Typesafe Formatting

Andrei defines a typesafe function that is format-string-compatible with printf.

August 01, 2005

August, 2005: Typesafe Formatting

Andrei Alexandrescu is a graduate student in Computer Science at the University of Washington and author of Modern C++ Design. He can be contacted at [email protected].

Programming in the Windows environment has become a great deal better lately—more precisely, ever since a lot of the UNIX tools have been ported to it. I programmed for a long time under Windows, then switched to UNIX. After having the quintessential "UNIX ripped my leg off and beat me to death with it" experience, followed by the "Hey, I never thought things can be done that cool way!" experience, I can say that programming under UNIX can be a lot of productive fun. The usual invariants apply; a programmer's "goodness" will port across platforms, but for a given programmer, UNIX might be better after getting over its learning curve (unless, of course, they put you in a hospice first). Also, one thing is true of my programmer friends—the ones who love Windows are exactly those who don't know UNIX. (Mysterious face and tone.) Coincidence?

In fairness, there's been a lot of cross-pollination; competing with Windows has made UNIX (in particular Linux) a lot easier to use for novices, and maybe more comfortable even for experts. The windowing environment (KDE) that I'm taking for granted under Linux is, I could say, even more sleek than Windows in places, and definitely more configurable. But for all the Explorer-like file manager and other graphical tools, you'll always see a command-line window on my desktop. Because, I kid you not, a good command is worth a thousand mouse clicks.

Much ink has flown, and many trees have been killed, to bear writings comparing of the two (and other) platforms, by people much more knowledgeable and more talented than yours truly (for example, check the classic "In the Beginning was the Command Line" [4], a very enjoyable read), so I won't go about comparisons any further. But there is one thing—and this segues nicely into this article's theme—that makes the UNIX lifestyle attractive to people passionate about programming languages: Any programming task you want to get done, there's not one, but a full toolchest of one-syllable little programs (awk, Perl, sed, grep, bash—they sure must name bodily parts in Klingon) that are eager to help. Most everything is a living language in UNIX-land, something that makes me think of the Windows environment as rigid, constrained, and lacking freedom of expression.

So, having to do some simple file-processing tasks under UNIX, I naturally used the wonderfully messy Perl, and that worked great up to the point where I needed more speed. So I decided to rewrite that simple utility in C++.

cout << "Hello Typesafe World!"

Let me say it upfront and in all honesty—I'm not a fan of C++'s iostreams. They are cute at first, but in many ways, I don't consider them a big step forward compared to C's printf. Given that I hold printf in contempt, you can easily imagine the sorry reality of my existence.

The old printf family of functions has the advantages of speed, conciseness, and separation of format from data, at the cost of safety. Indeed, printf is about as well-intended, powerful, and prone to disaster as a playful Great Dane in a porcelain boutique. So then came C++'s iostreams, which are much more safe, but totally forget the lesson of separating format from data. To clarify what that means, imagine formatting some message. With printf, you'd go about things something like:

   "Heh, %u frobs and %u twids\n",
   frobs, twids);

An important point is that the format string is separate from the data, so it's easy to put it in some file, give it a symbolic name, and then write:

   frobs, twids);

The file defining FMT_FROBTWIDREPORT collects all formatting messages and might be under the control of a different team that deals with the user experience, translations, and so on. (The new setup has a different problem: The programmer can't readily see the format string, which now goes on a blind date with the passed-in arguments.)

With iostreams, things look like this:

cout <<
   "Heh, " << frobs <<
   "frobs and " <<
   twids << " twids\n";

Safety is back, at the cost of a syntax that looked pretty cool in the '80s (but then hey, you'd be amazed at some of the music that was cool in the '80s). Anyway, no more need to carefully pair the "%" directives with the count and the types of the passed-in arguments—operator overloading takes care of that. But out of the window is the useful separation of data from format. And if you enjoy clunky syntax and format from that's inseparable from data, you'll really love to hear that iostreams are sluggishly slow as well. To just print the line above to a file on my system (Linux, of course), printf takes on average 1.78 milliseconds, while cout takes 2.67 milliseconds—that's a 50-percent bottom-line slowdown due to formatting costs alone! And we're not talking about a dry run—that's writing real bits to a real file on a real disk. No matter how many times I've heard that iostreams can be implemented efficiently, and no matter how I/O bound a program that writes a million lines to a disk is, the reality in the field is that iostreams are surprisingly good at slowing things down. In Oliver Schoenborn's tests [3], iostreams fare as bad as 250 percent slower than printf.

But wait, there's more. Oh, and a lot more—more code you have to write to format things. A particularly eloquent (and not even extreme) example can be found at http://noptrlib.sourceforge.net/utils/coutf/, which actually describes Schoenborn's coutf library [3]. Basically, to achieve the effects of:

   "Hi, count=%s, time=%s, radius=%-6.2fs",
   count, theTime, radius, eol);

you'd have to write the following iostreams-based code:

const int savePrec = cout.precision();
const int saveWidth = cout.width();
const fmtflags saveFlags = cout.flags();
// output:
cout << "Hi, count=" << count
   << ", time=" << theTime << ", radius="
   << ios_base::left << setw(6)
   << setprecision(2)
   << ios_base::fixed << radius
   << std::endl;
// restore formatting state:
cout << setprecision(savePrec)
   << setwidth(saveWidth);

If iostreams are a step towards the future, I sure hope the future will have a definitive solution for the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Googling for "safe printf" yields (in addition to the coutf library) a number of results, among which is the Format library (part of Boost) [1]. With Boost Format, you'd write:

cout << boost::format(
   "Heh, %1% frobs and %2% twids\n")
   % frobs % twids;

The Format library is typesafe, supports positional parameters (by numbering them; the same argument can be printed several times by repeating its number in the format string), and provides pretty good compatibility with printf. However, I decided Boost Format wasn't for me, mainly because it lacks a typesafe scanf counterpart, which I needed as well. Also, Boost Format and coutf both build on top of iostreams, which I didn't like to begin with, and which will guarantee slow execution. Why work hard to implement the good, fast simple behavior on top of the new, bad slow infrastructure, instead of throwing everything away and enjoying the pleasure of reinventing the wheel all over again?

Some nits: The coutf library only supports up to nine parameters, which is "cheating." With Boost Format, I wasn't that thrilled about overloading "%" for passing arguments, but that has to do with my having settled long ago on a different solution for variable arguments.

The Trailing Parens Idiom

When it comes to functions with variable argument count, it's safe (in more than one sense of the word) to flat out unrecommend the built-in ellipsis facility. The reasons are discussed in a number of places. Suffice to say that in a little (40K lines) application that I inherited, so far I found a total of four bugs: One was an assert with side effects, and the rest were varargs-related. Ironically, they were supposed to format error messages, the very point at which you'd love to see some output before the application dies on you!

A simple way to emulate variable arguments is to have your function return an object that accumulates state and has a member function that adds more arguments, and returns a reference to *this (such that calls can be chained). This allows the client syntax:


You only need to choose an appropriate name for the add function...or should it be with, pass, or even _? Or you could overload some operator (that's what Boost Format does), yielding the client syntax:

Function @ expr1 @ expr2 @ expr3;
// or
Function(expr1) @ expr2 @ expr3;

where @ is your operator of choice. The only trouble is that now your chosen operator is in the precedence game with exprn that you pass, so you need to be careful.

To avoid both the dilemma of choosing a name for the trailing function, and the dilemma of finding an operator that looks good and has the right precedence, I've settled for the most concise solution of all, which is simply overloading T& T::operator()(U), where U ranges over the types of interest. That fosters a simple client syntax:


The call syntax is simple and uniform, and the first parameter doesn't have special syntactic status compared to the others.

Typesafe Formatting

So by now it's no secret what this article is up to—defining a function that is format-string-compatible with printf, uses the trailing parens idiom to collect arguments, and of course is typesafe as a natural outcome of using overloading instead of the dangerous ellipsis. Nothing new here, but so very useful. With such a design, the syntax to print the above line would be:

Printf("Heh, %u frobs and %u twids")

Let's crank up our ambitions a bit. The printf family also includes fprintf and sprintf (plus its cousin snprintf, which is supposed to be a teeny bit safer). So let's define not only functions that can write to files and strings, but functions that can write to any device supporting a character I/O operation. To keep it simple, the smallest interface that makes sense is a function:

// Implement this for your Device type
// and your Char type
void write(Device where,
   const Char* begin, const Char* end);

(Don't get fooled by the pass-by-value of Device; Device is a generic type that actually could be a reference or pointer type.) This design starts so sweet and simple, it's hard to contain the impetus of implementing some useful devices right on the spot:

void write(std::FILE* f,
      const char* from, const char* to) {
   assert(from <= to);
   // TODO: throw on error
   fwrite(from, 1, to - from, f);
void write(std::string& s,
      const char* from, const char* to) {
   assert(from <= to);
   s.append(from, to);
// We even do iostreams!
void write(std::ostream& s,
      const char* from, const char* to) {
   assert(from <= to);
   s.write(from, to - from);

The next thing we need to do is to define a class, let's call it PrintfState, that holds the formatting string and implements overloads of operator() to print to a device. PrintfState is templated on the Device it works on, and also on the character type it uses:

template <class Device, class Char>
class PrintfState {
   PrintfState(Device dev,
      const Char* format) {
     ... initialize state ...
   PrintfState& operator()(int);
   ... more ...

We'll get back to the implementation shortly; first, let's complete the scaffolding by defining the user-invocable functions:

PrintfState<std::FILE*, char>
Printf(const char* format) {
   return PrintfState<std::FILE*, char>(
      stdout, format);

PrintfState<std::FILE*, char>
FPrintf(FILE* f, const char* format) {
   return PrintfState<std::FILE*, char>(
      f, format);
PrintfState<std::string&, char>
SPrintf(std::string& s, const char* format) {
   return PrintfState<std::string&, char>(
      s, format);

template <class T, class Char>
PrintfState<T&, Char>
XPrintf(T& device, const Char* format) {
   return PrintfState<T&, Char>(
      device, format);

Of course, you could create instances of PrintfState by hand, but the functions have the advantage that they deduce their template arguments, so there's no need to specify them. The first three functions define counterparts for printf, fprintf, and sprintf, respectively. The last function, aptly named XPrintf (for some reason, "X" holds the title of the coolest letter in the alphabet..."X" sells!), defines a generic wrapper for whatever new device you have invented. By the way, if you want to define output to something as fast as a straight fixed-size character buffer, all you have to say is:

template <class Char>
void write(pair<Char*, Char*>& s,
      const Char* b, const Char* e) {
   assert(b <= e);
   if (e - b > s.second - s.first)
      throw overflow("bad luck");
   s.first = copy(from, to, s.first);

template <class Char, size_t N>
PrintfState<pair<Char*, Char*>, Char>
BufPrintf(Char (&buf)[N], const Char* format) {
   return PrintfState<pair<Char*, Char*>, Char>(
      make_pair(buf, buf + N), format);

The code above simply improvises a device out of two pointers marking the buffer's boundaries (very STLesque, I know). Each call to write will do the obligatory (please!) bounds check (which is obligatory), then copies the data and bumps the pointer (oh, did I mention the obligatory check preceding all that). If you prefer, you could use a smarter fixed-size vector (Boost has one) as a back-end, while, of course, not forgetting to perform the obligatory bounds check.

Let's get back to PrintfState's implementation. The rules that govern printf argument-taking ways (and, in fact, those that govern ellipses) are:

  1. All integral types are converted to long (or unsigned long, doesn't matter because signed and unsigned types have the same representation).
  2. float is converted to double.
  3. Pointers to objects become void*.
  4. Everything else is undefined.

We'd like to emulate that behavior, except for number 4, of course. So PrintfState defines overloads of operator()(unsigned long), which does the actual work, and then defines operator() for all integral types to forward to operator()(unsigned long). You can do that by hand, with the help of a template, with type traits, or (if you're lazy like me) with a lowly macro. (Just give the macro a really really long name.) Then, PrintfState defines operator()(const char*), operator()(int*), operator()(short*), and operator()(long*), the last three for implementing the "%n" specifier that lets you save how many characters have been printed so far. operator()(const void*) defines the implementation-dependent rendering of pointers (via the "%p" specifier). Finally, PrintfState defines operator int() const such that, in the name of printf compatibility, callers can fetch the total number of characters written (-1 in case of error).

The strategy employed by PrintfState is necessarily different from that of printf, due to the incremental way that parameters are revealed to PrintfState. Upon initialization, PrintfState makes as much progress as it can (by printing its format string up to the first directive). Then, as operator() is invoked, PrintfState formats one argument, writes it out, and then again writes the format string up to the next formatting directive.

Testing 1-2-3

Cranky old man that I am, I not only dislike the iostreams and printf, but also testing my code. In fact, my entire career path could be debunked as a series of moves to keep me away from having to test code. First, I strived to be a manager; then, I've tried consulting; then, I cunningly wrote Loki such that no compiler could even compile it, so there was nothing to test; and finally, I've become a grad student. You can't dodge testing much better than that.

Yet, after attending one of Robert Martin's hilarious tutorials (highly recommended) at a conference, something stuck to my ear: "I'd gotten used to always first write a test that fails, and only then write code to make the test work." I've tried this very simple technique and I have to say, it's highly satisfactory. Implementing features without thorough regression testing leads to an increasing feeling of insecurity. On the contrary, when you first write a test, and then write code to fulfill it, it gives a pleasant sense of utility (hey, your test code already is the first satisfied customer).

In the case of Printf, testing actually is easy because a reference is readily available—printf itself. So a test case would format some stuff using snprintf, then format the same stuff with the same format string, and compare the results.

Concocting format strings that exhaustively test all of the combinations of various specifiers and modifiers turned out to be a boring task, so why not leave it to chance—and quite literally so. My test code generates some random letters, followed by a random (but correctly formed) format specifier, followed by some more random chaff. Depending on the type character generated, a different type of randomly generated data (integral versus string versus pointer) is passed to the comparison routine. Rinse, lather, repeat in an infinite loop. At the time of this writing, the code has passed 32,623,234 tests. Wait, that's 33,236,174.

Seeding the random-number generator with a constant number yields a pseudorandom sequence that repeats exactly the same every run. That eases debugging: If your program crashes at iteration 6455, inserting a conditional breakpoint reproduces the problem exactly. If exact reproducibility is not needed, seeding the random number generator with time(0) yields a different sequence each run.

More Features

So far, Printf offers no more formatting amenities than printf, plus some more device independence. You can download the source code from http://moderncppdesign.com/code/. Once this baseline is in place, many extensions come to mind:

I got so excited about "printfing" stuff, that I completely forgot about the Mailcontainer section, and now there's no space anymore. (You see, CUJ has a fixed buffer design for its number of pages.) That is a pity since many gentle readers have sent a lot of great ideas and feedback following the article about generic Observers, including the ego-shattering "I am kind of unsatisfied with the hierarchical policy idea that you proposed in CUJ." Please bear with me until the next installment of Generic<Programming>. Until then, let me restore my ego by eyeing Printf's test count—wow, 88,223,546 passed.


  1. [1] Samuel Krempp. The Boost Format Library. (http://boost.org/libs/format/ doc/format.html).
  2. [2] Eric Niebler. The xpressive Library. (http://boost-sandbox.sourceforge .net/libs/xpressive/doc/html/index.html.)
  3. [3] Oliver Schoenborn. The coutf Library. (http://noptrlib.sourceforge.net/utils/coutf/).
  4. [4] Neal Stephenson. "In the Beginning was the Command Line." (http://cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html).


Many thanks are due to the astute draft reviewers Sorin Jianu and Eric Niebler.

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