IOStreams Storage

Creating additional data storage for stream objects allows you to create custom stream manipulators, among other things. Maciej shows us how to design such storage.

January 01, 2006

January, 2006: IOStreams Storage

Maciej Sobczak is a Ph.D. student at the Institute of Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology. You can contact him at

Much of the C++ code we write manipulates the IOStreams library. This is to be expected because input and output are common activities for most programs. The following code, for instance, illustrates the use of stream manipulators—hex, oct, boolalpha, setprecision—that alter the behavior of a stream:

cout << 123 << endl;
cout << hex << 123 << endl;

bool b = true;
cout << boolalpha << true << endl;

cout << setprecision(3);
cout << 3.1415926536 << endl;
// ...

These manipulators are objects that can be inserted into the stream (or extracted, because there are also manipulators for the input streams), changing the stream's subsequent behavior.

Altering a stream's behavior means that there is a state (that is, information kept by the stream) that influences what the stream does—formatting options involving the conversion base, precision, use of a plus sign with positive numbers, skipping whitespaces, and the like. This state is used by insertion/extraction operators [1], and is therefore responsible for how the stream behaves.

The set of standard manipulators (and the amount of state that the stream keeps) is limited to those that cover the input/output options for fundamental types. But what about custom-defined classes? Say, for instance, you write a class for representing complex numbers (admittedly, there's already one in the Standard Library, but this is a good example and you've likely written one). While IOStreams insertion/extraction operators are natural extensions for such a class, this example turns out to be a difficult exercise in design, in terms of flexibility and reuse: What type of brackets do you choose for the complex number? What type of separator between the real and imaginary part? How do you give the freedom of choice to users of your class?

One interesting property of standard IOStreams manipulators is that formatting options are managed independently for each stream object. Consequently, you can have many different streams with many different formatting settings; for example, one stream for decimal output and another for hexadecimal. Providing the equivalent functionality for the custom classes lets you smoothly integrate classes with the complete IOStreams framework, with obvious benefits in the form of conceptual consistency. The solution seems straightforward—you just have to find a way to store additional data in the stream objects so that you can retrieve this data anytime you perform stream insertion/extraction. The additional data can represent, for example, the chosen bracketing style for the objects of the complex class.

Formatting issues and stream insertion/ extraction are only examples of situations where the additional storage in stream objects could be useful. That said, these examples are typical and are the main motivation for providing additional storage. So how do you go about storing additional data in the stream object?

Flexibility by Design

The basic idea behind storing additional data in the stream object is to provide a separate place in the stream object, so that programmers who want to extend the IOStreams library can store their own additional data. A simple approach would be to provide a single generic field:

class MyOstream {
   void *customdata_;
   void setCustom(void *p);
   void * getCustom();

However, this code breaks down when two or more programmers independently want to provide their formatting functionality. When one of them writes the complex class (with the style of bracketing as the point of variation) and the other writes, say, an Address class (with the level of detail as the changeable feature), there is clearly a conflict. In other words, we need a solution that lets individual programmers have their own slot in the stream object for private use—the additional storage has to be a container of slots. This is exactly what the std::ios_base class provides. It is a base class for all stream classes in the IOStreams library. Figure 1 presents the conceptual view on this container of slots, which is managed by the stream object. Each slot can be seen as a pair able to store two values: one long value, intended for small types (the values that can fit in the size of long), and one void * value (this justifies the dreaded void * instead of some template type; you can store different types of data in each slot and the pointer to void is the only reasonable common denominator for bigger types).

The std::ios_base class provides separate member functions for manipulating the additional storage. The most fundamental functions are:

long &  iword(int index);
void *& pword(int index);

where the index identifies one particular slot in the container.

The first function, iword, gives you a reference to the slot containing the long value. The second function, pword, returns a reference to the slot containing the pointer value. You can use these functions for both reading and writing. For example, this code stores the long value in the third slot of the cout object:

cout.iword(2) = 12345L;

Similarly, this code retrieves the previously stored value and prints it using the same stream object:

cout << cout.iword(2) << endl;

But how big is the container? Well, an interesting property of the container of slots is that it is autoresizable—whenever you use a new index, the container resizes itself to accommodate a new index value. The newly allocated slots are automatically initialized to 0 (this applies to both long and void * slots).

Two issues need to be noted:

So how should you choose the slot index so as not to collide with other programmers? The stream helps you with this. This std::ios_base member function static int xalloc(); returns the unique value each time it is called. This value is intended to be used as a slot index in iword and pword functions. Moreover, because this member function is static in the std::ios_base class, its return value is unique for all stream objects of any kind and can be safely used everywhere. The natural convention is that the allocated index number is associated with some aspect of the project that spans many stream objects. For example, the author of a complex class who wants to have his own private slot for storing bracketing-related information can use the once-allocated index number for all streams, both input and output.

The xalloc function is provided so that you don't have to choose your slot index at random, in order to avoid colliding with the choices of others (and even random guessing would not guarantee this safety). In fact, any arbitrary choice of slot index is error-prone and should be avoided. Keeping this in mind, you can change the previous example to more "civilized" code:

int myindex = cout.xalloc();
cout.iword(myindex) = 12345L;
cout << cout.iword(myindex);

Having these pieces, you can try to bring them together in the form of working code. Listing 1 is the skeleton of the complex class, with an inserter operator for output stream and a simple manipulator for changing the bracketing style. The important things to note in this code are:

Listing 1 shows how the long slots can be used when printing the following:

(3.14, 2.71)
[3.14, 2.71]

The problem is that if you want to store a bigger state in the stream object, you use the other slot for void * values. But what if the state (the equivalent of the struct bracketing in Listing 1) is allocated on the free store? Its lifetime has to be managed; in particular, you would like to delete the object when the stream is destroyed to avoid memory (and possibly, other resources) leak. The stream object will not do it for you (it cannot even know whether the object ever needs to be deleted), so you need to be notified when there is some crucial thing happening, such as the destruction of the whole stream object. Callback functions help with this.

The idea behind callback functions is that you can ask the stream object to call the specified function (usually, your function) when something important happens. There are three such situations:

All these situations can be interesting in the sense that they (can) affect the data that you store in the stream object's additional storage.

The callback function should have a specific signature, as in this code:

mycallback(ios_base::event e,
    ios_base &iob, int index);

and can be registered like this:

cout.register_callback(mycallback, myindexvalue);

The callback function is called whenever one of these events happen:

Moreover, the callback function is called with the parameters set appropriately:

However, there are a couple of things that still have to be taken care of; for example, callbacks are not allowed to emit exceptions. This makes error reporting from callbacks more complex, but still possible [2].

This detailed description may seem overwhelming, but I've presented the bare mechanics related to the additional IOStreams storage. The simple use of long slots is straightforward, and some care should be taken only when callback functions are involved to help us manage the lifetime of objects owned by pointer slots. Listing 2 presents an alternative solution that uses dynamically allocated objects and callback functions.

Reusable Component

After writing a couple of your own classes that use the additional storage in stream objects, you quickly discover that the way you use this functionality is repeatable to the extent that a special, reusable wrapper would be quite desirable. This is especially true when the dynamically allocated state is stored in the stream object and you are forced to implement the callback functions in a similar way. The code accompanying this article (see implements wrapper classes that encapsulate the gory details previously described and can be helpful when writing custom classes that extend the IOStreams library with the use of additional stream storage.

The code presents two different approaches to encapsulate the additional storage:


  1. The stream state that is responsible for the formatting options for fundamental types is not used directly by the insertion and extraction operators, but rather by facets that perform the dirty work. See [2] for details.
  2. Langer, Angelika and Klaus Kreft. Standard IOStreams and Locales. Addison-Wesley, 2000. This book suggests that when the void * slot is used for storing the actual information, the long slot can be used as a means to communicate the error information, if exceptions are forbidden and there is no way to use setstate() at the same time. The code accompanying the article uses this strategy.


January, 2006: IOStreams Storage

Figure 1: Container of slots.

January, 2006: IOStreams Storage

Listing 1

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;

// an example, user-defined class with custom stream operators
// state object packed in the long slot

// the hypothetical complex class
class mycomplex
    double re_, im_;
    mycomplex(double r, double i) : re_(r), im_(i) {}
    static int myindex()
        static int index = ios_base::xalloc();
        return index;
    ostream& print(ostream &os) const
        // get the stream state from the private slot
        long &val = os.iword(myindex());
        char left, right;
        if (val == 0)
            // this stream does not have the bracketing set, use defaults
            left = '(';
            right = ')';
            left = (char)((val & 0xff00) >> 8);
            right = (char)(val & 0xff);
        return os << left << re_ << ", " << im_ << right;
    // other operations omitted
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const mycomplex &cplx)
    return cplx.print(os);
// the "state" object, here only for convenience
struct bracketing
    bracketing(char l, char r) : left_(l), right_(r) {}
    char left_, right_;
// convenience modifier with inserter operator
bracketing setbrackets(char l, char r)
    return bracketing(l, r);
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, bracketing b)
    // set the stream state in the private slot
    long &val = os.iword(mycomplex::myindex());
    val = (b.left_ << 8) + b.right_;
    return os;
int main()
    mycomplex c(3.14, 2.71);

    // use default bracketing style
    cout << c << endl;
    // change the bracketing style
    cout << setbrackets('[', ']');
    cout << c << endl;

January, 2006: IOStreams Storage

Listing 2

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;

// user-defined class with custom stream operators, 
// state object on the free store

// the state object
struct bracketing
    bracketing(char l = '(', char r = ')') : left_(l), right_(r) {}
    char left_, right_;
// the hypothetical complex class
class mycomplex
    double re_, im_;
    mycomplex(double r, double i) : re_(r), im_(i) {}
    static int myindex()
        static int index = ios_base::xalloc();
        return index;
    static bracketing * mybrackets(ios_base &iob)

        int index = myindex();
        void *&p = iob.pword(index);
        bracketing *b = static_cast<bracketing*>(p);
        if (b == NULL)
            // if this is new slot, put default value
            p = b = new bracketing;
            // and register a call-back for the slot
            iob.register_callback(mycallback, index);
        return b;
    ostream& print(ostream &os) const
        // get the stream state (maybe default) from private slot and use it
        bracketing *b = mybrackets(os);
        return os << b->left_ << re_
            << ", " << im_ << b->right_;
    // other operations omitted
    // call-back function
    static void mycallback(ios_base::event e,
        ios_base &iob, int index)
        if (e == ios_base::erase_event)
            // just destroy the state object
            delete mybrackets(iob);
        else if (e == ios_base::copyfmt_event)
            void *&p = iob.pword(index);
            // do not leak any exception
                // perform deep copy in-place
                bracketing *old = static_cast<bracketing*>(p);
                p = new bracketing(*old);
            catch (...)
                // in case something goes wrong, clean the slot
                p = NULL;
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, const mycomplex &cplx)
    return cplx.print(os);
// convenience modifier with inserter operator
bracketing setbrackets(char l, char r)

    return bracketing(l, r);
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, bracketing b)
    // set the stream state in the private slot
    // a simple value-based assignment will do
    bracketing *pb = mycomplex::mybrackets(os);
    *pb = b;
    return os;
int main()
    mycomplex c(3.14, 2.71);
    // use default bracketing style
    cout << c << endl;
    // change the bracketing style
    cout << setbrackets('[', ']');
    cout << c << endl;

January, 2006: IOStreams Storage

Listing 3

#include "streamstate.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;

// the "state" object
struct bracketing
    bracketing(char l = '(', char r = ')')
        : left_(l), right_(r) {}
    char left_, right_;
// the hypothetical complex class
class mycomplex
    ostream& print(ostream &os) const
        // get the stream state from the
        // slot dedicated to "bracketing"
        bracketing &b = streamstate<bracketing>::get(os);
        return os << b.left_ << re_ << ", " << im_ << b.right_;
    // other operations and members as in Listing 1.
// inserter for mycomplex and setbrackets as in Listing 1.
// ...
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, bracketing b)
    // set the stream state in the private slot
    streamstate<bracketing>::get(os) = b;
    return os;
int main() { /* ... */ }

January, 2006: IOStreams Storage

Listing 4

#include "streamstate.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>
using namespace std;
// the "state" object as in Listing 3.
struct bracketing { /* ... */ };
// this encapsulates the access to additional state
streamstate_value<bracketing> bracketing_state_;
// the hypothetical complex class
class mycomplex
    ostream& print(ostream &os) const
        // get the stream state from the slot dedicated to "bracketing"
        bracketing &b = bracketing_state_.get(os);
        return os << b.left_ << re_ << ", " << im_ << b.right_;
    // other operations and members as in Listing 1.
// inserter for mycomplex and setbrackets as in Listing 1.
// ...
ostream & operator<<(ostream &os, bracketing b)
    // set the stream state in the private slot
    bracketing_state_.get(os) = b;
    return os;
int main() { /* ... */ }

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