Defensive Programming

Defensive programming is a practice where you anticipate failures in your code, then add supporting code to detect, isolate, and in some cases, recover from the anticipated failure.

February 01, 2005

February, 2005: Defensive Programming

M. Tim Jones is the author of numerous books on networking protocols and artificial intelligence. He currently works as a senior principal software engineer and can be contacted at [email protected].

Defensive programming is a practice where developers anticipate failures in their code, then add supporting code to detect, isolate, and in some cases, recover from the anticipated failure. It can assist us by targeting defects in the source where they most commonly occur. By targeting defects in this way, we can find them sooner, leading to more stable and less exploitable software in a shorter period.

Defensive programming operates on the premise that bugs exist in our code, so we should identify ways to more easily identify or counteract these problems. For example, watchdog timers are a common component of embedded systems that are designed to restart software and/or hardware after identifying anomalous behavior. Checksums are common elements of packets transferred between nodes to identify errors induced during communication. These are two examples of defensive programming that are now commonplace.

Defensive programming covers a large variety of techniques. In this article, I look at a number of aspects of defensive programming, including coding policies, code instrumentation, and tools.

Coding Policies

The first set of defensive measures that I discuss are what can be called "coding policies." These refer to the manner in which you develop software, with the intent of avoiding common defects found in software. A side effect of these policies is that they not only minimize the types of common errors that occur, but they can also help to isolate them. Isolating defects helps in the debugging process because otherwise, faults can manifest themselves elsewhere, making their source difficult to identify.

One of the most common errors made in software is ignoring the return status of functions. Function return status provides an indication of the success or failure of a function and ignoring it assumes that the function completed successfully. This may be true much of the time, but ignoring this status can then be difficult to debug once the function does fail. These types of failures commonly manifest themselves later in ways that may not associate with the original function whose status was ignored. So, what's the solution? Always capture and check the return status of functions.

Another common error that leads to interesting behavior is the absence of variable initialization. When a variable is created that is not initialized, its value is whatever value is contained in that memory location. This can lead to anomalous operation, but may not lead to a crash. The solution is simply to initialize all local and global variables upon declaration. Good C compilers also provide warnings when uninitialized variables are used. A critical policy that helps protect against buffer overflow (a common technique that can give intruders the ability to execute arbitrary code) is mandated use of strn functions rather than the old str functions (such as strncpy instead of strcpy). Consider this code, which is unsafe because of the strcpy function:

int func( char *userdata ) {
   char myarray[ MAX_LENGTH ];
   strcpy( myarray, userdata );

Not knowing what the user passed in, the assumption is being made that it won't exceed MAX_LENGTH. If the length does exceed MAX_LENGTH, then the stack is compromised, allowing the return address to be manipulated. By inserting a new return address, control can be passed to malicious code, giving intruders control over the computer. This type of problem exists everywhere (just look at the Microsoft Security Advisories), but many cases can be easily solved by using the strn versions. This code is safer because of the strncpy function:

int func( char *userdata ) {
   char myarray[ MAX_LENGTH+1 ];
   strncpy( myarray, userdata,
     MAX_LENGTH );
   myarray[MAX_LENGTH] = 0;

By using strncpy, the memory space cannot be exploited by the buffer overrun. If the number of characters copied equals the MAX_LENGTH, the string is unterminated (no trailing NULL is inserted). Therefore, if the array is defined as size "+1," then a slot is automatically reserved for the terminating NULL within the string for this case. This policy also applies to the other Standard C Library functions such as strncat, strncmp, strncasecmp, snprintf, and fgets.

Another important policy to follow is ensuring that all conditional test cases are covered. Consider this code, which demonstrates incomplete conditionals:

float bias = 0;
if ( errorSignal > 50.0 ) bias = 2.0;
else if ( errorSignal > 10.0 ) 
  bias = 4.0;
delta = signal / bias;

When errorSignal lies under 10.0, a failure is imminent with a divide by zero. In this case, an else bias = 1.0; should be present. Even if the anticipated final clause is never expected, asserting at this point could help identify the potential error. This same issue applies to switch statements where a default case should be provided to handle similar issues.

Not clearing a reference to freed memory is not only a common defect, but is also difficult to debug because its behavior is often not reproducible. Tracing NULL pointer accesses can be easier; therefore, one trick is to convert unused pointers to NULL pointers:

CONTEXT_TYPE *contextPtr;
free( contextPtr );
contextPtr = (CONTEXT_TYPE *)NULL;

In subsequent code, asserts detect that the contextPtr has been nulled-out, or a hardware-based memory access violation identifies the error. Not having cleared this pointer could have resulted in difficult-to-debug behavior.

While we all code in different ways, we tend to repeat some of the same types of errors. Therefore, we should know ourselves and our most common errors and either deal with these problems up front (while we code), or instrument in ways that help us to find these errors.

A final topic in coding policy is adequate source-based documentation. Commenting code not only helps us to remember why we wrote our code the way that we did, but also helps others to maintain it. Maintenance costs can be directly linked to how well the maintainer understands the code. In many cases, if a solid understanding does not exist, new defects can be introduced, leading to even higher maintenance costs. A potential problem with commenting is that too much documentation exists in the source, or that the comments are inaccurate (source was changed, comments were not). The solution is to include comments whenever something needs to be pointed out that cannot be "read" from the code.

Code Instrumentation

The second set of defensive measures focuses on ways to instrument source to help identify and isolate bugs. In many cases, these measures are removed or compiled away once the verification process is complete. The concept of Design by Contract is a useful construct to stop defects at their source. This feature lets you specify the preconditions that must be met for the function to execute properly, and the postconditions that must be met for the function to properly complete (a contract between the caller and the callee). Some languages (such as Eiffel [1]) include direct language support for software contracts.

You can simulate this type of the software contract in C by simply providing a set of macroized preconditions and postconditions for a function. Consider this code, which illustrates pre- and postconditions with assert():

#define PRECONDITION( x ) assert( (x) )
#define POSTCONDITION( x ) assert( (x) )
int getPacket( Packet_T *newPacket )
   int packetSize;
   PRECONDITION( (int)newPacket );
   packetSize = retrieveLastPacket( newPacket );
   POSTCONDITION( packetSize );
   return packetSize;

The assert function takes an expression as an argument, and if the expression evaluates to false, then an error message is emitted. In this example, you check the input to the function using the PRECONDITION macro, then verify that our return value is correct using the POSTCONDITION macro. To disable these checks from occurring in the code, you simply specify a macro define to the compiler (-DNDEBUG).

Liberal use of assert() is also useful within functions to ensure that they are internally consistent (also known as sanity checking). A common use is to test memory allocation, such as this code (used when a memory allocation failure constitutes a critical failure):

memPtr = malloc( sizeof(myStruct) );
assert( (int)memPtr );

For applications that must withstand memory allocation failures, building error-inducing functions can help identify where memory failures are not properly managed. Consider this error-inducing malloc() function:

#include <stdlib.h>
void *mmalloc( size_t size ) {
   static int failcount = FAILURE_EVERY;
   void *retp = (void *)0;
   if ( —failcount ) retp = malloc( size );
   else failcount = FAILURE_COUNT;
   return ( retp ) ;

The function mmalloc returns a NULL pointer every third allocation (as defined by FAILURE_EVERY).

A good temporary measure to ensure the quality of firmware is the inclusion of regression tests that are executed at startup or in a special test mode. The stack component provides the ability to push an integer onto the stack and pop an integer off the stack. The return value of the stack function provides the error status. The function argument represents the pushed or popped value. Listing 1 provides an example in-code test of the stack component. In the first test, a pop operation is attempted on an empty stack that should elicit an error response (Test 1). If an error response is not detected, the control is aborted using the break statement to exit the single loop construct. Otherwise, control continues to the next test. In this test (Test 2), I push an item onto the stack, then pop it back off. Both operations are tested, though in the second operation, I also ensure that the value pushed onto the stack is what was popped off.

More tests would be added into this regression example to fully verify the functionality, or in response to a new failure found in the component.

From an embedded-systems perspective, filling memory with a known pattern is a well-known technique to identify uninitialized pointers as well as rogue pointers. Additionally, initializing the stack(s) with known values permits identification of stack overflow (in addition to worst-case sizing).


The final defensive measure I examine is that of tools. Software tools can help us to produce higher quality code, but only if we use them. Compilers typically include a warning option to enable the emission of potential errors that are encountered during the compilation process. The GNU compiler (GCC) [2] provides the -Wall option to emit all recommended warnings:

gcc -Wall -c file.c -o file.o

Other warnings are possible that are not included within the scope of -Wall (such as -Wshadow, to warn when a local variable shadows another or -Wstrictprototyptes, to warn when a function is declared without argument types). These warning types can be more specialized, so the GCC or your tool chain's documentation should be consulted for more details. Enabling optimization (such as -O2) can also help identify problems during the compilation process, and should, therefore, be enabled early.

A useful dynamic memory testing library is the electric fence library written by Bruce Perens (available in standard Linux distributions). This library replaces the malloc, free, and delete Standard Library functions with versions that perform internal checks and can be used to identify overruns and access to previously freed memory. Using the electric fence library is as simple as linking with the library:

gcc program.c -o program -lefence

A symbolic debugger such as GDB can be used to identify where the error actually occurred.

In many cases, software that is complex is also more prone to errors. Identifying the complexity of a given set of functions can therefore be important to know which require simplification or refactoring. But how does one identify the relative complexity of a set of functions? One answer is the use of a complexity metric such as McCabe. McCabe's cyclomatic complexity metric [3] provides a measure of the complexity of a function (roughly defined as the number of paths through a function, taking into account loops and conditionals). A McCabe metric of greater than 15 typically means that the function should be reviewed and simplified, if possible. The number of returns within a function can also be a predictor of complexity and errors and should therefore be minimized where possible. A good source of free metrics collection tools is provided in [4].

The Doxygen tool [5] can be used to automatically generate documentation for C, C++, Java, and other languages. Doxygen scans source and header files and extracts functions with tagged comments to produce HTML-formatted documentation. Doxygen can also create dependency graphs, inheritance diagrams, and even extract code structure from large, undocumented systems to help simplify their understanding.

In testing software, some believe that an indirect measure of software quality is the code coverage of those tests. Determining code coverage can be simple using the GNU gcov tool. The gcov tool can identify the frequency of execution of every line of an application, which also identifies which source lines were not covered at all. To enable coverage testing in an application, you need only compile the application with a special set of flags:

gcc -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs test.c

These flags tell the compiler to generate a flow graph of the application and include additional information to determine the execution profile. Once the application is executed, a set of files is generated that include the frequency of execution. The gcov utility can then be executed using the source file to be analyzed:

gcov test.c

A new file, named test.c.gcov, includes results that contain a listing of the source with the frequency of execution for each line in the source. Source lines that are not executed at all are preceded with '######' [6]. The presence of these lines indicates further testing is required to provide complete coverage.

The splint tool (Secure Programming lint) from the University of Virginia Secure Programming Group is a useful tool that can be used to identify security vulnerabilities and common programming mistakes [7]. Splint is powerful, but can be used to perform simple checks:

splint -weak -I/inc_dir *.c

where -I specifies where your header files are located and *.c specifies all local C source files. Splint helps identify type inconsistencies, ignored return values, memory leaks, and many other errors. Omitting the -weak argument enables default checking, allowing much more extensive tests.


Someday, the construction of software will be just that—the joining of existing raw materials in the form of software components to build a working system. The components may carry special timing or memory-use characteristics, or a certificate of their validity. Unfortunately, we're still in the dark ages of software engineering, so we must continue to use our existing medieval methods to do the best we can.


[1] Eiffel Language (

[2] GCC Documentation (

[3] McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity Metric (

[4] Chris Lott's Metric Tools (

[5] Doxygen Documentation System (

[6] Code Coverage Analysis (

[7] Secure Programming Lint (

February, 2005: Defensive Programming

Listing 1

int stack_regress( void )
   int a, test, ret;
   extern int push( int a );
   extern int pop( int *a );
   a = 1;
   do {
      /* Test 1 -- Empty stack test */
      ret = pop( &test );
      if (test != ERROR) break;
      /* Test 2 -- One push/pop test */
      ret = push( a );
      if (test == ERROR) break;
      ret = pop( &test );
      if ((test == ERROR) || (a != test)) break;
      /* ... more tests, break on failure */ 
      return( SUCCESS );
   } while (0);
   printf("Stack Failure\n");
   return( ERROR );

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