameter is cast to a pointer to a string object, since that's what the list box will expect when it interprets an LB_ADDSTRING message. It is this fourth parameter that severely limits a process's ability to influence handles whose associated controls are outside the process's space. For many types of messages the fourth parameter is a pointer to a structure, and this creates a problem. What typically happens is as follows: 1) Process B has the handle of a window or control that resides in Process A's address space; 2) Process B calls SendMessage to send a message that requires a pointer to a structure as the fourth parameter. 3) The window or control in Process A receives this message, and attempts to dereference the pointer in the fourth parameter. However, that address is only valid in Process B's address space, so the operating system raises an Access Violation and terminates Process A for trying to dereference a bad pointer. o

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